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    Neverwinter Rest in Peace damm dragon

    Neverwinter Rest in Peace damm dragon

    Rest in Peace damm dragon

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    So Neverwinter Ruined My Relationship

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I don't post much on here but I'm willing to share my story in the hopes that this doesn't happen to anyone else. I have a PS4 and played Neverwinter religiously. I was around to help found a guild called Knights of the New Order. Okay, Star Wars theme. Brand new. I'm in.

    Long story short the guild grows steadily and is doing great for itself. I invite my fiance of five years to join us. She hasn't played many games, especially MMOS, and I figure a little time with other people may do her some good.

    She quickly grows to an officer spot as well. She knows the game basics and is doing really well for herself. I begin to notice things are going wrong. She's spending an awful lot of time in party with guys she met on game, she is spending a lot more time in game than with me, she isn't doing her part on the housework.

    It turns out she was being romantic with a man she met in game. Sending snapchats and exchanging romantic messages. Me being none the wiser. When I did find out about it, It was through a mutual friend's text messages to her. She was admitting she had fantasized about one of these men while we were making love. Enough is enough.

    I called her out on it and our entire relationship went to shit. She threw me out and we broke up. Cut to several months later and we are now talking again, trying to make things work. She's grown to an admin position within the guild. She has been romantic with several other men in said guild. Needless to say, she refuses to stop playing with them and I'm a bad person for suggesting it. We don't work out.

    If you play Neverwinter on PS4, Stay away from Knights of the New Order or the CATS alliance. It's full of women throwing relationships away for flowery words online and simps either white knighting or simply waiting their turn. If you need any help figuring it out, ask the leadership of KotNO about their marriage.

    Me? I'm probably going to uninstall. The entire flavor has been removed from a game I sank countless hours into and loved with all my heart. Perhaps when all this quarantine business is over, I can get back to playing tabletop with sane people.

    tl:dr Knights of the New Order are filled with women throwing away engagements or marriages. The men there are simps and white knights. Ask for Lia Moonshadow for a good time.

    submitted by /u/Aldersonelite
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    I think my 2 character slots are being used wisely

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Another reason for me to not only hate the game but hate tales as well. None of us got our coins.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Coming Back From The Edge Of Certain Death...

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    20.000 ZEN what i should buy?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Hey guys I sold my CS skins for have Steam wallet $ and now a i got 20.000 ZEN what I should buy? Somepeople advice me to change for Astral diamonds

    submitted by /u/Aslanildo
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    Survey on avatars and gaming... I'd appreciate your help :)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! 🙂

    Are you stuck at home and feel like helping out some gaming researchers to potentially win a prize?

    I would be really grateful if you could please complete my survey for my Master's thesis on the importance of avatars. It should take about 10 minutes.


    I'm interested in how we interact with our gaming avatar/character and how much it matters to the gaming experience. You can complete the survey regardless of the type of avatar you mainly use (e.g., it can be a human, car, animal, alien… anything)! There are standard psychological questions about the way you think/act, and some questions about your general gaming habits.

    You will go in the draw to win a $50 AUD Coles/Myer voucher.

    Thank you for reading my post and (hopefully) completing the survey!

    submitted by /u/r__green
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    Ideal playing order for a new 70

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    My partner is planning to join me in Neverwinter by buying the level 70 boost. I leveled to 80 mostly in dungeons and random shiny tasks, so both of us are campaign virgins for the most part.

    • What campaigns are a 'must see' and which are duds?

    • As a boosted 70 without raiding the AH what campaigns will need us to gear up first, and which provide that gear?

    • Are we going to need 3 others to enjoy campaigns 9r can they be mostly completed by a duo?

    • Any other tricks and tips?

    submitted by /u/fox1440
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    Hi, I'm new

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Which class, race etc. is the best for playing solo? (i prefer melee)

    submitted by /u/Revez0
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    Is my Devout Cleric ready for Lomm?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    When you thought taking a break from your favorite mmo was a good idea but you just got back and found out you’ve got grinding to do for bis����‍♂️ never again lol. NVW lifer��

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I know you can buy AD in sea of moving ice and cold run is there any other lands that do this

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Returning to Neverwinter (PC)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    So I played back during launch but never really got anywhere. I decided to start up again and I have a couple characters, a Lv 70 ranger and Lv 60 paladin but I have a hard time playing this game alone. I have no idea how to even look for a guild or group in between all the LFG spam in Protectors Enclave.

    Also where is the best place to look for a guide on classes? I feel like my paladin can barely take on any groups in Rothe Valley.

    Last thing is there a place to look at in game models of Weapons/Armors? Just wanting to find some cool appearance items and find out where to best grind/farm for them.

    submitted by /u/theplaidviking
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    What's a good way to get better gear for an archer

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    my item levels 15000 and I do like no damage link any YouTube videos if you have one that helps or any info will do

    submitted by /u/DaytonCooler64
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    Ready for IC or TOMM

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm a level 80 Arcanist Wizard. I've been playing for 4 months. I'd really like to start doing IC and ToMM but don't know if I have the stats. Looking at the stats below am I ready to start joining those groups?

    Stat Value
    IL 25,912
    HP 390,471
    Power 150,838
    Armor Penetration 96,845
    Defense 85,292
    Critical Stike 104,439
    Critical Avoidance 50,519
    Accuracy 84,234
    Deflection 51,389
    Comabat Advantage 105,699
    Awareness 51,591

    I realize I need to optimize these numbers.


    submitted by /u/rdk70
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    Im level 24 but still havent got the free companion

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I read that when you hit level 16, you get a free companion from a quest. Im 24 and i dont habve it. Which exact quest is this? Protector's enclave? Cuz i did this.

    submitted by /u/catherinetramell_
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    two sword

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    i am new to this game my question is there is a class with which you then have the opportunity to use two large swords (not daggers, i mean long swords) ??

    submitted by /u/mtx_26
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    PvP community?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    So I remember playing very little back in the day and had some fun at low level pvp. Since I came back I know they increased the level requirement on it and this has made me unable to try it out. My question is if there is a pvp community somewhere in the neverwinter player base? I remember reading somewhere that is has basically been ignored and is dead but people are so dramatic I figured I could get a better answer with more explanation here.

    All the advice I've received is pve specific with pve goals in mind, and that's ok. In fact that's probably best. However I've always liked the idea of pvp in mmos such as sieges or alliance wars in eso so I figured I'd ask around a bit.

    Edit: to be clear, I realize this game and the community as a whole is not focused on pvp. I'm asking more so if there is any pvp community on here. Just wanted to make sure that was evident with the post.

    submitted by /u/TheRealTFreezy
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    New lvl 15 Barbarian looking for friends and a clan to learn the ropes.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Coming over from Divinity, surprised I never heard of this game but it seems like a lot of fun.

    PSN TonySneaux

    submitted by /u/TonyTabasco
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    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    So, I played 4 rounds and the group decided to finish, the quit portal wasn't showing, so we quit the group and don't receive any Tales currency. It's that how it should works? Because everyone clicked on goodbye.

    submitted by /u/grizord7
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    Looking for a document whit correct companion progression stats.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Does anyona has a document or a site where i can read CORRECTLY the stats progression (common to legendary) for companion? Neverwinter wiki isn't update.
    I'm looking for a pet in offense slot and i want to buy the Death Slaab, any tips?

    submitted by /u/xfrankie135x
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    Looking for a guild

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    As the title says, I'm looking for a guild. But not just any guild.
    I've been trying to find a decent guild for a few days. Out of all the guilds I've messaged, I've only joined one, but it was nowhere near what I was hoping for. I'm a new player and I'm not max level yet, so if that's an issue then move along. I first tried this game years ago. My oldest character is from 2014 but my highest level at that point was 40. I have a lot to learn and it would be nice to join a genuinely friendly guild that could help with that. I really prefer guilds that are active outside of the game as well, as in Teamspeak or Discord.. Not just for voice, but just for random chatter any hour of the day. My experiences with people on this game so far leave a lot to be desired. Maybe your guild can change that. :)
    If necessary, my handle in-game is @ sladverrk
    Oh, also I'm in CST (Central Standard Time) US

    submitted by /u/sladverr
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    Undermountain stuck

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Hello, anyone know where the yawning portal is as I've been to it before and now can't find it. Have tried to re read the letter by know but no luck. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LazyStatistician6
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