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    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Neverwinter Sweet, sweet 2x currency rewards

    Neverwinter Sweet, sweet 2x currency rewards

    Sweet, sweet 2x currency rewards

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I have never been so happy to have planned ahead for anything else in my life! LOL

    Just made 55,000 Voninblod with all the relics I have been hoarding for the past week or so.

    submitted by /u/chaoticgood42
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    Loadout question

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Hi there. I cant find the change loadout option on pc. Does it appear with the paragon path?

    submitted by /u/HalCerion_cyx
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    Tales of Old? Help

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    I just want to make sure I understand what I'm doing with this event.

    Is it as simple as getting 45 coins each day, buying an artifact and then buying all 5 the tales for the artifact?

    Also, I'm a Rogue. Do I want just the Darkened Journal or 3 total? (Would be hard for me to get my stats for IC in that case..)

    Thanks if anyone replies!

    submitted by /u/CM97__
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    New positions opened.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Half a year ago, or so, I've posted this and we got some high quality fresh sacrificial meat, errr sorry, new valuable friends.

    Now with the decent to hell we are looking for more canon fodder! Shit, sorry, I mean Friends!


    1. No fear of fire - When we gonna throw you on a red tile in IC so we can stand safely on you, no need to scream.. really...
    2. Team work - As above, you will be asked to die for the team, work instead of the team, pay taxes to the team. Remember, there is no I in teamwork, or well, you, there is I, and I is more important than you!
    3. Good sense for poetry! - Yes, yes, how else would you sing our praises.

    What we offer:

    1. Stress free environment - We will whip you, the imps in IC will chain you, the Erinyess will whip you. Halastar will throw annihilation balls at you. A set daily routine will make your life calm and easy.
    2. Abysall chicken soup - Because someone needs to deal with that chicken infestation.
    3. Fun guild events - Like tossing new Dwarves applicants in siege HE catapults. Oh that reminds me, Dwarf applicants acceptance is fast tracked due to high attrition rate.
    4. Personal training - You will need to carry me, I'll be there to whip you in person and yell directions. See, and people pay for a gym for this.. pfff...

    More details about all open positions can be found here:


    And the previous reddit post linked earlier:


    Now, some more details about us and our healthy recreation plans:

    We are a medium guild named (usually) "The Imaginary Friends". We are mostly end-game guild (IC / ToMM) but we do not make it a race or epeen competition. We do our best to include everyone in anything (sometimes dragging by the ears and tails), this can come at a cost of failed runs, or some long repeated attempts, and this is more than acceptable, because this is what IMO guild is all about, trying, learning, improving, and finishing together.

    While we mostly focus on end-game, and the ofc people do daily rtq and stuff, we are in a very active alliance that complements and run all various content.

    Active mostly EU evening, though we have members from all over the world.We always maintained relatively small roster of active players. I feel that knowing the guild members is much more important than quantity.

    Here 3 main rules:

    1. Social - Saying hi, joining the chat, joining groups, or forming them. Yes, people know each other, but we would like you to join in. I'm not looking for another entry in the roster. Also the usual stuff in regards with social interaction - Be polite, no excessive whining, no excessive bashing, no racism, bigotry and all the rest of the stuff that should be common sense.
    2. Stronghold - Currently not relevant, and isn't for years, since we are SH20 main and have a second guild for MW, but if one day SH has relevant upgrades, we expect everyone to help out. I'm not going to chase after people for donation, I expect everyone to do what they can. No one likes freeloaders.
    3. Have fun - We are here for entertainment, the goal is to have fun, even if the game itself occasionally makes it harder than it should be. But even I leave the forum-pvp outside the game (ok, usually, not always, but it counts!)
    4. Janne is always right. Even when wrong, Janne is right. The whip says so. (ok, jk, or am I?)

    We look for 25+ years old people (though we can make some exceptions).

    submitted by /u/JanneMoonmist
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    Is there anyway to trade items between characters?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I stopped playing the game almost a year ago and recently started playing again. My play style changed quite a bit so I was hoping to bring items from my old character to my new character, is this possible? I'm fine w/ losing items but I would like to transfer gold and other currencies

    submitted by /u/cantpickaname8
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    Mounts and companions as I progress toward end game

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I read a lot about this game. Most of it is geared toward end game (which is totally ok and obviously most important) but it keeps me feeling lost as I level. My question is what are the stepping stone mounts and companions? I have a green tier cat as my augmentation companion and the blue bear from the leveling event.

    I've been saving AD for a mount (was planning on the Worg for armor pen and crit) but I've been reading I should be going for power since it is uncapped. But I'm no where near the cap for either of those at level 60 so should I still focus on a power mount like the guard drake or spend less for the worg? And what companion will carry into the end game? I know that cat won't, maybe the quasit? Or save for a bulette pup?

    Basically I'm hoping that I can spend AD intelligently to not "waste" it. Thank you for tips and help. This sub has been great!

    Edit: I am a dps barbarian. My bad for not putting it in the original post, didn't realize I had forgotten to and I didn't think of how much that will impact the suggestions and advice.

    submitted by /u/TheRealTFreezy
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    What to do?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    What to do?

    I've reached end game with two toons. One a Wizard, CW when I started, and the new one I created because I was bored on the wizard about 6 months ago, a Barbarian. The problem I have is now I'm bored. What should I be doing weekly or daily besides running the daily randoms for AD? I just need something to do so I will continue to play the game and upgrade my enchants and runestones and insignia and so forth. Also here's a picture of my Wiz.


    submitted by /u/FrederickWilsonIII
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    As a pally, how can I test my healing and tanking abilities?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I was thinking about doing the tales event, but I hardly meet the requirements as a tank and I feel like I'm a little squishy. Right now, I determine how good I am by going into shores and seeing how long I live with the first batch of enemies. Probably not the best way lol. And what encounters should I use for tanking? I'm using relentless avenger bc dps like rushing into fights so I have to keep up. Anyways, I'm uninformed and looking for any help available :)

    submitted by /u/xEternal_Bladex
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    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    How do you get towering guardian statue (Xbox)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    I have been wondering is there still a way to get the towering guardian statues on the Xbox, I have been looking to see if you still can but I have found no answer at all

    submitted by /u/kingsword19
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    What the best class for solo/pve content? specially betweend ranger and wizard?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT


    I'm new in the game (less than a month) and my main is a cleric.

    Since they're the "Neverember's recruitment", i created and lvl up a rogue, and i want to create a new character to obtain the mount.

    So, i was wondering, what the best class for the pve content? in general.

    and especially between ranger and wizard? i would like a class who can hit in AOE, since generally those classes (in other mmo) can hit on AOE, i assume is the same here.

    and if i choose a class, what would be the better paragon choice?

    Thank you in advance for your answer and advice !

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Jelly
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    Love how this game has changed nothing since I played it two years ago.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Two years ago I stopped playing the game. And the reason was because all the rampant racism in the chat. Not even a private chat or the party chat, but the fucking public chat in Protector's Enclave, the busiest zone in the game.

    Two years ago I stopped playing because people would spam the chat, calling Black People "monkeys" and other slurs, and now, the same shit's happening.

    This evening I decided to join the game and show my friend around, only to see the public chat, in Protector's Enclave being spammed by racists saying how "ch*nks should pay for creating the virus" and other bullshit.

    Before you try to shut me down by saying "Just report that and move on", well I did; I reported each and every account, took screenshots, submitted a ticket and what happened? a mod contacted me and told me nothing could be done about it and they gave me 500 zen to shut me up.

    I don't want your fucking fake money, I want to be able to play this game or at least wander in the busiest map zone in the game without assholes publicly and shamelessly spamming racist slurs and racist conspiracy theories like they were asking for a trade. But now I know the mods won't do anything about it because they want to keep those racists around to pay for stuff in the game, they want their money and are not ashamed of accepting it, even if it comes from hateful, ignorant assholes.

    submitted by /u/oxochx
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    Question from a new player about the Tales of Old

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a pretty new player, and my main Paladin tank is in the 16-17k ilvl range. I just started doing master expeditions this week. I don't really have any kind of in-game network, and have never really tanked anything yet due to the ease of most content that I run. How likely is it that I am going to be able to get anything meaningful from this Tales event? It looks like fun, but I don't want to bother putting other grinds on hold to bang my head against a wall with no real likelihood of payoff. I also worry about putting myself out there to tank for people when I have zero experience in ACTUAL tanking in this game. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CanuckNonConformist
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    Zen to ad methods?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    So I have 7300 zen and I wanna know the best way I can turn it into as much ad as possible . 7300 zen is roughly 4.2 million ad currently, but I can buy the 7k zen campaign completion that is worth 5 mill all together , which is more than just using adx. If anyone knows a better way to maximize what ad I can get pls let me know thanks

    submitted by /u/Jackkpott69
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    Question about Tales set

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Guys should we buy upgrades on storyteller artifacts? Is it enough to take only 3 artifacts or should we upgrade all of them. Upgrades are pretty expensive tho.

    submitted by /u/sinandmrcc
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    What's a good loadout/build for solo Ranger?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I don't need like gear and stuff, I know about that but just powers and rotations. I had one I was using that was doing pretty good but then I tried one that I saw and it's doing pretty bad. I'm just looking for other suggestions for running solo content like questing in Vallenhas. Trying to switch things up a bit to see if I can find something that kills faster/easier or just funner to use. Thanks. :)

    submitted by /u/FixTheLag
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    Storyteller's Journal Stats

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Does anyone know of a place that details the stats of all the Storyteller's Journals? They are not in collections or even in Rainer's pocket wiki.

    submitted by /u/Autumn_Witch
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    Which Journal for Tanking and Healing?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    I plan to get Journals for two of my characters, a Paladin tank and a Cleric healer. Any suggestions on which Journals to choose for each?

    submitted by /u/hIDeMyID
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    Returning Player Problems

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    So I played quite a bit a couple years ago, enough to get a Scourge Warlock to 70 before I moved on to other games. Well suddenly my friends decide that what with quarantine going on they want to try playing again.

    Anyway I get back on my Warlock, and I see they made some changes apparently so I had to reallocate points and choose my paragon again. Once i did that my skills were already assigned like they were before I left (I didn't remember what I had been using so that was nice). So I'm in Bryn Shander (?) and I have to redo some quest because its been too long since I started them, cool I think to myself, I don't remember them being difficult so I start back in.....and immediately get my ass handed to me.

    Ok, so yeah I have to relearn my skill rotations and what not but I'm barely doing any damage and every enemy is DESTROYING me. All enemies are on level for me and I'm wearing the same gear as when I left that used to let me tear through everyone.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I just being dumb? I know its hard to say without showing my gear and states and stuff, but how do I go from being a strong DPS to barely tickling enemies?

    submitted by /u/OllinVulca
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    The Grand Retelling...

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    So I've just started the grind for the Journal Artifact's. Should I just be getting the Journals themselves or should I get the pages as well?

    submitted by /u/iBear92
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    Arbiter cleric vs other dps classes in the current mod?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    It's been awhile since I played, and I was wondering how arbiter clerics fare compared to other dps classes?

    submitted by /u/Leeeroyyy
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    In which order should one buy campaigns?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    So, my new char is a premade Cleric (i.e. Sharandar and Maze Engine are done AFAIK) and I wanted to know which order is the best for buying campaigns. I heard SKT takes long, so is this one the one to go? Or something else?
    And after that, which ones should be bought and which ones should not?

    Thank you already!

    submitted by /u/lastnamebeenleft
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    A Question about Master Expeditions

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Fairly new to this with master expeditions. When you start, you can place zero, one, two, or three runes (I think that is what they are called) with each one getting harder. What are the rewards for doing one, for doing two, and for doing three? What is the best value? I heard about watcher from someone I joined last night on ME. Is that realistic? I'm not that powerful. 22000 IL. Thanks in advance for help.

    submitted by /u/tereknation
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    Undermountain to level 80 before doing other Campaigns?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Hello, all! Another day, another question.

    Is the consensus now a new player should complete the Undermountain campaign as soon as they hit level 70 before going back to grind out other, older campaigns? I'm assuming that overflow experience doesn't start until one finally reaches level 80, but I am not sure if you have to unlock levels 71-80 via Undermountain first. Doesn't the gear from Undermountain make all other campaign gear useless as it is higher level?

    Thank you. Just hit level 51 last night. Due to the current world wide situation, I find myself fruitlessly looking for work all morning and playing Neverwinter all evening. Level 60 and 70 aren't that far away.

    EDIT: Thank you all for the outpouring of answers, suggestions, and tips! I haven't even been back for a full week, so I am well aware that I have months of play time before I am "caught up" to where end game is now. Not rushing. Taking it all in as I go! Thank you, again!

    submitted by /u/RangerBat1981
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