• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Neverwinter Cloud to ground, bitches

    Neverwinter Cloud to ground, bitches

    Cloud to ground, bitches

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Free Companion Codes

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Hello All,

    This doesn't appear to be against the rules, but if it is, feel free to remove the post Mods.

    I don't play Neverwinter but I like Dungeons and Dragons so I bought the recent Humble Bundle with DnD books. With the bundle I was given 2 codes for companions in Neverwinter.

    Completely free, first come first serve, provided as-is.
    Here they are:
    2AxAsCJq - Neverwinter Companion Pack - Red Cap Powrie

    1d3JI8xn - Neverwinter Companion Pack - Mystagogue Companions

    There is a link from Humble that explains how to redeem codes, so that link is here:

    Don't message me about this, just letting someone actually use them.
    Have fun.

    submitted by /u/GW2_RTS_Please
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    Can Your Companion Die?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Me again with my 24th stupid question to ask. Today I received my first Companion, a Dog which I named Lucky. Lucky is a good boi and I love him.

    I'm not at risk of losing him at all right?

    submitted by /u/Kitty_Civet
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    Fighter skills

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Trying to figure out what skills to use for my level 80 dps fighter I have been trying a couple different ones but idk if they are doing alot of damage or not also would like to know what gear I should be going after and what content I should be playing to get better

    submitted by /u/theforsaken2005
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    Returning PS4 player needing some advice.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hi all,
    I am returning to Neverwinter after about a 3-4 year absence.
    My question is: Where should I go to gear as a I am outpacing the quest levels and it feels that I am falling behind in Gear. I have been mostly getting Bounty Gear, if that helps any.

    submitted by /u/SelShrynn
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    Mod 19 Wizard Build

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I just came back to the game after a 4 month break (don't know why I dropped the game, summer I guess :p), and I'm super confused to which paragon/powers I should choose.

    I've googled a couple things, but most build guides are all either mod 18 or earlier. I'm pretty sure Thaumaturge is mainly good for AOE and Arcanist is mainly good for single target damage.

    On the Mod 18> guides I read, I heard Thaumaturge was nerfed hard into the ground. As of now, mod 19, what's better? Thaumaturge or arcanist? Or should I have two load outs for each? I'm confused what powers and class features I should choose as well..

    Literally ANY help or advice would be great, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Marconut2
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    The Crafting Points With A Heart

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Edit: Solved

    Thank you thank you.

    submitted by /u/JoeRogansOnlyFans
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    Which one would anyone recommend I’m a warden ranger but was thinking of changing path because I’m a little bored of the warden one, but is it worth it tho��

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    coming back after around half a year, how much has changed?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    It's been quite a bit since I've last played Neverwinter, and I can tell some things have changed. The main thing I'm concerned about is how much companions in general changed and which ones seem to be the best for DPS players at the moment. I play mainly a level 80 Rogue Assassin and currently have a 21.8k item level, so I'm also wondering what equipment I should try to get/what stats I should focus on. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/stig_ma_ta
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    I highly recomend to hear this while playing in PC

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Looking for pricing advice

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Recently acquired 5 teal diamonds. What would be a fair price to list them in them at in the AH? I'm on Xbox

    submitted by /u/TheShmoo74
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    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Hi all. I'm having an issue with my fashion library. I just got the free Neverember adorned fashion pack, and I converted it to my fashion library. I got to my appearance library to change my current armor, however it doesn't show the Neverember outfit. I've tried changing my armour appearance our times and Im getting frustrated. I'm going to try this one more time. Am I doing something wrong or am I skipping a step? Please help.

    P.S. I'm a pc player.

    submitted by /u/TNT_613
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    How to quickly farm ad without queue

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I have lost 200k from fee( I didn't know) And I will not be doing queue again for 1 month again. Is there any way that could get me fast as?

    submitted by /u/reatsomeyon
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    Zen exchange backlog problem and possible solution

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Current problem on PC:

    Neverwinter is not new player-friendly because of the zen exchange.

    Description of problem:

    Zen exchange on PC has a backlog of 37 million Zens, resulting in no easy way for new players to acquire zen without purchasing them. New players can either pay real money to acquire some zen (for basic necessities such as VIP service) or they can save up ~700k AD, which is a lot of AD for a new player, and then wait for a few months for their AD to be converted into zen for VIP. The second option is not feasible as most nonpaying new players would rather play some other games which they deem to have a better monetization model rather than to wait out a few months to receive that small amount of zen. It is also not expected of a new player to spend much money on an MMO that they have no idea what the endgame is about.

    Under the current Zen exchange model in Neverwinter, a large number of new players who could potentially stay on to experience what Neverwinter truly has to offer is blocked from doing so by their inability to purchase the basic zen store necessities unless they spent.

    State of Neverwinter:

    As a result of the problem as described above is, at least on Neverwinter (PC), new players nowadays seldom made it pass from being a new player to being a regular player unless they are specifically looking for a pay-to-advance game. (some people may say they never spent a single cent on the game and still doing extremely well, but let us look at the statistical average here instead of anecdotal experiences, cases of exploiters, or people who spend a disproportionate amount of time on a single game).

    Under the current flawed model, new players find it difficult and un-incentivizing to become a regular player, whereas the already rich players get even richer and richer by the month, without even really playing the game. All the rich players need to do is to buy new items from the zen market to sell for AD and then convert the AD back to zen and repeat this process ad infinitum. This process then causes the zen exchange backlog to drastically worsen because someone has to purchase the zen for all the amount of AD they are trading right?

    One such example out of many is the recent mount triple pack sales. A player spends 15k zen on the pack, sells the mounts for 6.5 mil AD each and insignia packs for 550k AD each on average, netting about 22 mil AD after the 10% auction house cut. 22mil AD then gets put on the zen exchange and said player will get back 29.3k zen after 2 months of waiting. That's a profit of 14.3k zen without even playing the game, more if the player buys multiple mount packs. But for every winner out there. there must be a loser somewhere right? Yes, you guessed it, the newer players paid the price because ultimately someone has to buy the zen or there is no zen in the market for such rich people tactics to work. But this is not a sustainable game economy because one day the Zen-AD backlog on PC would reach 100 mil and there will no longer be any way to acquire zen other than to buy them with cash.

    So the end of the day, what do rich players who earn massive amounts of in-game wealth with the ZAX do with their assets? They can't possibly finish using them right? Yes, you guessed it, Cryptic, they do RMT (real money trading) and sell them illegally on auction websites. A simple search on google leads me to find a ton of actual players selling their in-game wealth for cash, illegally. I assume the majority of them are not getting punished, otherwise there wouldn't be such a thriving market out there. Ultimately Cryptic is on the losing end here.

    Proposed solution:

    I have here a solution but it is going to hurt the richer players, especially those who frequently buy large amounts of zen with AD, and then converting it back to AD, basically, those who doesn't actually play the game itself, but just playing with the ZAX and AH combo. But I think helping out newer players and increasing the player base is worth it.

    --- Introduce account-based, volume-based, priority-based zen exchange.

    What do I mean by this? It's simple- At the start of every month, for every account, there will be a certain basic volume of AD that you can exchange for zen on the zen exchange with "High priority". Any AD beyond that gets put on the zen exchange listing would be categorized as "Normal priority". Past a certain point, any more AD that gets listed then becomes "Low priority". Cryptic can decide how the algorithm behind how priority levels work but this is a rough idea.

    To make things fairer, the amount of AD listed as high-priority and normal-priority in the ZAX for that month can be increased throughout the month based on how many quests/legacy quests/dungeons/events have been completed. This helps to ensure that players don't simply make multiple accounts to exchange AD for zen, but actually play the game.

    It really breaks my heart to see that new player on zone chat crying about him not receiving his 300 zen which he has queued on the ZAX since a month ago, that is why I hope something can be done. I hope Cryptic can see this or someone can help me forward this to whoever has the power to decide on game changes.

    btw this is a new Reddit account because I am not a Redditor but made a new account to post this. incase anyone is wondering

    thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Radiant-Yam-1285
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    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    which is better... the warpainted trex or the commander trex

    submitted by /u/limmo
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    Is the broom companion not coming back this year since the event didn’t mention it?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    Is Splinters not coming back this year? :/

    submitted by /u/PokeKing303
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