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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Neverwinter it really do be like that

    Neverwinter it really do be like that

    it really do be like that

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Simple suggestions to help you survive the Hell Pit. Feel free to add something and compile those tips to help our new players to enjoy and finish this event.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I read on a previous post about some players are having great difficulty in conquering this solo event. So hopefully, this helps.


    A. Spend 500 Zen for a Buy Character Loadout. Aptly name it Demonslayer or Kimetsu no Yaiba loadout. Be sure to spend those Boon points to max Demonic Mastery, Defense, Marathon Runner and the Disenchanting Aura. The last two are very important as much as the first two because of the amount of Red Zones you need to avoid and shorten the time that you are in a Prone position in case you weren't able to move away from them. Spend the remaining Boons for Power and Hit Points then your usual choices for the other stats that you lack. For Tier 5 and Master Boons, I use Quick Turnaround & Severe Criticism then Deathly Rage instead Blood Lust because of the amount of kills per second that you perform in Hell Pit, although it's a different matter when you face Wilfred during the final stage of the event. Simple Support could also be helpful if you use an Augmented companion, any extra help matters a lot. (If you're too cheap, then Retrain All Boons using a Retraining Token.) This Loadout will also make your questing in Vallenhas plus your Infernal Citadel & Castle Never runs considerably easier.


    B. Run your Stronghold quests and max that 740 Influence donation every single day so that you could buy Prime Rib, Mark of the Demon Slayer, Rank 2 and Mark of the Demon Ward, Rank 2. Place those Overloads in your Head and Arms equipments. If your Guild nor your Alliance don't have access to these three, then it's about time you press that Leave Guild tab and join one that has a Rank 10 Marketplace.


    C. Buff up before you enter the Pit. Anything helps but it's time to pull out all the stops, the Rewards are just too good not to. Potion of Power Rank 10 +1 or Potion of Defense Rank 10 +1 if you feel squishy, Prime Rib, Squash Soup or Watermelon Sorbet, Wild Storm Elixir or Elixir of Corellon's Blood, Empowered Chain of Scales or Tymora's Lucky Coin, and of course Invocation Blessing and Well Rested.


    D. Move around as much as you can to avoid a double or triple Red Zone that would definitely wipe out your Hit Points if they didn't actually 1-shotted you, but at the same time try to limit the Combat Advantage against you as well. I don't do well with 1st Person view, so therefore I don't put my back against the wall as some players suggest.


    E. Always be on the lookout for those buffs that spawn every round, don't use it unless you see the next buff spawn or if you're too overwhelmed.


    F. Use your Artifact when the mobs start becoming too much to handle. Use your Alliance Battle Horn if you really have to as well.


    G. Place a Stone of Health always handy via your Quick Slot. A Scroll or two in your bag won't be a bad idea as well.


    H. Use Dark Enchantments in your Utility Slots instead of Tacticals. There's no Healer available to bark at you cuz your Incoming Heal % is low, unless you use Celeste or an Apprentice Healer as your companion.


    I. If you have a Legendary Xuna with 3 Bonding Runestones, Rank 15, 4 Empowered Runestones, Rank 15 plus 2 Indomitable Runestones, Rank 15 and 14. Then sit back and relax. (I actually don't own one, so this is just pure hearsay with some spite and a bit of jealousy thrown in. 😅🤬😭).


    J. This is event is more advantageous for DPS classes because if you don't kill them fast, the Mob will eventually overwhelm you. So use your Arbiter, Dreadnought, Hellbringer and Blademaster paths. If you insist on staying as a Healer or a Tank, then suggestion #9 is a must for you (Cryptic surely knows how use the Fingers of Death for the Paladin in this event).


    K. Sad, but it is what it is. Are your Weapons and Artifact Equipments legendary? Are your Artifacts mythic? Are your Enchantments and Runestones legendary as well? Ahh, companions? If not, then good luck, you will need it badly. The Rewards are tremendous to entice you to SPEND for those upgrades. Like I said 😫😭. If you have been lazy with your Legacy Campaigns, then you reap what you sow for this one. There's always the Hell Pit Full Buyout for the unfortunate ones.


    L. Target the rangers and spellcasters first especially the ones that throw those nasty red zones at you.


    I can't think of anything else, so feel free to add your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Zenith8x8
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    Seals of the deep?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Hi all. I have a question. I have 125 seals of the deep though I dont know where I got them from? I'm in wyllowwood in the under mountain so nowhere near the dungeon. Is there a way I can get more? Cheers in advance

    submitted by /u/FluffyJoe86
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    I am stuck

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    It's 2:20 am and I'm grinding out neverwinter and I just finished undermountain and I can not figure out for the life of me how to get my item level up to 20,000 I just got it to 17,000 and I don't know what else to do now is there another campaign i could do that would give me better armor with higher item level besides avernus before I go there so I don't get my ass beat by 2 undead necromancers or somethin

    submitted by /u/DaytonCooler64
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    LOMM will become way easier after today's patch

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    From today's patchnotes:

    • Acturia's Mimic friends have had their health reduced to half of their normal value.
    • Acturia's Cocoon of Death will now just down the player instead of outright killing them when the players "friends" fail to save the within the 8-second timer. The name remains unchanged.

    Mimics will probably not be a problem anymore even for less skilled/geared dps. And making the cocoon not an instant kill makes it forgiving if the healer messes up or if there's a tank with so much hp that it's impossible to heal them.

    submitted by /u/Mriamsosmrt
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    The Hell Pit "You have this quest active on another character."

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone, i am currently having a problem where when i go to do the hell pit event. It says "You have this quest active on another character" and i checked every single character but my rogue is the only one where i even did the event before on. Is this a bug that i am experiencing or what?

    submitted by /u/jordan7943
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    Anyone else disappointed by Hell Pit?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I guess I was expecting it to be like a single-player Call to Arms, where there's a different skirmish each time the event returns. Instead, this time is exactly like last time--nothing new at all--just three more weeks of grinding through the same skirmish day after day. It's day one, and I'm already bored.

    submitted by /u/hIDeMyID
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    Any tips as new player for Neverwinter

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I just started today race dark elf class trickster rouge any tips for playing games that require strategic planning when building

    submitted by /u/AmSkill
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    Avernus intro quest help

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    So I've heard that after Undermountain, Avernus is the next best place to get good gear. However, the first quest is kicking my ass, and I can't get through it. How willing are people to team up and help? Where should I be asking? I don't want to be a nuisance or seem like a beggar, so I can always try to get better gear from undermountain and stardock. However, at this point the better gear seems to be in avernus...you see the problem?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/I-Am-221B-Locked
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    How to Farm Coalesced Magics?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    I wanted to earn the Wyvern Set from the UM Campaign Store but I read on the campaign page I can earn only 20 per day- that means it will take me 250 days to get enough currency for just one piece of the set!!! Is this really true, if so, how do people sell them on the AH?

    Similarly, could I get some advice on how to farm Seals of the Deep for the Protege Set?

    Thanks for your time, Gweddeoran

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    3k item level disappeared

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I have a lvl 80 barbarian that had 15k in item level, but after a few quests and doing workshop stuffs, I looked at my character's item level to see it went down to 12k? No changes had been made to the loadout, equipment, boons, etc. I swapped to another loadout with the same gear, but with one unspent point in boons, and found that the item level was higher.

    help pls

    Edit: thx to Chadgerk for the instant fix. Apparently my cat was worth 3k item level smh

    submitted by /u/vincewithspamwow
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    Return to bard tales quest

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Has anyone talked to the dev's about this for xbox? I still have the return to bard to complete charlifax from tales event quest but hes gone. I cant delete the quest either from the journal I've tried. Its killing my OCD. Help!!

    submitted by /u/howlongdoesthisgo3
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    Mark of potency rank 4

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Is there any way to farm these? I cant seem to find them anywhere except the AH and are wondering where people are getting all of theres!!

    submitted by /u/howlongdoesthisgo3
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    Trickster Rouge build

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I recently started any tips for a trickster rouge build

    submitted by /u/AmSkill
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    Hello all. One of my characters needs to join a guild. Is anyone recurring guild members? PC Only please.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/TNT_613
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    High level gear ?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Where can I get high level gear aside from buying it from the AH. All of my gear is at ilvl 925 or 950 with my pants and shirt being 980. Total ilvl for ky lol 80 character is just barely over 18,000.. where do I get better high tier stuff. I see people with ilvl over 25,000 and their gear is like legendary 1,200 ilvl each. Where do I get that kind of gear ? Is there specific chests? Campaigns ? Do you get it from max level crafting in the workshop or ? Idk where to get this kind of stuff.

    submitted by /u/King_x_Ironside
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    Newish player need some help

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    So I've been playing about 2-3 weeks now and I'm confused as to what's the point of the Sea of Moving ice map. Like does it connect to a campaign? Or is it it's own thing? Cuz I've been doing it for a few days now and I have no idea where it is going.

    submitted by /u/JoeL755
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    Looking for a thriving helpful place to call home?? Look no further!!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Legendary Dragon Keys

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Hi guys, just got 3 of these from Juma and wondering where's best to use them?

    I've been playing a month or so, got a 20k IL cleric and haven't used one of these keys before.

    Any loot tables I seem to find are massively out of date.

    Any help / discussion appreciated

    submitted by /u/ManaDoc
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    Soot tribal lion. How to get this mount?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    New player in need of help

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    So I started playing Neverwinter 4 days ago and I am having a blast. I don't have alot of experience in MMOs aside from League of Legends and month of WoW, but I do enjoy this game. However, it's kinda confusing to me where to gear up acording to my level and such.

    1st of all, I am level 58 Barbarian Blademaster. What companion should I get for me?

    2nd: Should I buy or farm some gear now or I should wait for max level? I kinda feel like dying quickly in some maps, but I do not know if my gear sucks or it's how it is supposed to be. I am buying some stuff from bounty vendors and that is about it.

    3rd: how do I farm boons? I still did not unlock any of them even if it says ''10'' near the 1st row. Should I be waiting for level 80 or?

    4th: Is there any good developed guild? I am not ''a begger''. I only want to ask questions, contribute to the future development of my guild and help with runs when I can. I am in the guild right now, but it's pretty much dead.

    5th: Are Guild, AQ and Dragons dailies useful and should I be doing those every day?

    Thank you very much for your time.

    submitted by /u/KeradiN94
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    Guild recruiting! Join LookGoodPlayGood on Xbox! Any new-vet players can join! Highly active guild, active alliance, scheduled events & giveaway raffles! We use discord chat to stay up to date, easy to find help, & easily form groups to run dungeons! Send a msg on discord or Xbox, join the guild!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

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