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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Neverwinter Avernus Treasure Map Chests: The drop table

    Neverwinter Avernus Treasure Map Chests: The drop table

    Avernus Treasure Map Chests: The drop table

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I just finished digging up and opening 500 treasure chests, which is a sufficiently large sample size to give a reasonable estimate of what the drop table is like (and no, I did not farm 500 maps - I farmed 100, and copied my character 5 times over to Preview where I dug up the chests) Now, you may wonder why I bothered, but the reason is that this will probably be my last post, at least for a while, so I wanted it to be a bit more "interesting" than usual.

    So, here is is:

    You will always receive

    • 25 Infernal Scrap (value 166,66 rAD)

    You have a roughly 55% chance of getting

    • The Firesmith's Hammer (worthless, well, you might need a few, but not hundreds of them)

    You will receive one of the following

    • Aquamarine (16% chance, value 150 RP)
    • Sapphire (42% chance, value 500 RP)
    • Black Opal (42% chance, value 1000 RP)

    You will receive one of the following

    • 1-5 Canian Iron Bars (45% chance, worthless)
    • IL 1225 Epic gear (31% chance, not worth using, value 300 RP)
    • Uncommon, rare or epic Ring (8% chance, not worth using, average value 120 RP)
    • Rare or epic shirts or pants, (15% chance. Some of the epic ones may be worth using for some builds, rest has an average value of around 200 RP).
    • Legion gear (1% chance)

    What this really means:

    You have a tiny chance of getting something worthwhile from a treasure chest - either a Legion gear piece you do not have or a decent pair of pants, but most of the time you will just get stuff worth an average of 166 rAD and 800 RP in total.

    Moreover, the 1% drop rate for the Legion set means that most players will have a set after 250 chests or so, but a significant percentage can open 400-500 chests and still not get a set.

    So, is this fun, rewarding activity ? Hardly. In fact, this brings me to the reason why I decided to take a break from the game.

    Neverwinter used to be fun, but as far as I am concerned, the "fun" is gone (and to be clear, that's not because of the drop rate of the Legion weapons, but many, many other issues).

    • I love crafting, and that is gone - worthless waste of time.
    • I loved the Foundry and that is gone.
    • I simply do not like how the game disrespects players and their time - see for example my complaints about giving character-bound loot for the wrong class. There is a limit to how often I can stand being slapped in the face, and I am afraid I have reached my limit.
    • Solo activity for me on a typical day typically involves fighting Bel for 40 minutes, in the hope of getting the Dented rod to drop from a box, followed by 2-4 hours of farming maps, in the hope of getting the Legion set (which I do not have on the Live server), and yes, often spending 10 minutes running one of the 3 instances that have a chance of giving me the Repentant Dragon Cultist - something which I am still missing, despite trying to farm it for, what, 5+ years ? Is this fun? Does it feel rewarding? Do I leave the game happy or more frustrated/irritated than when I started playing?
    • Group activity? Well, the latest dungeons are fun for some, but the reason I left the game I used to play before NWO was a lack of flexibility - there was only a single "viable" build for each class, only a single set of powers to use in a specific rotation, and certain mechanics that "had" to be countered in specific ways. Neverwinter originally offered a lot of flexibility, but recently it has been moving away from that and it is becoming more and more like the old game I left 7 years ago. Guild group activity is, well...dead or just too pointless, random groups are a painful experience, and so on...you know the issues.

    Now, I have taken a break from the game before - I left for a year after the Elemental Evil disaster and came back once the game improved. Maybe I will be back in a month, maybe a year, or maybe never. Maybe they will make crafting viable again, maybe they will fix some of the worst issues I have been complaining about for the last 2 months or actually listen to some of my suggestions, but as it is, the game has just lost its appeal to me....for now.

    So, have fun, everyone....I will be seeking my daily dose of fun elsewhere.

    submitted by /u/Adinos
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    Best mounts for a Ranger/Teifling

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I love the role playing part of Neverwinter, so I like to have backstories, companions and mounts that all match the character. I've going to get one for my Teifling Ranger named Freya. Though, not sure the best theme, rather I should go with a polar bear, a magic wolf, or whatever. If you have ideas on the animal, what would be a suitible name for it?

    I've also never played Rangers much. Just Rogues. So I was just use to getting the creepiest thing I saw. That's why I need help😁

    submitted by /u/AnotherSmartFuck
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    Want to trade

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    I want to trade a rank 14 bilethorn for a rank 14 barkshield

    Xbox one GT- jckpt

    In game name -Trey

    I hope this isn't against ToS

    submitted by /u/Jackkpott69
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    What new class would you like to see?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    I'd personally love to see bard, we need another support/healer. I'm tired of just seeing Clerics

    submitted by /u/Zorloff
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    Noob Question about Random Queues

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Can your queue group still continue when you get disconnected in a dungeon? My internet is pretty crappy at the moment so I'd feel really bad if they can't progress further. If they can't continue then I guess I won't be queuing for a while. I'd hate to ruin other people's enjoyment of the game.

    Also, are there penalties for disconnecting? Like taking resources from me (AD, EXP etc.). Or would I be banned when it keeps happening?

    submitted by /u/Nico_arki
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    Where do I get this from ?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Divinity management for DC in Mod 19

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I was wondering what div regeneration is like for DC. Is casting bastion to renew healing word extension still feasible? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ErnieHophkins
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    Primal gear?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Is any of the primal % based power boosting gear (arms and rings) worth hanging on to if you're stats are capped? I know ebony is considered bis for most because of the % power ability but these are similar and the rings have no cap stated on them so if you are killing mobs is it possible to send your power sky high? Even if only temporarily.

    submitted by /u/Pulsatingmaggot666
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    Armor enchantment

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Which would you prefer if you could only have one

    Blood theft r14


    Bark shield r14

    I am a 24k dps barbarian

    Which is better for me and why

    submitted by /u/Jackkpott69
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    Legacy Campaign Bonus - Acquisitions Inc in Mod 19

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Can anyone on PC confirm whether you can select Acquisitions Inc as the legacy campaign bonus from sybella in Mod 19 please?

    submitted by /u/ddmf
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    PC AD ZEN exchange

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Hi all, how long usually does it take to convert AD to ZEN? My trade is now almost a month old and nothing. Are people still trading ZEN for AD on PC?

    submitted by /u/Blackwidow-ZA
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