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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Neverwinter Haha

    Neverwinter Haha


    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Considering coming back - anything I should know?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hey all, I took a break from NW on PC in 2018 after the professions rework. Despite Cryptic telling the community that they'd give us fair value for our old assets, when everything changed over I felt ripped off and severely set back by the rework and felt that the compensation for all of my invested time was paltry at best. I seem to also remember ADs becoming even more frustrating to collect and refine around the time I stepped back. After going through several mods and patches that continually made AD harder to come by, around 2018 I'd had enough. Top that off with Ravenloft farming fatigue and a stack of PS4 games waiting to be played and the time was right to give NW a rest.

    Anyways, I played a pretty well geared SW with a DPS and a heal spec, I did most of the raids and dungeons regularly (never did beat CR because RAQ TONG was super popular and most groups ditched CR and said it was glitchy) and felt pretty good about my gameplay all in all.

    I've gotten a bit bored of my PS4 games and am thinking about coming back to NW for a while. Anything I should know to make it easier on myself? How's the AD farming these days? Any improvement to professions? Any tricks you can teach an old dog who played from Mods 5-14?

    submitted by /u/SW_Shadow
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    I bought vip. Now what ?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I just purchased one month vip and am a level 53 currently. Is it just claiming keys or is there more to it ? Does vip in any way help your guild? Is there a way to get astral diamonds from it ? I know I should've researched it more but I'm currently in need of help.

    submitted by /u/ItzVaynix
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    Summer Festival - Legendary Mounts

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    I just need to play volley to get the tickets right?

    there's too much stuff in this event and its making me confused.

    submitted by /u/grizord7
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    Progress prioritization

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    So I'm a 22k rogue, pretty solid, I have most all stat caps and campaigns done, r15 bonding/ legendary augment.My question is past this Ilvl onto 24k+ what should my priorities be for upgrades? Just slowly get r15 enchants across my gear? Save up for legendary mount? Etc. any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/drews18
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    How do I get to these last objectives?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Just hit level 80 and i am dying alot

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I am a level 80 dps fighter, through the whole story i was doing pretty good. Then i hit level 70 and it all turned to crap. I am having a hell of a time getting my item level up, and i do not know what to do with my companion, he is a rank 25 healer. This game is kicking the crap out of me, any suggestions would be helpful

    submitted by /u/magius1984
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    Class Feature for Pala tanks?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Which one are usefull? So i read a Lorkeons paladin guide and the guid says something like all class features are kinda useless so which one should i use?

    I used so far Composure (regenerate 10% divinity faster) And divine challenger (smite places me on top of threat list) Aura of Wraith when i not using smite rn

    In the guide it says : Composure – Regen Divinity 10% faster (2 divinity every 3 seconds). You gain 20 divinity every 3 seconds in combat, so this is a pretty insignificant increase.

    So should i try Aura of velor (decreases threat from party members by 5%) instead of Composure or is there other better Class feature to use?

    submitted by /u/Payzoh
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    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    my barb has 1 offense slot from companion powers and i thought that was not that good for a dps but ok, maybe all classes have the same but NO, the mage dps has like 3-4 offense slots did i picked the wrong class? im felling kinda sad right now is my beloved ultra great sword barbie a good dps class?

    submitted by /u/JAIR_MARRETA232921
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    TOMM Debate

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    I often hear 150k power unbuffed is the minimum, while many say 170 to 180k is a minimum. Playing TIC as a rogue i sit at 175k power bugged using all percentage based gear and tales of old. I have 0 trouble with keeping up in damage as a 150k power player. It seems to me that people want TOMM to be a guarantee one shot run, which is where the 170k power minimum comes from ( this is totally fine I have been a member of several end game only groups). I wanted to reach out and see what public opinion is. So many people have never seen TOMM or TIC, while being told they should not even be looking to do these raids while being more than capable. So whats the opinion, 150k minimum and play well, 170 min and play well, or somewhere in between? TLDR:what is the actual minimum power level to complete TOMM

    Edit: no one really wants to get carried, at least i dont. What i want to find out is if 150-160k power players that practice and dont fail mechanics could potentially get into TOMM and complete it while definitely pulling there own weight (not comparing true end game dps).

    Edit 2 17 hours after post: What about creating a true dps chart to simulate the variety of phases and checks? Such as "each dps as a minimum of 1/6 dps players needs to do X dmg in Y time" on first dps check so on so forth. I believe that noobs could hit that mark and know if they play well dont fail mechanics then its not a carry run they hit their literal quota of damage. Of course groups running have the right to be exclusive to go for fast runs and farm, I identify a lot with wanting to dungeon with experienced players. I think this would also make more endgame players comfortable with raiding non min maxed or multi year invested players, as the whole "well what's the true stat goal and what classes what gear and stats equal what effective hp/dps" question could become irrelevant if you can put up them numbers on the checks. :)

    submitted by /u/eddeadcosta
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    Is there a guide for skirmishes and stuff?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I'm pretty much a new player ( I have a level 80 character but I played a long time ago and never even did queues). I killed enemies in a skirmish I wasn't supposed to, cost us gold and got a party member really mad. Is there like a guide to what I need to do for every skirmish?

    submitted by /u/atleastac
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    Summer festival mount aalesale

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    So does anyone think they will sell the triple mount pack again tomorrow? I mean logically it would make sense to sell the pack during this event in which you get them. Just curious to hear other people's thoughts.

    Edit: mount sale**

    submitted by /u/Sudden_Panda
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    Bind Bulette or keep with DeepCrow!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    As mentionned in the title. Should i buy bulette and try to get it to legendary to summon it... Or stick with Legendary DeepCrow for now... I'm at 24k iL barb Dps. I have lot of things to get... Insignias upgrade 3 art to mythic. 1more bonding 15instead of14... Armor enchant... Equipped companion... And radiants R15. Let me know what u think

    submitted by /u/zakohr
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    Refinement point x2 ??

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    I just need your help !

    Do you know if one day there will be a double sublimation to know if I keep saving my items or if I can convert them now? Thanks

    submitted by /u/DemonsX4V6
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    Invalid username or password

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Can't log in. Tried retrieving the password, changing it, and waiting. Ain't nothing happening. It's not working when I used my email and my email steam as user id. Nothing happening.

    submitted by /u/zwithana
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    New player

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    First of all I'm new in this community, so I have a few questions about the game.

    Is this game rewarding playing in group? Or it's more solo gameplay?

    What is the endgame of Neverwinter?

    Any advice/tips for a new player?


    submitted by /u/CrisDex
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    Fighter Tank - Bronzewood VS Lightning

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    My new Fighter Tank hit level 80 just under a week ago so I'm pretty new to the Tanking game in Neverwinter.

    I bought him a R14 Bronzewood but see a lot of Tanks using Lightning instead. I'm building him primarily as an unkillable meat shield but want to be able to contribute some decent DPS as well for the likes of IC.

    I've got R14 Bilethorn and Vorpal as well if those are of any use.

    What weapon enchantment should I primarily be using?

    submitted by /u/iBear92
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