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    Friday, March 20, 2020

    Neverwinter Just wanted to thank this game's playerbase

    Neverwinter Just wanted to thank this game's playerbase

    Just wanted to thank this game's playerbase

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    So, today I wanted to run CR for the first time. I'm only at 22k IL and i'm far from endgame, so I was expecting to see no responses when I searched for 4 people to run CN with me in the alliance chat. But within, like, a minute, 4 people agreed to carry me through the dungeon. They didn't do it for the rewards (because the rewards suck) or for the plot (because they've already ran the dungeon), but just to help me out, because I wanted to experience the dungeon. They were so nice and we were chatting through the whole run. When we got stuck at the final boss (X is now my least favorite letter), they gave me tips, tried to help me whenever they could, and even sent me scrolls when my scrolls were gone (which I couldn't claim because, well, why is this dungeon so damn bugged?!. It was still rly nice of them). So even if Strahd annihilated us again and again until we gave up, we still managed to reach him, which is an impressive feat, and I've seen how wonderful people can be. Thank you, for being a part of this wonderful playerbase. You deserve a hug.

    submitted by /u/Ronisoni14
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    The Infernal Citadel

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I've just added this to my Guide for Clerics. Thought I would post this here too to open discussions for strategies. I've just started doing this dungeon so I may be missing stuff and you may have very good strategies or remarks to share !

    First Boss : 3 demons will give you their powers to "help" you. You must choose which will help you.

    • Ozgannon (left) gives a power that interrupts and hold enemies.
    • Zaxumander (middle) gives a power that deals damage and helps with poison
    • Urzuuroch (right) gives a power that helps breaking the chains (2 are almost enough to break one chain)

    It is very recommanded to have everyone in the party use the same power, otherwise you will be split and a bug may occur that will prevent the boss from spawning. In which case, you will have to wipe and start again. People generally take the power from Urzuuroch : it makes breaking the chains much faster and the other powers are unnecessary anyway.

    Then you will have to choose which path you will take. You can either break a portal or a spore. Breaking both portals or spores will prevent them from spawning during the boss fight. It is largely preferable to break both portals so that adds do not spawn during the boss fight.

    The fight itself is quite easy (though hard on the tank). Never stay in front of the boss : it can charge and all of its attacks will cleave and deal damage to everyone it faces. When the boss launches into the air, stay close to it and don't move : this should be enough to avoid taking damage. From time to time, it will deal some damage and bump those behind it : this is very manageable. As long as the tank can sustain the damage and block when necessary, and the damage dealers destroy the spores when they spawn so that there's not poison everywhere, it's quite an easy fight.

    Second boss : the hardest one, to some extent. It's clearly a tough one. You will need to heal continuously a tank that will fight for their life. It will be especially tough if your tank doesn't have capped defense (85k) and critical avoidance (90k for Barbarians and Fighters, 100k for Paladins), and as much deflection (capped at 85k) and HP (at least 700k) as possible. The way the tank will move is crucial to the fight. If dps are running in every corner, you won't able to save them all : focus on healing the tank. Tank should circle around the arena while others stay in the middle or at least not too far away so that healing them is easier.

    The boss must not face anyone but the tank or people will die. The tank must always be visible from the boss or the boss will target someone else.

    During phase 1, there will be big red AOEs on the ground that will spawn under everyone's feet. These are deadly. And I mean really, whatever your HP and defensive stats. When they spawn : move away. These will continue appearing during the whole fight.

    At 75/50/25/7%, the boss will teleport to the middle and 2 imps will grab players. Players should be saved from the imps and hide behind pillars. The boss will explode and, unless you are very tanky and very lucky, you won't survive. I did survive once, with almost no life remaining, and I think I deflected the attack (and I was at full life, 460k HP, before being grabbed by the imp).

    During phase 2, starting with the first boss explosion, everyone will be targeted with a small aoe. When that happens, simply count to 3 : position yourself so that at 3 you are somewhere where it's okay to have fire until the next threshold/boss explosion (if you can sustain the damage, put them where there's already fire, close to the pillars). At 4, fire will spawn where you were the previous second. Just get the proper timing and/or keep moving to avoid the damage.

    This boss is tough, but it can "easily" be finished by just a tank+healer, so do not despair if your dps are dead and there's not too much life remaining on the boss (otherwise it would take ages). The only problem is you will probably have to use a scroll on the next threshold. But there's no time limit.

    One interesting thing to note, which is actually a key to making this fight way easier (though it would require very good knowledge on the attack timings), is that if the boss cannot see you, you will not be targeted by any aoe : nor the big deadly ones, nor the small annoying ones. This means, as a healer, you can easily hide constantly behind a pillar while healing the tank with aoes (it requires some precision but it's not that hard). Healing the tank will be a bit harder, but not being targeted by anything is nice.

    As it is a very intense fight, Divine Glow is very recommanded to sustain your divinity.

    Third boss : now, this is the tough one. The strategy is simple : avoid the attacks, and do not break the ground too fast. But the execution is a bit harder and you will need good team efforts to make it. That one cannot be beaten with half of the team dead from the start.

    During the whole fight, everyone will be targeted by small aoes. Just like for the previous fight, you can move to place the aoe where you want it to land. As soon as the aoe is ready to land (it will be fully darker red and you will hear a sound), move or you will die. These aoes break the tiles on which they land, so always make sure to make the aoe hit a single tile, otherwise the arena will be destroyed faster. If you move on a destroyed tile, you will die. A tile can sustain 1 hit before breaking. If the whole group is targeted, everyone should regroup on a single tile (preferably one in a corner, which is already damaged). If a single person is targeted, they should move on an undamaged tile, preferably in a corner, so that the arena does not become smaller. The goal is to kill the boss before the arena is destroyed.

    Now, the attacks you will have to avoid (they are cyclical) :

    • charge : the boss will charge a dps from time to time. Just don't be on the way.
    • tiles on fire : from time to time, a single tile will become red and it will burst fire for a second. If you are on the tile when that happens, you'll take big damage.
    • successive rows or columns on fire : the whole arena will burst fire row after row or column after column. Avoid being where you shouldn't. Simply teleport on the row/column on fire just before the row/column on which you are becomes dangerous.
    • laser : don't stay in front of the boss. Well, never do that. Move around the monster.
    • lasers : sides are not safe either. Healing is not safe during this phase, better wait for it to end before landing a Bastion of Health.
    • chain : this is the real test ! The tank will be chained and damaged hard for about 3-5s (about once every minute). Spam Bastion of Health like there's no tomorrow, and use Intercession if necessary (it probably will), otherwise your tank will die, yes even with all stats capped and 1m HP, they will die if you do not react fast enough. To make it easier, before the chain hits, you can protect your tank with artefacts (like the Sigil of the Paladin) and mount powers (like the Armored Griffon). The boss will roar for 3 seconds before the chain lands. That's the signal to use your artefact/mount and prepare to heal.
    • adds : at the end of the fight, there will be small monsters that will spawn. They are not too dangerous by themselves, but they can bump you into destroyed tiles, which would kill you.

    As soon as you are capable of avoiding all the attacks, it's really about coordinating with your team. The only tough part (well, everything is tough, but as far as healing is concerned) is being able to heal the tank on the chain attack. If they do not have their defensive stats capped, the damage spike may kill them (especially if they take a critical hit). Then it's really a matter of being with good dps. As long as they can stay alive until the end, and they do good damage, if you do not break the arena too fast, it will work out.

    For those who want more, there's Rainer's Guide on Youtube, which really helped me beating this dungeon.

    submitted by /u/Obikin89
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    1 more damn Abyssal Chick...and this is just this week.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Servers down?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    "No shards available"

    submitted by /u/se7en51ns
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    any tips for increasing item level?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I started playing Neverwinter again after a year or two and finally maxed out a character (this was a while ago, but that's besides the point) and I'm wondering how to get a higher item level? I'm currently at 15.5k, but that doesn't seem to do much for Terminus within the Undermountain. Any guides or tips would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/stig_ma_ta
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    Anyone wanna start a new character with me? I've been gone for about a year, when I logged in the entire game setup was so different!! Idk my gear from my attacks!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    I havent played in a while and im new to PC

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hello! I used to play Neverwinter on Xbox but I havent powered my Xbox in a long while, so I Decided to get Neverwinter on PC, Im a level 10 rouge orc rouge because that was my main back in the day, im only level 8 but im looking for a guild or just some friends that I could be apart of because all of my current friends do not enjoy the game... for some odd reason. I play on steam if that means anything friend wise.

    submitted by /u/HyperHova
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    Random Queue Ban?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if you leave a random queue to many times, you get banned from queuing? Or is it just a 30min penalty no matter how many times you quit?

    Idk what the deal is, but I've matched with the same Tank twice a day for roughly a week now & he has quit every single time.

    A bit frustrating as I can only play late at night and there aren't many groups being formed in my Guild/Alliance.

    submitted by /u/CM97__
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    New and hit 80, tried pvp... wtf?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    So Im a new lvl 80. I had played the game a few times in the past many years but never maxed a char. Im about half way into undermoutain for gear so... ya.. probably not great.

    So I queued for PvP for the first time and got in a 5v5. I basically got one shot every time I stepped off the spawn point and then some guy said "boot the SW thats 0-15".

    WTF is up with PVP in this game. Do I need to have a char that has 10,000 hours on it with the absolute best gear and $10,000 into it just to PvP??? There's no tiers of any kind???

    How is one supposed to get pvp rewards when they are so weak they get one shot and booted from matches?

    submitted by /u/Fight_Tyrnny
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    Where is ?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have a quest that wants me to accept a quest given by Omin Dran in Acquisitions Inc.

    Where in Protector's Enclave is Acquisitions Inc??

    submitted by /u/Radamand
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    You avin a laugh?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    I noticed on the calender an April's fools event for pvp and pve. I looks new to me so hopefully it will be something interesting. Nice to see something new anyway.

    submitted by /u/jakeBulletTC
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    Codg return to console

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:33 AM PDT


    Is there any news that I may have missed regarding when this trial is likely to return?

    submitted by /u/Lorddeathpi
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    I saw a Player's Character that was a Werewolf. How'd he do dat?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    It wasn't just a skin or outfit on a normal humanoid form.

    submitted by /u/heethin
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    Is NW going to push more exciting content now that quarantine is going on in many parts of the world?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Sounds to me an excellent opportunity to attract more players on all platforms...

    submitted by /u/Korario
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    Can't Believe I Payed for a Mount

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I'm disappointed lol. With how expensive they are, I wish they were at least account wide.

    EDIT: I am a lot less upset about it now. Would recommend.

    submitted by /u/weolson
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    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I started playing yesterday and I already got 4 hours of gameplay in (even stayed up until 3am playing the game).

    Basically, my friend and I are wanting to meet up in the game but we're unsure if there are servers and how we'd go about that?

    Also, do you have any Recs for buying zen? I'd like to buy the scroll of renaming to change my character name since I don't like it as much as I thought I did when I first created her.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/catearedwriter
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    Best way of getting hit points as a Paladin tank

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PDT


    I am trying to get as much possible hit points for my paladin tank.

    I am now at 380K hitpoints and would like to get to 800K

    Don't know what is the bests way of doing it. Cause everything gives me 3K, 5K, 7K, 16K and it seems will take forever to get to 800K


    submitted by /u/cluka
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    Hello I am new

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Hello I am new would anyone like to play with me I am on playstation.

    submitted by /u/penquinits
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    Minsc and Boo!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Indomitable runestones

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    I'm capped and using a companion (not augment) in tomm. Do indomitable runestones stack or is one enough ? I'm considering replacing my empowered runestones for indomitable Thank you

    submitted by /u/Etille
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