• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Neverwinter [November 2019] New to the game? Looking for a guild? Discord? Check these links out! Leave your guild ad links here!

    Neverwinter [November 2019] New to the game? Looking for a guild? Discord? Check these links out! Leave your guild ad links here!

    [November 2019] New to the game? Looking for a guild? Discord? Check these links out! Leave your guild ad links here!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

    For new players:

    Have a question? Our wiki has a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions as well as a collection of useful links and much more.

    You can also ask your questions on the Protector's Enclave Discord. Maybe one of the devs will answer it for you?

    Guild Recruitment:

    We keep an up to date list of guilds for all 3 platforms in our Guild Index.

    If you want to get your guild listed, post a comment on this thread with requirements and a link. Please see the list for additional rules and details.

    If you contact a guild on the Guild Index, and they do not reply within 2 days, please let us know so we can remove them for inactivity.


    Here is a subreddit made specifically for trading: r/NeverwinterTradePost/

    Previous post:


    submitted by /u/ManicGypsy
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    I'm locked out of the epic dungeon queue - have they changed it recently? I was able to queue for this for the last few weeks, but today there's 20,000 ilevel requirements for me?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:12 PM PST

    Re rolling dungeons, trials etc.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Just curious to see if there's any particular dungeons that are worth a re roll? As I will be 100% honest, I generally don't know what I'm looking for within the chest at the end.

    submitted by /u/WhiskeyNovemberSix
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    Is Combat Advantage really necessary for a tank?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Ive looked through historical posts and cant find anything definitive. The reason Im asking is because Im looking to dump one of my comp gear pieces on my tank loadout that has CA so I can cap my other stats. Is it ok for a tank to max everything else but lack in CA? Thanks

    submitted by /u/cwcase
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    What areas do lvl 80 grind liars charms from enemy ? The most I can get is one or two outside of protectors enclave...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:24 AM PST

    Having already an endgame char with which to make things easier to make a new one, how would you spend 9000 zen? obviously waiting for the Black Friday (i already have 12 rank VIP)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:24 AM PST

    As title

    submitted by /u/Onslaughtxx
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    Newcoming PS4 Player

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Hey all! Recently NW came to my attention, and being both a MMO and a tabletop rpg fan, I decided to give it a shot. But I have some questions - pretty generic, but do spare me some insight if you can. Here we go:

    1) is there any hugely unbalanced class (for better or for worse) in NW?

    2) I heard a lot about NW being P2W. How much is it, actually?

    3) What's the most viable healer AFTER Cleric? Does it hold its heals at all or is it too far below to even compete?

    4) How hard is it to ge groups if you're just plain Dps?

    5) Suggest me a melee class to begin my adventure, and why.

    Thanks in advance you all.

    submitted by /u/Lipe82
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    Gaming Mouse recommendations

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:50 AM PST

    In the market for a solid gaming mouse. Any tips and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Ballpark budget would be around $100

    submitted by /u/karateh0rse
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    Build advice for Barbie tank and Barbie dps

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:35 PM PST

    Could use some advice for Barbie tank and Barbie DPS, at the 24k level. What gear/companions/enchants/insignia should I be getting? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/chemjeff1
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    Need some people for LOMM runs.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:31 AM PST

    As the title says. In typical MMORPG fashion, DPS mains are screwed when it comes to ejd game content. I've run it once, and that one time was successful. I'm at 21k, almost 22k SW. I am capped on everything but combat advantage and I'm only 18k off that cap. I'm still perfecting my rotations and finding the perfect balance of skills that I want, and am normally a middling end game dps, currently. I've been messing around with different sets and as said before, still working on finding that perfect balance for me.

    I'm just tired of waiting around the Yawning Portal and sitting in a queue for hours with no success. I know the mechanics and ifbin a group with others that know the mechanics should be able to run LOMM fine. Most of my last end game gear is locked behind seals of the deep which I cant get since I cant find groups. My guild seeks to have pre made groups that never change so I can't run with them, so my last chance is to reach out here.

    I dont normally run neverwinter with a mic in, but could do so if it got me some runs haha. I'm finally to the point to where I can run the new end game content yet, cant find groups. I'm working on leveling a healer and tank for the purpose of seal farming but I'm pretty far off if getting those end game ready as I dont have the money to throw into them haha.

    I am a very easy going player and generally put enjoyment over anything serious. Games are meant to he fun, not a job. If we wipe, I dont rage. If we fail completely. Its disappointing but I dont let it ruin my day.

    I have a guild I started as well with some friends however most of them are still leveling their first characters so that doesn't go well.

    If I sound like you would enjoy running with me, hit me up. My GT is LegendaryLykaon.

    Aldo, if you have a guild that runs these regularly that I could use that as well, I dont mind leaving my current.

    Thanks for the time!

    submitted by /u/Corrosive_Natsu
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    Interacting with Halaster?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Level 80, with ToMM unlocked, but don't have Halaster's A Strange Summons question.

    In the Catacombs, and elsewhere, how do you interact with him to get the quest?

    submitted by /u/Heidi_McStabby
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    Sybella Bonus Campaign currency

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    Sybella in the enclave has a manually selectable campaign currency bonus that can be selected that is rewarded upon completion of each of the three automatically generated weekly tasks. I cannot find a table of these values and I am hoping someone has them? I selected the Sharandar option and it gave me the currency of completing one quest in each gate zone. I am mostly trying to figure which is the best value for someone starting from scratch. Thank you

    submitted by /u/RedstoneRuby
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    Acq inc last task in campaign locked

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:40 AM PST

    How to unlock?? I've done the manycoins skirmish in a random but other than that, the skirmish as well as the last task is locked...

    submitted by /u/nickhatecrew
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    New player here, is the adventure head start bundle worth it? Is there a better investment I could make?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

    My daughter got me into this game and I am enjoying it. I was wondering if the adventure head start bundle is worth getting. Specifically if the weapon that levels up with you is worth it. I am currently a level 18 Barbarian and notice that things are starting to hit me much harder and it is taking me a lot longer to kill them. If the Adventure head start pack isn't that great and I want to spend a little money what else would you suggest I spend it on?

    submitted by /u/Drewgimpy
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    A theory on getting the broom

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:04 AM PST

    So I just got the broom last night without opening a buttload of pinatas. after I got the 25 bristles I went ahead and bought the broomstick and on the next pinata I opened the sash dropped. So I don't know if it'll work or not but maybe if you have all the pieces minus the sash it might give a better drop rate

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyThorn
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    Mod 17 Insignia Bonuses?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:36 AM PST

    So I stepped away for several mods and came back for the glorious mess that is the Mod 16 redesign. I think I've figured most things out, but insignia bonuses still confuse me.

    How It Was

    Before the redesign, insignia bonuses had (visible) diminishing returns. That is, the second, third and fourth GGs gave considerably less movespeed and stamina regen than the first. That was reflected in the number tooltips of the descriptions of all GGs that were equipped.

    How It Seems To Be Right Now

    Right now, equipping a second insignia set doesn't change the numbers in the tooltips. This makes the following scenarios possible:

    1. Multiple insignia combinations of the same type are linearly additive, as shown (i.e. if you equip two GGs, the total effect is the sum of the effects shown on each GG)
    2. Multiple insignia combinations of the same type have no additional effect (i.e. equipping the second one doesn't change the bonus that's reflected in the tooltip; what you see in the description of each GG is what you get).
    3. Same as 2., except 3x and 2x insignia combinations are additive (as in 1.).
    4. Insignia combination descriptions are hopelessly broken.

    I tried to run a quick and dirty test with a Berserker's Anger (+500 crit when at 90%+ AP, +500 deflect when below 10%) I had on one of my alts... and then realized I can't see either of those bonuses on my stat sheet at all.


    submitted by /u/rogomatic
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    Build advice for Wiz

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    Hey guys just got back in game after a break, saw arcanist got buffed and few people told me they even use it for aoe instead of thaumaturge, could pls someone share a build link or tell me the best skills to use in both ST and AoE builds?

    submitted by /u/AmonLegend
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    Quick question... I want to get VIP... is it worth it and does it fall onto all of my characters on that account or only one character ? Ty in advance!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:41 AM PST

    Hi im new to the game and im kinda well overwelmed any tips?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:12 AM PST

    Hi, I'm doing a Ranger build right now I'm level 6, and I have been searching for how to allocate skill points and the ability score (well have been searching a build guide or a beginner for hunter) and haven't been able to any good build or general tips for a beginner player?

    submitted by /u/dkoom_tv
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    when it will be black friday and what to expect this year?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:25 AM PST

    any hints to max out zen usage as well?

    submitted by /u/rocky0o
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    Best Mod 16 DPS build/Class?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    I'm a returning GF & GWF main, I haven't played since mod 14 and Im looking to get a build and class that I can just put out mega numbers, I'm sure we've all done Bahamut, I wanna be that dude with stupid numbers at the end, anyone have any tips?

    Edit: Mod 17 not 16

    submitted by /u/cassiiii
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