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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Neverwinter How do you get rank 6 enchanting stones

    Neverwinter How do you get rank 6 enchanting stones

    How do you get rank 6 enchanting stones

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    I've been trying to get rank 6 enchanting stones but can't really find out how. I am level 49 and have never seen any rank 6 enchanting stones. I've seen people say they pop out in dungeons but I have yet to see any? Where can I find them ?

    submitted by /u/RAneedadvice
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    Healing Mod 19 power/crit ratio question.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hey, is it still worth keeping 1.25? crit /power ratio now that the crit heal is only half (assuming rank 15 bonding and Avernus stat caps)? I want to think yes but I'm guessing stacking power is better now?

    Thanks for all the replies and insight guys.

    submitted by /u/andtheartof
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    Tank and DPS

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    If I don't want to be a healer, what is the better tank option between Fighter and Paladin and is easier to use, and is Fighter also good at dps? And what is the best overall dps in mod 19? I currently play a TR.

    submitted by /u/wickedbitchcraft
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    Best Companion Gear and Amulet and belt combo?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    I have all else, but i dont know how to get the above, can someone indicate where i can farm BIS for those? TY.

    submitted by /u/Naomemamacoxarada
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    How Much Group Content Could You Realistically Solo? Thought Experiment

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Was talking about this in our alliance as one of our members was soloing CN.

    Starting with Cloak Tower, and then progressing your way up to IC, how far do you think you could go soloing each dungeon?

    Which class would stand the best chance of making it the furthest? Most likely DPS? But which one?

    Looking forward to your thoughts....

    submitted by /u/LingeringLonger
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    Should I switch to one of the new Avernus sets?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    I am currently using burnished set as a DPS warlock and want to know if it is worth switching to Hellfire Engine set while I farm for the legion guard set or become tomm ready (whichever comes first lol). I am currently at 138k power if that matters.

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsWozy
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    I haven’t played in a very long time, what class is the best for dps?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Looking for DPS advice for a Wizard

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I've been having a really hard time in this module with my damage output on my Wizard. I was on hiatus shortly after Ravenloft came out, came back earlier this spring and found I have no idea how to play my Wizard anymore. His DPS is shamefully bad and I can't for the life of me figure out a build or rotation that gets me any sort of decent damage output. I've tried several guides and builds with no avail. So, what do you guys suggest?

    I would like to shoot for an all-around (Arcanist) build that's decent on both AoE and single target (this build isn't mandatory -- I'm open to suggestions!). I know I need to pump my stats up a bit, which I'm actively working on. I'm currently sitting at a 20k ilvl, 100k power, 70k arm pen, 85k crit and 65k accuracy. I have a 19% control bonus, though I'm not sure if that's especially relevant. My active companion is a Deepcrow Hatchling.

    At-Wills: Magic Missile and Storm Pillar

    Encounters: Icy Terrain, Entangling Force, Disintegrate, and Ray of Enfeeblement as my tab/bonus ability

    Feats: Spell Twisting, Assailing Force, Chaos Magic, Nightmare Wizardry and A Step Above Mastery

    I really miss playing this guy and have been avoiding him out of frustration of not being able to carry my weight in dungeons/skirmishes. I really hope you guys can give me some pointers so I can enjoy playing him again! Let me know if there's any other information I can supplement!

    Thank you!

    Edit: Added feats

    submitted by /u/BeauDog
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    New to the game. A few questions I have

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Started playing this game a few days ago. Currently around lvl 27 or so. My main character is a paladin. These are some questions I have:

    • What are the best ability scores to be training a tank paladin in?

    • What is the most efficient way to start getting astral diamonds?

    • When I get artifacts, should I immediately start leveling them up with refine points?

    • What are the overall best things for me to be doing at this point in the game? Just quests/campaigns/workshop? Or are there more things I should be doing

    • Do armor and weapons push you towards a certain build with a class or is ability score the main thing? And if armor and weapons do help, how early should I be trying to get certain pieces?

    These are the main questions I have right now. If I have any more I will edit them in. Thanks for any help in advance! (Also sorry if these are common/frequent questions).

    submitted by /u/-Jacksonbdot-
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    Updating The Launcher Over and Over and Over Again

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Has anyone else experienced this recently?

    Whether I use the *exe or Arc, every time I log in over the last three days, it does a 45 MB update to the launcher.

    And I mean not every day, I mean every single time I log in over the last three days, which is usually 3 or 4 times a day.

    So that's up to 0.54 GB wasted.

    Anyone seen this reported on official forum?

    What could be causing it?


    submitted by /u/Shadowblade001
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    VIP Ranking Question

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I've been reading up on VIP, (which I'm totally sold on now), and I've seen that ranking up to at least Rank 8 VIP is the mark you want to meet/exceed.

    By purchasing 2x 6 Months of VIP, do I get all 12 ranks right away? Or do I have to make 12 separate purchases?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Vernicus12
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    Advice for a returning player?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I haven't played in 3 years and I'm starting to play again but soooo much has changed. I loaded up my old character a lvl 70 warlock and I'm just overwhelmed by it all.

    Im wondering if I should just start a new character and maybe try a different class.

    submitted by /u/LucasAlxndr
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    Infernal Forge items? want them for transmog

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Infernal Forge items? want them for transmog

    Hey guys,

    Was just wondering how to get the infernal forge stuff? I mean the main and offhand. I kinda want them for fashion reasons.

    Thanks for your answers and your time! Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/C3ph3ad
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    Mod 19 - Seal of the Fallen

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    So, in a few weeks we gonna have the launching of mod 19 in consoles. I wanna know if there is new items in seal trader, especially seal of the fallen, or I can spent what I have. Good day, everyone :)

    submitted by /u/Felipe4455
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    Companion gear from undermoutain

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    Am I just not lucky or is there some other way to get the other companion gear. I only have half unlocked and I have opened up 100s of boxes and get the same. I even try using the certain runes for a chance and I get shirts and pants. I am trying to get the prestine belt of the companion I know RNG is RNG but damn.

    submitted by /u/shotyMCshotster
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    What makes you an end game player?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I am a barbarian dps, currently IL 22k-ish with 117k power. I finished all campaigns aside from Cloak Ascendancy (getting there) and Avernus (still in the beginning). Can I say I'm an end game player? How do you define an end game player?


    submitted by /u/tightheadband
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    Warlock or Control Wizard for PVP

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Which would you choose for PVP? (no healing, dps)

    submitted by /u/KOT3W45
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    VIP - Tradehouse cut.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    So I just pulled an epic Bulette pup from a lockbox and was curious about how much I'd get if I sold it. It's currently 900k on the TH but it's giving me a posting fee of 90k?! I thought if you had VIP level 8 (I'm level 12) there were no fees? Am I missing something here?

    I tried searching in this subreddit but couldn't find anything, apologies if this has been queried before.

    submitted by /u/CharlzyWoodzy
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    Hello I'm new in Neverwinter, what classes are viable for PVP?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT


    Most people said that PVP is bad but still can be enjoyed. I'm struggling to choose a class. I love mages so the Wizard or Warlock are my choice. What can you tell me about their efficiency on Arena's?

    Also I liked the Fighter (Sword+Shield) what about him?

    Thank you for replies <3


    submitted by /u/Ryo_Tekashi
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    Patch 7.93

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    What's news / change about this update 7.93 on ps4 ?

    submitted by /u/zard_nw
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    Control Wizard in PVP?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Hello i love playing MMORPGs, im new in neverwinter, i usually play sorceress, and they usually are good in pvp. How is control wizard in PVP

    submitted by /u/KOT3W45
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    Price of Tiamat Set on PC?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Whats the actual price of the whole set of Tiamat on PC rn? Is the higher before Mod 19 because of the outgoing heal bonus?

    submitted by /u/Payzoh
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    Blub's guide to offensive devout cleric

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Or how not to get bored while playing a cleric in mod 19


    This build is in no way optimal in terms of healing, and probably not in terms of help you provide to your group. However, this is still a healer's build, and you need to heal people. Moreover, it requires some investment (that you've already done if you play your cleric as either DPS or heal). So, why would you play it? I play it because I like to think I contribute, and I find it fun.

    Lastly, this is not supposed to be an end-game build. I managed IC with it with a group that wasn't that great, and I had no problem for heal checks in the last boss, but I do not know how good it is in ToMM / ZC.

    Powers and feats:

    You will mostly use encounter powers, so let's begin with them:
    Mandatory: healing word, daunting light. Last slot can be any, I recommand geas, astral shield or exaltation.
    At-wills are Blessing of light and Sacred Flame.
    Dailies are Guardian of Faith, and either hallowed ground or guardian of life.
    As passives I use desperate prayers and extended faith, but the second one is mostly up to you.

    Feats are:

    • improved healing word. There is no room for Soothe in the at-wills.
    • battle prayer, this is central to our build.
    • exaltation / divine glow buff: towering light should be better, but with it daunting light costs 20 more divinity, which is a lot (+25% divinity cost...). This seems to be a bug, or maybe the feat taken is a bug, but whatever.
    • the Angels on guardian of faith and guardian of life.
    • whatever, you won't use it because battle prayer will prevent you. I prefer Gathering light.


    You have one job, which is to keep people alive. To achieve so, you need to put your mark on the tank, and use healing word often enough that it's always active. Having a job doesn't mean you can't have fun though, so this build tries to dps a bit as well. You should only use tab to heal the tank, which is a 1700 magnitude heal with a super low cast time (1 sec).

    As a result, the gameplay is basically to use Blessing of Light + healing word at the beginning of the fight, burn your divinity with daunting light until you're around 250, then use once again Blessing of Light + healing word.From this point, use more sparingly daunting light, you should keep enough divinity to cast healing word, in case DPS take an AoE and healing word isn't active anymore (which shouldn't happen, your first job is to heal).

    If the tank takes a big hit, just channel tab: since you're using daunting light a lot, battle prayer should be active, reducing the cost of tab to 50 divinity and its casting time to 1 second. If not, you can either use normal tab, or if you have quite some divinity left, use daunting light + tab.

    You should also practice changing your tab target, if a DPS takes aggro or takes a big hit, or if you're in a trial and there are two tanks.

    How to still provide strong heals

    As a fair warning, the following sections might change with new mods and new gear, whereas the previous one shouldn't except if there are major changes in the cleric's feats or magnitudes.

    Companion and companion stuff:

    Active should be baby polar bear at legendary, or whichever augment you're using. As companion's bonuses I'm using deepcrow and outgoing healing. Given that outgoing healing has been heavily nerfed, raptor and compy are valid choices if you have them (but I don't).

    As companion gear, I use enough arpen to get me to the caps, some combat advantage to use the runes from my DPS loadout, and Crit. In harder content (IC for example) I switch CA to more crit.

    Gear for yourself:

    I'm focusing a lot on gear that grants power, lion's guard helmet and gloves, Infernal boots.
    Ring of the sharpshooter to reach the accuracy cap, def+Crit ring, the best weapon you have, and I use shirt and pants to increase stats, so Infernal ones.
    The +4k def pants from FE are also a solid option.
    Lastly, torso should either be +% power or the one that pops green orbs that heal 5% of max HP. My guess is that now it can be quite strong with the healing nerfs, but I need more time to try it out.

    For artifact set, the theoretical best in slot is the Vistani set, but I don't have it. Tiamat is good for extra outgoing healing, apocalypse set is probably nice as well, or wyvern's. Still need time and refinement points to try all of them.

    Active artifact in my opinion should be cleric sigil, envenomed journal, paladin sigil or a debuff artifact. Passive artifacts are journals for more HP, the last from your set, and some power ones if you don't have the journals.


    I think it's a good build for random queues, and it might be good as well in harder content. For me, it's a way to enjoy playing as a healer because I both have to be proactive and reactive. I hope that if you try it, you will like it and have fun with it.

    submitted by /u/Blublabolbolbol
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