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    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Neverwinter You do NOT need the Aasimar race !

    Neverwinter You do NOT need the Aasimar race !

    You do NOT need the Aasimar race !

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I mean, yes, it is the "best" race for a healer because of the 1% Outgoing Healing and the other bonuses...

    But let me tell you how much you do NOT need it :

    The Aasimar race gives +2 to two ability scores. The Human race gives +3 to one ability score. That's +0.25% OH for the Human healer. It's +1% HP or 1% Crit Severity (which is not great in mod 19, but better than nothing) for the Aasimar.

    The Aasimar race gives 1% Outgoing Healing. With my current build, compared to the +250 Power of the Human race, that would mean 0.5% better heals. Do I need to say how meaningless that is ? On a 15 minutes long fight with you needing healing the whole time, I would barely be able to give you enough more HP back for you to sustain a small hit. And that's very optimistic !

    The Aasimar race gives 1% max HP to the party, not stackable. If you are ready for Zariel, that's 5k more HP, double if you're a tank. It's sweet, but when the hits you takes are in the 100k-500k range, 5k more HP will do nothing. It's all about knowing the mechanics. And if you really need 5k more HP, change an insignia or improve your enchantments...

    The Aasimar race gives 1% damage mitigation. Okay sweet, compared to the +250 points in every stat points the Human race has... I'd say we're pretty much even.

    The Aasimar race gives 1% Incoming Healing. Alright, I could heal myself a bit more. Do I need it ? No. Can I still improve my tactical enchantments ? Yes !

    The Aasimar race gives 1% HP. Alright, including everything, we're up to 15k HP total, fantastic ! I have 521k HP as a Human and without a Legendary War Triceratops, and I could have better enchantments too (could reach 550k HP with both). I don't need 15k more. I love HP. But that doesn't make much of a difference when you get vaporised anyway when you fail at a mechanic.

    The Aasimar race gives 1% more damage. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ! Good laugh.

    Conclusion :

    The Aasimar race gives about 3% HP and 0.5% more healing compared to the Human Race. I wouldn't become a 2 years old kid's canvas for those stats.

    Do you know which race gives 3% HP and many other bonuses (including Critical Strike and more Incoming Healing) ? The Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn ! And I'm sure it's still quite affordable at the auction house.

    Now, if you don't wanna become a clown or a lizard, any other race will perform well enough and is perfectly capable of beating Zariel's Challenge. It's all about mechanics and gear. Your race is just a skin with very little benefits.

    As for the kids crying it has to be bought with Zen. Well, yeah... I'm not a fan of this either, but with no money there would be no game. You don't even have to spend money to get Zen, so get yourself together. The whole game is free to play and you don't have to buy anything to explore the whole content. If you want stuff from the Zen store, then farm for it, or use your wallet. But let me get this clear : you do NOT need the Aasimar race.

    Actually I'm all for more cosmetics in the Zen Store, if that means more people to work on the game, and better decisions concerning game design...

    Now, I hope I helped those who have trouble thinking about whether they'll get it or not : do it if you like the skin, not for the stats.

    submitted by /u/Obikin89
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    I just want to have fun playing the game I love

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Why do you have to make it so hard to find things I need. Incubus/Succubi look like two or three other bad guys. So, after an hour of searching, I finish one task. That is not fun. I get it. I have to grind out the tasks. I get it. There can't be an infinite number of tasks in each campaign. But, it is not fun running from group to group to find the one enemy that has the correct name. Sorry for the rant.

    submitted by /u/GeorgeWendt1
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    Guardian Fighter Powers/Rotation?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm new to the game and just recently passed level 30 - I play Guardian Fighter and I'm having trouble finding any up to date guides on how to build a GF.

    I'm looking for both a DPS (for solo stuff) and tank build, but specifically I'm looking for advice on what Powers I should be using (At-Will, Encounter, Class Feature, etc.)

    Even if you can't point me in the direction of a guide, can any Guardian Fighters here let me know what my Power screen should look like for both DPS and Tank? Thanks in advance for any help,

    submitted by /u/honorableberrysenpai
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    If I ignore Redeemed Citadel, what would I miss out on?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I read you can get the weapons even after the event ends, and the Aasimar race will cost Zen no matter what. Correct me if I'm wrong about any of that. I won't be in the top 100 players, so the Vorpal with unique visual effects is not for me.

    Let's say I just don't bother with Redeemed Citadel at all. What would I miss out on?

    submitted by /u/nwgamer0
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    The dungeon guardian is blocking the path ahead, what do you do?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    Valindras Tower

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Can you only enter Valindras Tower through the queue menu? Other dungeons usually have actual locations on the map. But I can't find where to enter Valindras Tower. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/LeatherNeck99
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    newbie questions about companions and mounts

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Sorry, I'm new to the game. I'm level 24, where do I get a companion? Also I see people my level with exotic mounts like tigers and bears, is this because they have other characters they are playing, or did they purchase them?

    submitted by /u/TBXYZ
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    Keyboard support PS4

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    I know the ps4 accepts wired or Bluetooth keyboard/mouses, but I was wondering if they work well with Neverwinter. Specially the keyboard. I can't use voice chat all that much due to reasons and it's hard to communicate with guild or others through the touchpad or even the second screen ap.

    Is the keyboard well compatible with the game? Can I use it to chat like I would in the PC? I mean can I just hit "enter" and type away or do I have to select the chat with the controller, hit the button to open the chat prompt, AND THEN type on the keyboard?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/salttedwill
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    PS4 Gift of the Noble Guard Pack.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    A winner has been selected. Thank you for the participation!

    I have a code for a Gift of the Noble Guard Pack on PS4 ONLY. Reply with you favorite Neverwinter class if interested. Winner will be chose at random.

    submitted by /u/veers80
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    Some Redeemed Citadel issues....

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    No, I'm not going to talk about "you-know-what".

    This post is about two smaller issues.

    First, the reclaimability. After claiming the first set of items (those that unlock at 7000), I was going to get the boots for a few of my alts...it is supposed to be an account-wide reclaim, so my main should be able to get them and give them to my alts, right ? But no....despite having already gotten the boots of the rat king on my main, I cannot "reclaim" them.

    Second - the hunts. We are teased with the announcement of lures in the Zen shop, but those lures (or what is needed to make them) is supposed to drop from certain rare mobs. Well, from what I am hearing, people are seeing those rare mobs.....but so far I have not heard of anyone actually getting anything lure-related.

    Are the hunts and lures actually active yet ?

    Overall though - the event is relatively bug-free....I was rather concerned after the Bel disaster, but this is at least playable, despite some small issues.

    submitted by /u/Adinos
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    Best leg mount for DC heals aiming for TOMM / Zariel support?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    If you could only get one without knowing your TOMM group combat powers, which one? What is in most demand?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ErnieHophkins
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    Nature kits in the auction house

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I saw i had more nature kits than I needed but decided to action off most because I needed Astral diamonds and figured if they didn't sell i would get them back later, but for 80 of them to be around 37 million is insane i can't even pay the auctioning fee, could anyone tell me why they cost so many, I hope its just the games mechanics because the other kits don't go for near as much.

    submitted by /u/Vrunwulf
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    Is anyone else having trouble with the random dungeon queue?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    This started yesterday for me. No matter how long I wait on either of my toons, i dont go anywhere and I eventually get kicked from the queue. Has this happened/is this currently happening to anyone else? Does anyone know how I can fix it?

    submitted by /u/lofibunny
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    Mod 19 and Icewind Dale

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm finally getting around to completing the icewind Dale campaign during Mod 19. I I have everything I need to complete Baericks iceforge 3 task, but it won't let me finish it. Another place online said that I needed to have the black ice shaping profession at level 3.

    But I can't figure out how to 1, know what my profession level is, in 2, how to level it up. I created all the greater glyphs. I don't have a hammerstone pick axe, and I can't find a Hammerstone runeforge kit in the trade house or zen market. Can anyone help? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/firefly_19
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    Great run, Scored by healer. 85% Yay.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Had a great run of IC, and then LOMM last night with a pug'd healer who had some great chat even though he wasn't much of an English speaker (much better than my Russian would be though), and even scored us: started off with an 80% and I'd obviously managed to impress them because at the end we got a resounding 85% and a comment on our good teamwork.

    I love runs like this, they don't happen often when you meet someone new - who even though they're running ahead and pulling it's because they know their class well - turns out they were maining a tank and trying out their healing.

    Neverwinter can be frustrating at times because of others, as can any MMO, but I thought I'd add a positive note. Hope we meet again. 85%

    submitted by /u/ddmf
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    Mote of Virtue help

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I've just gotten back into Neverwinter after a long time, and for the current events it says to complete the "Mote of Virtue" mission. But I cannot find where to start this mission, or what to do. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/SlimeBoltian
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    Zariel Favor from REDQ

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I got 1200 Zariel Favour from Spellplague Caverns (Master) and NOT the Normal version as listed in weekly challenge. Further it was not even on Hardcore mode. Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    Newbie question about event

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    So, i re-started playing neverwinter a week ago and got ahead on new campaigns, but still i need another week to unlock the last quest of path of the fallen in order to join the event.
    My question now is: if I complete weeklies (already done LoL and almost the maps) do i receive the points once i unlock the campaign? Or I do lose them? Because right now i don't know what to do, complete the quest and hope I get rewarded next week once campaign is unlocked or wait (but then im not sure when the weekly quest reset, since the event started on tuesday).

    submitted by /u/SkelHD
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    Ps4 player count.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hey just saw the game and kinda like it but I'm curious about how many people playing this game in 2020 on ps4. I don't want to be alone and see people once in a while. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/eXismo
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    Difference between Dread and Bilethorn

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I would like to know why there is a huge difference of prices. First one gives +5% dmg (as every rank 14 enchantment does) and 10 magnitude damage every second for 4 seconds, while the second one gives 40 magnitudine damage after 40 seconds. Isn't almost the same thing? Is the reduction of movement speed given by Bilethorn so useful to justify an almost double price at rank 14?

    submitted by /u/Criccoo
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