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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Neverwinter The Issue With The Collaborative Development Program (CDP)

    Neverwinter The Issue With The Collaborative Development Program (CDP)

    The Issue With The Collaborative Development Program (CDP)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    So I have been following the CDP program closely ever since its inception and I've come to the realisation that, while it is a wonderful step forward, as it stands, it does not work nearly as well as it could. I'm writing this for all of those who are unable or simply do not wish to participate in the CDP for whatever reasons, some of which I'll try to highlight below, because their opinions still matter.

    The CDP Is Not Accessible To Everyone
    There are people I have spoken to who have mentioned they are not interested in creating long-winded write-ups that may or may not be read or acted upon due to "years of empty promises". There are also those who are simply "lazy" and do not wish to log-in to a forum to share their views by following a rigorous process of submission. Regardless of the reason, the CDP seems to skew in favour of those who are strongly opinionated and have the free time to voice themselves, and those few are the driving force behind the changes the game may or may not see, especially if the CDP continues to remain the primary polling system in place.

    I say "few" because the first two CDP's saw ~400 replies (many of which are replies by the original posters) with 12.4K and 13K views respectively over a two month period, whilst the latest one started on the 21st of January saw, as of this message, 82 replies and 2.7K views. I'd like to think that is nowhere near the Neverwinter population, across PC, PS4, and Xbox, and thus the opinions of the people are not actually truly being heard.

    The CDP Is Less Effective Due To Conflict Of Interest Among Players

    Another topic that was brought up when chatting with others was the fact that there were quite a few individuals who chose to simply not participate in the CDP as they were afraid of how others might react, what their friends would think if they went against something that said friend had wanted to see changed, etc. This resulted in them simply backing away instead of being part of a "conflict" situation, which we have seen quite a bit of, on the forums (albeit it does get moderated), the Reddit page, as well as in the Discords and even streams, and all this then leads to the "bandwagon" effect.

    The Solution?

    Keep the CDP going to gain ideas and store them for in-game polls, allowing EVERYONE to vote on what they feel is the best choice from several options. This does three very important things; 1) it promotes the privacy necessary for someone to share their opinion without fear of backlash as stated above 2) it is far more accessible as it is integrated directly into the game thus the metrics would be far more accurate to gauge player interest 3) it requires minimal effort from the player who can quickly cast their vote to help shape the future of Neverwinter.

    Every poll should have a "none of these interest me" option so as to gauge if any of the choices actually matter to the community at large. Furthermore, to prevent abuse; polls should be limited to 1 vote per account and IP address, and the player needs to have an account older than 14 days of the polls release date.

    I've always said that the changes brought to the game should reflect the majority; what is the point of bringing about changes if only a handful of individuals actually want said changes? Give the community what it wants at large, and don't limit their voice. YES they can participate in the CDP, but will they? What about those who don't or won't? What of their opinions? You can't say you wish to listen to the community if it becomes limited due to several factors in play; it starts turning into a clique at that point.

    submitted by /u/Deadmano
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    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:24 PM PST

    what should i run in order to farm insignias?

    submitted by /u/JAIR_MARRETA232921
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    Owlbear Cub or Kenku for CW in TOMM?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:21 PM PST

    Which 1 would be better and Alpha Compy how much better DPS wise is it better then both of those comps thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/moorder12370
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    Coming back to the game after a few years. Need some friends to play with

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    As the title says, I took a few years off the game and came back later last year and have been playing off and on for the past few months, I came across the first dungeon and had to wait nearly an hour before getting into with others who just left after loading in. So im here looking for people to play with. I'm playing a Warlock, once I hit level 30 I'll be going into Healy boi so I can be worth something. I'm also playing on PC

    submitted by /u/Xelus_Nexus
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    *#&$ Juma

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:28 AM PST

    Rat Pup

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Any good for paladin (both paths) or cleric (healer)? Or should it be sold for a quick buck? Are people buying it right now on the auction house?

    submitted by /u/StormSlayer101
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    Collaborative Development Program - Rewards

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Rogue or Barbarian?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I would guess that Rogues are glass cannons doing a ton of damage but die quick how does the Barbarian stack up against a Rogue in endgame PvE and PvP is it a massive difference in damage and viability or is it close enough to not matter what you play?

    submitted by /u/SighSomePeople
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    New to the game

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I just got the game on pc and was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks or things I should be on the look out for before i start getting into it

    submitted by /u/ninjapeter6666
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    Lvl80 Ranger Warden 22k IL looking for Guild

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Xbox one only - Looking for a guild

    submitted by /u/PredsFanThatHatesPK
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    Best non augmented summoned companion for tanks

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Hi there. Since the hp does not stack on augmented companions I want to get a non augmented companion that can help my tank build, any views?

    submitted by /u/Jaguppal786
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    WE/FE chest bug

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST


    At the end of every warden and fragment expedition, the chest doesn't seem to work properly.

    Each time it glows and the pop up is there ''press to open chest'' but when I do, the opening animation plays out and nothing happens afterwards. No reward screen, no new items in inventory, nothing...

    I'm really frustrated since I can't find any information about it, and I hope someone here knows what causes this.

    Just for clarification:

    1) I always run with someone that has runes, so each time at least 1 rune is equipped

    2) I still have the ''Teachings of Zerthimon'' quest, I only need 2 more FE's to finish it

    3) I'm playing on PC

    submitted by /u/Nightingale180
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    Legendary mount

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    I have been playing for about 3 years now. Had vip for over 2 1/2 years and have still never gotten a legendary mount out of a lockbox. The legendary mounts I do have were bought with hard earned AD, and it just for once want to see my name come up at the top of the screen saying I won lmao. But honestly think if you have vip you should be able to guarantee at least 1 legendary a year. I think that's what keeps me playing Neverwinter at this point. Is there some secret to getting a legendary through the lockboxes?

    submitted by /u/Native360
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    Need tips for Barbarian reaching endgame (24k IL)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Hi! I created this post because I found myself stuck in my path to endgame, and needed some help figuring it out. My status in the game right now is mid~reaching endgame content (or not, maybe i'm wrong). I've reached 24k IL last week, having capped Armor Pen and Crit (85k), but lacking several others, like def (46k), Acc and Combat Adv (both at 40k ish). Campaings are not a big deal, 6 more weeks and I'll finish them (fuck storm king thunder and aq. incorporated, really). My biggest problems refers to what comes next. It seems like from now on the grind becomes a lot harder and slower. What I am struggling now is to cap the other stats needed for endgame content. I know that it was supposed to be this way, but I'm really lost when it come to priorities. A lot of things that are expensive i decided to postpone it, like R10+ enchants, legendary mounts and insignias, R15 bondigs and good companions (currently running an old Paranoid Delusion). I would really enjoy if you guys that passed through this rough phase could give me some tips regardind priorities once reaching this level in the game.

    TL;DR: Barbarian that is reaching endgame, what to prioritize regardind expensive stuff.

    I apologize for the mispelling, English is a bit hard for me.

    submitted by /u/italianosafado
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    Pally Heal

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    What is the best weapons set to pally heal? I know, lionhearts ( I don't have lionhearts yet) so, I'm using alabaster set in my heal , but idk if watcher, mountaineer ou burnished are good. Pls help!

    submitted by /u/xploruy
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    MOP R5

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

    what do u guys run to get these?

    submitted by /u/JAIR_MARRETA232921
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    Looking to play tank and new (Xbox One)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Looking to get recommendations for starting at as a tank, and for some background I usually like to play with something aggressive but with a bit of self sustainment.

    Also looking for a good group of peeps to play with who don't mind teaching a noob from the ground up.

    I'll tank my ass off for peeps 😋

    submitted by /u/Scytes
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    ZEN to AD exchange

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Im just wondering.. Does anyone actually buy AD from there? Is it a viable way of acquiring ZEN? And if yes, why would one buy AD?

    submitted by /u/BunnyRabbit999
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    Barbarian's Revelry problems (PC)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    My barb is having some problems with the Barbarian's Revelry insignia bonus.

    Basically, the only skill it procs consistently with is bounding slam. The other at-wills and the encounters I tried very rarely procced it. During an entire run of three ME's (no bounding slam used), my BR went off less than 10 times.

    My son reported similar results with his warlock. Some skills worked good with BR, others not at all.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any insights?


    Edit to add that crit is at 85k.

    submitted by /u/dbk242
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    Why do some of my toons have 40 slots for the AH and Some only 39?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Why do some of my toons have 40 slots for the AH and Some only 39?

    Why do some of my toons have 40 slots for the AH and Some only 39?

    I was looking over my toons and noticed that some of them have 39 slots and some have 40? I know 40 is correct right?


    submitted by /u/Autumn_Witch
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    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Hello all. Yesterday i had my luckiest till the next one, drop. Xuna droped as a reward during T9. So here's my question. Should i equip it and stick with her?

    Should i sell her and stick with rat pap and buy bonding stones r15 with money i ll get from xuna?

    PS : do you think rat pap is better than bulette one?

    submitted by /u/SpyretosG7
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    Good morning & a question

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:46 AM PST


    NW has some stunning scenes, but the music is not very good. Most of the time it's dark and chaotic as if you are always entering a region in war (which is true in most cases). Why does the game not invest much to add breathtaking music where one can spend hours just listening to it or feel nostalgic when one comes back to the game?

    submitted by /u/Korario
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    Auction house pricing

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Is there any reason that the prettt common treasures like golden combs and such are so high on the AH? Pretty new so dont really know if they have a purpose besides to sell.

    submitted by /u/iamcbo
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    Question about Dragonborn package

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:37 AM PST

    So I went ahead and bought the DB race package. The question I have. Can I transfer items to another character?? I bought the package with my Cleric, and I believe there are some Dragonborn Warrior fashion items? Can I transfer them to a different character in my account?

    submitted by /u/DucatiKirkDenver
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    New to the game, kind of overwhelming!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Brand new to Neverwinter, but not to MMOs. I have read all of the other new player posts and watched some videos so i have a generally idea of the tips and tricks. I am curious what to expect throughout the leveling / endgame process. Ideally I am looking for something hybrid between old school EQ's engaging world and WoW convenience / fun while playing.

    No real question here, just curious what to expect!

    submitted by /u/raballar
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