• Breaking News

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    Neverwinter Update #3: Mount collection

    Neverwinter Update #3: Mount collection

    Update #3: Mount collection

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Unpopular opinion: I like the fishing mechanic

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    I really like the fishing mechanic in the winter event. It just kind of takes the monotony out of doing quest after quest. I also like the crafting mechanic, which I know most people HATE, but I feel that between updated crafting and fishing "downtime" wouldn't be as boring.

    submitted by /u/anapashu22
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    ability scores & set bonus

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:58 PM PST

    would it be wise to not go for a set bonus (something i ponder but non committed) and opt for chasing a plus 1 or 2 ability score ? and would it matter if you gained +1-2 AS?

    me a paladin.

    submitted by /u/NVRPeace666
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    How many professions can you learn?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:56 PM PST

    I'm new to Neverwinter. In other games you can learn more than one profession. Is it the same way in this game? I'm a Cleric so I was thinking of doing Artificing, but I'd also like to do Jewelcrafting. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Gone_Fishy
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    Mod 18: The good and the not-so-great

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:18 AM PST

    I have in the past posted a "the good and the bad" list for new mods.

    Mod 16: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1246490/mod-16-the-good-the-bad-and-the-rest

    Mod 17: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1250538/mod-17-the-good-and-well-the-rest

    Here is my take on Mod 18, which will be released in January. Do not read this if you want to avoid spoilers.

    The good

    • Like Mod 17 (but unlike Mod 16), this one is in a pretty good shape as it hits Preview. There are a few minor bugs, and there is some "tuning" required for the dungeon (the last two bosses in particular), but apart from that,Mod 18 works just fine.
    • The campaign is not too "grindy" - you do not have to repeat the same boring quests over and over and over,like in the AI campaign for example. It only takes a few hours per week to reach the weekly maximum of the campaign currency.
    • The HEs and some mobs have a chance to drop pretty decent items - some of which seem close to BiS for certain builds and roles.
    • The dungeon is supposed to be a bit easier than ToMM, and thus doable by a larger part of the playerbase. This might not be the case right now, but will hopefully get to that point before the January release.
    • Unlike Mod 17, the campaign allows you to earn boon points.

    The not-so-great

    • Mod 18 is small, and might not be sufficient to keep players busy until Mod 19 is released, possibly resulting in a decrease in interest and player numbers.
    • Mod 18 does not introduce many "must-have" items. In particular, the main rewards from the dungeon are not highly desirable for everyone, which will reduce the motivation to "farm" the dungeon.
    • Mod 18 does not do anything to make Masterwork crafting viable, meaning that crafters will be sitting this mod out as well.
    • Mod 18 does not solve the issue of larger guilds with all structures maxed out not being able to give their members a common goal to work towards.

    In other words, there is nothing bad in what Mod 18 adds - what is bad is what it does not add.

    Now, in addition, there are two other points worth noting.

    The first is that there is currently a significant difference between the various DPS classes/paragons. This currently makes certain paragons simply "not wanted" for group content. Anyone who currently has a hard time being invited into ToMM because of a class/paragon choice knows what I am talking about. Mod 18 made some last-minute changes to address this issue, after players simply said that it was not acceptable to wait until mod 19/20 for a full rebalance (see, the devs do listen....occasionally). The problem is that while the changes are a step in the right direction, they may not have a significant impact. In my own case, as an Arbiter, my build does not use three of the powers/feats that were changed, and the remaining two contribute only minimally to my DPS ... so I expect the changes to maybe amount to a 1% increase for me ... which does not close the gap significantly. In other words, the changes might be insufficient to change the perception of a performance gap, so people that have felt unwelcome in ToMM might still face the same issue in Mod 18 (if they have not given up on the game already).

    The second issue is the nerf to the Orcus set. It was inevitable it would happen sooner or later, but I am quite disappointed that they did not introduce a viable alternative....if the main reward from the new dungeon had for example been a set with a lower bonus (say, 5% on the average, but significantly higher stats), people would have seen a point in farming the new dungeon for that. I see this as a lost opportunity to keep the players motivated.

    submitted by /u/Adinos
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    I need friends to play with to help with the harder quests...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:24 PM PST

    Haven't played super long but I can hold my own, however when I hit level 80 it got a lot more difficult to play and is becoming quite boring. I love the game but it's more fun with friends that get online and actually play....just looking for people that want to get stuff done...

    submitted by /u/prettyNpynkish
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    Crystal and Snowflake vanity pets

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    Had anyone figured out where these drop or how they are acquired? They are the new vanity pets for the winter festival.

    submitted by /u/gusmp
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    Is xuna worth it? Currently 4m on ps4

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    sooo I have been steadily saving up the 5 mil for the masterwork upgrade to my workshop, its still far away but i'm saving. I'm really exctied about it and I love the work but i'm seeing alot of hate / worry about doing it. Is there really no reason to do it? NO money in it? Should i give it up?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Im maxed on Jewls / blacksmithing. working on artificer.

    I actually love crafting in this game, and the quirky workshop angle. I guess maybe i dont really understand what comes next after the grand upgrade.

    I did see in that guys mod 18 review that people were hating on it.

    Can you guys tell me what happens after the upgrade? Is it worth it? I was really banking on the idea that all the time / AD would pay off with the ability to sell high value items at the Auction House.

    Can i get some honest opinons please?

    submitted by /u/r3volc
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    Starlight Bag Drop Table

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:29 PM PST

    What's everyone getting so far from the bags you get from trading gifts with other players?

    Granted I've only opened 9 bags so far, but have gotten the same identical thing from each. * Gift of Simril * 2 Black Pearls * Lantern

    Anyone get anything else so far?

    submitted by /u/hdmi2016
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    Questions about Owlbear Cub and Teneberous on my rogue.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Im on Xbox my rogue is 21k and 170k power, 262k hp capped on lomm stats. I have been testing out the OBC (mine is currently epic) on my TR and I'm wondering if there are ways to make the bonus damage activate more regularly. I have used a teneberous rank 10 (crap I know) because I'd heard it can activate it more regularly but looking through the combat logs it doesn't seem to have worked, I've heard certain overload enchants can help get extra damage from OBC too but haven't tested those as this has already become a pretty expensive test.

    Is a tenebrous rank 12 or 13 worth it for my power and HP level for more damage regardless of whether it procs OBC?

    I can switch the OBC to either mercenary or energon but I'm obsessed with damage and I'd love OBC to work more regularly.


    submitted by /u/GlasgowStabber
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    Anyone looking for friends?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    If anyone wants to do skirmishes or trials sometime let me know. :)

    submitted by /u/HappyHobbitses
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    Magic Legends to Replace Neverwinter?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    This is a question and not any statement in any way. But with so many people worried that NW might be in the final days and the new trailer coming out for Magic Legends, how long before Legends will be priority over Neverwinter? Its bound to happen eventually but I am hoping it is some years from now.

    submitted by /u/drakejcl
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    Any Stronghold changes in Mod 18?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:17 PM PST

    A lot of us were hoping for a Stronghold level cap increase, and especially a new boon plot or two.

    Do we get anything like that? Has anything changed about the Stronghold at all?

    submitted by /u/nwgamer0
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    Gate issue

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

    New to the game. Am trying to get out of PE. After pressing F, I see map to outside, but am given no destination points.

    My only option is to return to the Enclave. I have created two characters, each have two quests.

    I have visited all gates and am given no option to leave.


    submitted by /u/ChiTownJerBear
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    What happened with skirmishes?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    Hello, all. I am back to Neverwinter with a group of friends and I have noticed that skirmishes seem to have been removed? At least at lower levels. We ran the Blacklake skirmish not too long ago and now on a new character I can't find it at all.

    People in chat were...helpful? maybe? They did not seem to know what in the world I was talkign about with "changes", but told me we need to be level 64 to do them now. That takes quite a bit of content out of the lower levels, no?

    I am starting to get the impression the game is leaning toward only supporting max level characters. Is so, it is a disappointing trend as we don't get together to play very often, so will probably be taking our time leveling.

    Thank you for any information you can provide. Especially helpful would be a link to an announcement/explanation of the changes to the system if there were any.

    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    Winter Festival - Monsters on Ice

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:30 AM PST

    According to the event announcement:

    • Monsters on Ice is currently balanced for players 60 and up. Players below that level may have to party with higher-level players to get credit for this portion of the event.

    My friends and I have a group that is only level 15-20 at the moment and it seems that this part of the event is impossible even when grouped. It says we are scaled up to 60 and we have what we thought was reasonably crafted gear for our level, but little or no damage is done to the monsters. Even grouped with high levels, we don't get credit for any kills, I'm guessing because of the low damage in comparison to the other players.

    What is the point of the scaling? There is no other combat in the event. The fish don't care about my level.

    Is there any solution to this other than rushing through to max level rather than taking our time to enjoy the game? Just in hopes that we won't be locked out of any part of the next event?

    Thank you for any information you can provide.

    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    Back after a while friends don’t play anymore guilds dead.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Anyone on console wanna party up I'm 22k tank gf back after few months no one plays anymore need some buddies so the grind ain't so bad

    Gamertag; ulzra

    submitted by /u/RobertAyre
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    My toon randomly drops to the floor and gets stunned for a few seconds. Can anyone help?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:13 AM PST

    This account has been banned. Eragon

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    Neverwinter Forum

    also check> Screenshots

    I hope Customer Support could give me an explanation, it left a bad taste when they even didn't send you an email explaining WHY you get Banned 😑

    Note: First time having this kind of Issues since I started playing in May 2013. Thanks Cryptic> Thanks Friday 13 🤣

    submitted by /u/Eragon5
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    Where can I find my @handle?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    All I see in my account is my name, and a bunch of numbers.

    submitted by /u/Quote9963
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    removing mounts should be a option

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:32 AM PST

    i have been hearing alot from protector's enclave for how players cant remove there basic mount and ones they have bought so why cant this not be a option for M18 cause i know this will never happen

    submitted by /u/Elirathia
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