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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Neverwinter 3 SUNS members complete IC

    Neverwinter 3 SUNS members complete IC

    3 SUNS members complete IC

    Posted: 13 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Just wanted to say this is a really friendly and helpful community.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I recently got into the game a couple weeks ago, (Lvl 53) and I've been really enjoying it. Granted I play it like a single player RPG with my focus being the story. There's been a couple instances where I got stuck and asked for help and asked a few questions on here and the reception has been exceptionally good. There definitely seems to be a positive attitude in this community in all aspects and it's a breath of fresh air. Thanks to those who have helped! 👍

    submitted by /u/CybrPanda
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    What are some meaningful changes that are not overpowering that you would like to see happen to the character you enjoy playing the most?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I thought it'd be cool to start a discussion about some of the things we'd like to see changed to our classes that don't magically make them an unstoppable overpowered character that everyone swoons over. I'll start with something from the 2 I enjoy.

    Rogue - It would be nice to see the stealth bar toggleble so that you could cancel it if you accidentally entered stealth. It would also be nice to see the penalty while taking damage on the stealth recharge go away.

    For the WK paragon it would be nice to see the stealth recharge time work the same way as the assassin paragon, and possibly add a little more damage to their at-wills to bring it in line with other classes.

    Fighter - It would be nice to see more ways to create aggro. I really enjoyed the "mark" mechanic that was pre 16 which didn't require any cool down. I do not see any downside to implementing something similar to this class and possibly even all tank classes.

    I feel like any of these changes would be a good QoL solution without being overpowered.

    submitted by /u/Silktrocity
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    Augment Companion Powers

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Currently, my newly purchased Epic Ioun Stone of Might (Rank 1) does not offer me any improved stat boosts as compared to regular non-Augment Companions. Is that because it is only at Rank 1 or is there a nerf in Mod 18? Does the Ioun Stone of Might gain new powers as it levels like others or does it only have Augment and Enhance, (or do these powers themselves improve as I level it)?

    Also, it is not visible on me when I am playing for some reason. The same thing happens with my Shield and Neck Item when I am on a mount....

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    Lost in Undermountain Campaign

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT


    I started the campaign and got to clear the "Wyllowwood Cleared" segment (which placed me at 51% advancement) before it got too difficult for the IL I had at the time. I abandoned the quest I was given to get better equipment/Enchantments. It's been a couple of months and now I don't know where to look for the next quests nor the name of the last task I was given...

    I explored the Yawning Portal from head to toes but I'm genuinely lost here..

    If it's not too much trouble, would you mind telling me in which map should I look for?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/MemiSkyPirate
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    Anybody know how to fix this? Whenever I load into the game there is no words on the buttons and this pops up when I press play.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Thinking of starting up on PS4, anyone want to refer me?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Finishing the Collections

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I thought I would share this. I finished up the last item earlier today (the kettle helmet that require resonance to restore). It took about 3 years of constantly grinding. There are 3 missing items I was able to get, but cannot now. The Bruneors Helm, Deva Champion, and the War Boar. I dont believe any of the other missing items were ever available on PS4. There were so many brutal items to collect, but I would have to say the worst was the Pirate set.

    Edit: Link updated


    submitted by /u/gusmp
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    More dps from power or crit severity...?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Just joined a lvl20 guild with 8k power boon and 15% crit sev. Was just wondering which of the two would help my overall dps more. Major stats are capped. Without the guild boons equipped, I have 101-102k power and 100% crit sev.

    submitted by /u/BillytheBashfulBear
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    Appearance change update??

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Right, so when were all these face changes available? There's a redcap one, a lego looking thing, a formorian, witch, just black, nothing but eyes and a mouth, a cat or something. Lol it's not bad or anything, I just don't think this was here a month ago. I'm thinking of going with the cat, but it takes a while for them to load so idk if it's just a glitch or something

    submitted by /u/xEternal_Bladex
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    Change colors

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Ok so i know you can buy dyes but idk where to buy them from and how do i get trade bars. Do i have to spend real money?

    submitted by /u/YodelingShrimp
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    Any way to get better textures?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Simple question.

    The textures look a bit outdated for today's standards and I'm pretty sure most graphical options are at max.

    Is there any HD texture pack to download or something like that?


    submitted by /u/Gordyne
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    What are good companions for a new HR?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I've just started playing the game as a hunter ranger and I was wondering what type of companion is best for me. That is beside the starter free ones, out of which I chose the dog for no particular reason :)

    submitted by /u/lespadam
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    Neverwinter launcher not starting from Steam (Void Linux) (Valve Proton)

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Title's pretty self explanatory. When I click the Play button on Steam, it says that it's running for a few seconds and then it seems to stop (the play button becomes green again). Sometimes I'll get that dialogue that says that the launcher is updating (but again, the launcher never actually starts). NWO supposedly works with Valve Proton (I'm running version 5.0-7). Has anyone else gotten Neverwinter to work on Linux?

    submitted by /u/evertruemc
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    Fragments of Zerthimon?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    I have 4 of each of these... Isn't something supposed to happen when I have 4?

    submitted by /u/klpardo
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    Charity Bundle Giveaway Codes For PC / Xbox / PS4 - Enjoy ��

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    Astral deva or cambion magus

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    So i got a box which give me a choice between a blue cambion magus or a blue astral deva. Which is better for a warden ranger?

    submitted by /u/bulbulatorr
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    Demolition is recruiting!

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Hi there! We are a GH18 in an active alliance looking for active new/vet members! We run marauders a few times a week, usually on weekends, but if you miss ours someone in the alliance is bound to host on soon anyway. We want to start hosting Dragon Flight once a week once we nail down a time that works best for everyone.

    We have a discord and alliance discord, with guides and tips to help you level and gear up, as well as get through ic and tomm! Alliance is very active on running ToMM right now.

    If you have any questions, please reach out! A discord link will be sent to you after a preliminary xbox meet and greet :)

    submitted by /u/Dewmsdayxx
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    Whats the best lockbox?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Out of curiousity. I have 90 enchanted keys, just need suggestions so i dont open a lockbox just to get 4 black opals each time

    submitted by /u/abiggs1023
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    people still playing the game?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    i liked to play a lot but it seems that a ton of people stop playing over these years, i wonder if there are a good amount of ppl playing it and if its worth coming back

    submitted by /u/bikitoru33
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    (PC) What's the best Companion and Mount to obtain through the Zen Market

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Not really interested in Grinding for the "best of the Best" or going through the in game auction much less deal with the Lockboxes. Just wanting something better then the generic horse and companion you get near the beginning of the game. I'm a level 50 Arcanist Wizard.

    submitted by /u/CybrPanda
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    Cant get any quests in Neverwinter

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Well, I finished the first quest where you slay a big guy than retrieve the crown of Neverwinter after that all the quests, marks, dialogs disappeared. its nothing linked with leveling I can do a lot of missions with my level but whenever I go to a quest giver the only dialogue is talk with him/her then say goodbye or farewell nothing. just nothing.

    submitted by /u/GodPlayer1927
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    A problem

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    So I just started playing this, and at the beginning where I equip my stuff, it tabs me out of the game when I click on the item. Thank you for responding in advance

    submitted by /u/Howtobasicisaegg
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    Account wide and future character

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I have a quick question:

    I know there are some mount/companion that are account wide and can be reclaimed by others characters.

    BUT, let's say you buy a mount who is account wide and claim in on 5 toons.

    Later, you create a 6th toon, can you reclaim this mount? or it's just for the character already created?

    and more generally, if the answer is yes, does it function with all mount/companion/pack who is account wide?

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Jelly
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