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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Neverwinter Where can I get these boots ?

    Neverwinter Where can I get these boots ?

    Where can I get these boots ?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:39 PM PST

    Stats on Preview

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Stats on Preview

    Alright, so, keep in mind that everything on Preview is subject to change. Preview is not the future Live. Many many things will be adjusted. I'll give you an understanding on what the changes look like, how important stats will become. But the numbers may change.

    I'll spare you many details, because the original work was twice as long... And I made 3 spreadsheets to test the formulas... So I'll only give you the most important numbers and conclusions.

    Total Item Level

    Total Item Level (TIL) is everything now. It directly impacts your Hit Points (HP) and Damage.

    • Total HP = ( TIL x 10 (x1.2 for Tanks, x1.1 for Healers) + HP given by items ) x ( 1 + CON/200 ) + 1
    • Damage = TIL/10 (x1.2 for Damage Dealers, x1.1 for Healers)

    You start with 5000 Item Level. So you start with 50k HP, and 500 Damage + bonuses depending on your role and Constitution. There is no more weapon damage, both outgoing damage and heal are based on the Damage number. Damage is rounded on your character sheet, but not to calculate your damage/heal output.

    The main problem with this system is that it's linear, and the higher your TIL, the less a small upgrade will be important for you, just like Power is on Live.

    Main Stats

    On preview, your main stats are expressed in percentages, between 0 and 90%. This percentage is the value that will be taken into the formulas to either calculate a chance to do something (Crit/Deflect), or a bonus to damage output, or survivability. This percentage is calculated this way :

    • Percentage = 50% - 0.001% x ( TIL – Stat Rating ) + other bonuses

    It means that you start with 50% in every of your stats, but this percentage decreases with the difference between your Stat Rating and your TIL. If your Stat Rating is 5k lower than your TIL, then your percentage decreases by 5%. Stat Ratings are capped at your TIL, so having more stat points than your TIL is not beneficial. You can get other bonuses, expressed in percentages, which add up directly to your stat percentage, to a maximum of 90%. These percent bonuses come from race, ability scores, boons, powers, companion equip bonuses, or equipment equip powers. On the other hand, Stat Ratings mostly come from equipment, companion stats (increased by companion bolster) and mount equip power. The percentage written on your character sheet is rounded with 1 decimal, but it's not rounded for the actual calculations.

    Offensive Stats

    Armor Penetration is no more. Not really a problem as long as monster stats are adjusted to take this into account. Armor Penetration has been replaced with Critical Severity (which becomes a Main Stat). Our main offensive stats are : Power, Combat Advantage, Critical Strike, Critical Severity, and Accuracy.

    Power : multiply all of your damage/heal by (1 + Power Percentage ), so 1.9 with 90% Power. Someone with 90% Power will deal 26.67% more damage, compared to someone with 50% Power.

    Combat Advantage : improves the damage you deal to monsters you surround by ( 1 + Combat Advantage Percentage ). Monsters have 0% Awareness, so they do not impact the efficiency of this stat, while players would in PvP. It works exactly like Power, except that you need to surround your enemies for this bonus to work. Someone with 90% Combat Advantage will deal 26.67% more damage to monsters they surround, compared to someone with 50% Combat Advantage.

    Critical Stats : Critical Strike is the chance you critically hit your target, while Critical Severity is the bonus damage that will be added to your critical hits. Monsters have 0% Critical Avoidance, so they do not impact the efficiency of these stats, while players would in PvP. It is best to have your Critical Strike equal to your Critical Severity (for maximum efficiency). Someone with 90% in both stats will deal, on average, 44.8% more damage (that is 20.33% more damage per stat).

    Accuracy : reduces the impact of enemy Deflect Severity. Monsters have 50% chance to deflect, and 90% Deflect Severity, which means they are 90% more resistant when taking deflected hits. It doesn't mean they take 90% less damage. We'll see that later with the Defense and the Deflect Stats. With 90% Accuracy, it's as if monsters didn't deflect at all. Someone with 90% Accuracy will deal, on average, 16.67% more damage against monsters, compared to someone with 50% Accuracy.

    So, for now, on Preview, Power is the best stat, followed by Combat Advantage (assuming your positionning is good), followed by Critical Stats (which are pretty bad to put points in, especially when they are low to start with,, as they become a decent investment only once they are high), followed by Accuracy (which was almost as good as Power before they changed the Deflect Stats formulas).

    To maximize your damage output, it's best to fully cap Power and Combat Advantage, and then have Critical Stats equal one another as high as possible.

    Defensive Stats

    On preview, the Deflect Severity stat is now a Main Stat. Our main stats are Defense, Deflect, Deflect Severity, Critical Avoidance, and Awareness.

    Defense : it reduces damage so that you are tankier. The percentage displayed corresponds to how much more damage you can take.

    It's not pure damage mitigation as it was before the last patch (it was super dumb, really), because pure damage mitigation would mean that with 90% Defense, you would be 900% tankier, compared to 100% tankier with 50% Defense. It would be exponentially efficient, and with 100% Defense you would be invulnerable. Now, with 90% Defense, you can take 90% more damage, not 9 times more.

    Someone with 90% Defense will be able to take 26.67% more damage than someone with 50% Defense.

    Awareness : reduces the damage you take from enemies that have combat advantage over you. Regular monsters only have combat advantage over you when they surround you (so move to solve the problem). On the other hand, bosses will always have combat advantage over you. Monsters have 90% Combat Advantage, so it's fairly important to have some Awareness, especially against bosses. Someone with 90% Awareness can take 40% more damage from bosses than someone with 50% Awareness.

    Deflect Stats : Deflect is the chance to deflect a hit and make that hit deal less damage, so that you are more resistant to it, the same way Defense works, but only for deflected hits, on top of Defense. Monsters have 0 Accuracy, but players would make your Deflect Stats a lot less efficient in PvP. Someone with 90% in both stats will be able to take, on average, 45.26% more damage (that is 20.52% per stat). It is better to cap Deflect first, then Deflect Severity.

    Critical Avoidance : it reduces the efficiency of the critical hits you take. Monsters have 50% Critical Strike, and 90% Critical Severity. The critical hits you take from them will be stronger by the difference between their Critical Severity and your Critical Avoidance. So critical hits would be regular hits with 90% Critical Severity. Someone with 90% Critical Avoidance will be able to take 20% more damage compared to someone with 50% Critical Avoidance.

    Healing Stats

    We now have Outgoing Healing and Incoming Healing as new Main Stats. Power works the same way it does on Live. And Critical Severity is still halved for healing...

    Power : multiply all of your heals by (1 + Power Percentage ). Someone with 90% Power will heal 26.67% better, compared to someone with 50% Power.

    Outgoing Healing : is exactly like power : it multiplies all of your heals by (1 + Outgoing Healing Percentage ). Someone with 90% Outgoing Healing will heal 26.67% better, compared to someone with 50% Outgoing Healing. For maximum efficiency, it's best to have as much Outgoing Healing as Power, but sources of Outgoing Healing are limited.

    Critical Stats : Critical Strike is the chance you critically heal your target, while half of your Critical Severity is the bonus healing that will be added to your critical heals. It is best to have your Critical Strike equal to your Critical Severity (for maximum efficiency). Someone with 90% in both stats will heal, on average, 24.89% better (that is 11.75% better per stat).

    Incoming Healing : works exactly the same as Power too, except that it improves the heals you receive and not the heals you perform. Someone with 90% Incoming Healing will be healed 26.67% better than someone with 50% Incoming Healing.

    Control Stats

    Control Bonus and Control Resistance are now Main Stats too. And that sucks, because it only means that the higher your item level, the lower your Control Stats will be if you do not actively put more points in them. So it's actually bad for veterans. These shouldn't be Main Stats, really.


    And now we come to the most stupid stat ever implemented in a game ever : Forte. It is a stat that boosts other stats, which depend on your Paragon Path, starting at level 30. Basically, its percentage is split between 3 stats (half for the main stat, a quarter to the 2 secondary stats, one offensive and one defensive).

    So, it's a bonus that decreases with higher TIL. Putting Percent bonuses in this stat is useless when you can put them in the stats you are interested in directly, so only the ratings matter. Different Paragon Paths benefit from different bonuses, even when the class has 2 Damage Dealer Paragons, so it's a pain if you want to move from one Paragon to another (and it means 1 paragon receives better stats than the other). The stats are different depending on your class, so there are classes which have better stats than others.

    It's really only a scam for Healers who are kinda forced to put points in this because it improves Divinity / Soulweave Regeneration, while Divinity / Soulweave Regeneration could be a stat on its own... Improving Forte for Divinity / Soulweave Regeneration is not even very efficient. With 90% Forte, which can't be attained, you'd be able to heal 16% more often (so 16% more, assuming you need the resources), compared to 50% Forte. Even with Critical Strike or Critical Severity as a secondary stat, the total bonus to healing would not reach 22% (which is still low), so it sucks.

    Another way to make this would just be to give a flat bonus to different stats depending on the role. And if there really needs to be imbalances between classes (which can be good because people would want different companions to balance their stats), at least make the secondary stats the same for both paragon paths of the same class ! It would be a lot less messed up this way !

    So, yeah, Forte is the worst stat I've ever seen in a game.

    Recap on Stats

    From 50% to 90% :

    Offensive stats :

    • Power : +26.67% damage
    • Combat Advantage : +26.67% damage (when you surround monsters)
    • Critical Stats : +20.33% damage (per stat, better to have Critical Strike = Critical Severity)
    • Accuracy : +16.67% damage

    Defensive stats :

    • Defense : +26.67% eHP
    • Awareness : +40% eHP (bosses have 100% combat advantage uptime, so it's important)
    • Deflect Stats : +20.52% eHP (per stat, better to cap Deflect before improving Deflect Severity above 50%)
    • Critical Avoidance : +20% eHP

    • Defense (before last patch) : +400% eHP

    • Deflect Stats (before last patch) : +98.68% eHP (per stat, the damage mitigation was too strong, and a regular hit would deal 10 times the damage of a deflected hit with capped stats...)

    For Healing :

    • Power : +26.67% healing
    • Outgoing Healing : +26.67% healing
    • Critical Stats : +11.75% healing (per stat, better to have Critical Strike = Critical Severity)
    • Incoming Healing : +26.67% healing
    • Forte (resource regeneration) : +16% healing resources


    The system is not robust, nor any easier to understand than what we have on Live. It will be even more complicated than ever to balance stats. Forte should not exist at all. Control Stats should remain utility stats. And Outgoing / Incoming Healing too if we have no way to boost their ratings. Because that only means that the higher our TIL, the lower the percentages will become. So lowering TIL will be important in scaled content.... And that kills the whole purpose of the update...

    But at least the balance between players will be better, and veterans will still be about twice as strong as newer players in scaled content. Note that the Devs are fully responsible for breaking that balance, especially with mod 19, which is the worst mod ever in Neverwinter, as far as I know (been there since mod 14). That said, I agree that bonding runestones have to go away, because they are just a gate for newer players.

    Considering the fact that the problem of scaling could have been resolved with a soft cap on Power, HP and Damage and that there was no need to modify player stats further, because overcapped stats are not better than capped ones... And it would have been easy to indicate to players how many stat points they needed in any zone... well, this is a very dumb and complicated way to fix the problem.

    It is clear that this system will not reach Live as it is. It is a bit early to buy stuff on Live to prepare for the changes.

    I will now start working on all the other changes on my website. The new pages will be available in January for those who support me, in early access. It's really a lot of work for me, but let's hope that mod 20 will be much better than mod 19 !

    submitted by /u/Obikin89
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    Level 20 and one shotting everything on Xbox

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Is this game just super easy now or is something just going on with the early game all the story missions me and my friends seem to be killing everything in one hit can anyone explain

    submitted by /u/Umbratis
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    Stat caps

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Hello Guys,

    I read somewhere that there is a cap in stats, eg. 90k x Crit Strike. But I'm above 100k... does it mean above 90 it is not considered anymore or has it been removed?


    submitted by /u/ctoldi
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    Gear up, before you head down.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:52 PM PST

    What are some npc's you wish you could murder?

    submitted by /u/Keeperofheads
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    Surveys for MMORPGs and MMORPG communities research.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:46 AM PST

    Hi all, I am currently doing research for a dissertation as part of my final year of game design course in college. As part of my research, I am conducting surveys to gather feedback from MMORPG players on the matter of stereotypes related to MMORPGs and player experience with MMORPGs. My dissertation and research focusses on how MMORPGs can potentially affect the psychological and psychosocial well-being of players who engage with MMORPGs. These effects can be both positive and negative, so I hope through my research that I can make people more aware of the positive effects and help people realize how negative effects occur. I believe that there is a heavy relation between player experience with MMORPGs and the effects that come from engaging with MMORPGs.

    If you would like to participate there are 2 surveys that I will link below for you to fill out. If you have any questions regarding anything else about the surveys or my research, feel free to send me a message and I will try my best to respond as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Jobin10100
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    Gear question?!?!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Should I be running two guiding rings of the sharp-shooter as a warlock?

    submitted by /u/zagudyha
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    Gonna start playing NW

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:31 PM PST

    any advice?

    submitted by /u/jacobfv04
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:47 PM PST

    Currently , my only viable options for weapons is to grind AD and buy masterwork or to pray to RNjesus that I dig one up in avernus yes? What happened to the old days where you'd be able to get upgrades from doing the content.

    submitted by /u/MikeCrosskill
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    Free bags from Adventurer's rewards?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:10 PM PST

    It seems some of these give free bags now. Does anyone know which ones have the bags? - I'm levelling up a storage alt so want to know what level its worth going to for the free extra space.

    submitted by /u/neidanman
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    Upper Body Textures messed up

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Upper Body Textures messed up

    The upper body of my Sun Elven Wizard is not existant anymore. She's partially invisible. Has anybody else had a similar problem?
    I'm not sure if this could be just a local problem on my PC or if the character looks messed up for everyone.

    I reinstalled Neverwinter a week ago. My other old characters (created 2014) look normal.

    Thanks in advance for any kind of help! ^^'


    submitted by /u/Asmodaya
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    Winter fest question

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Can you get the daily star currency used for the new broom mount from gifts when in a party? I want the mount but dont want to screw myself out of the mount from trading stars for gifts to exchange in a party if theres no chance of getting what I want back ouf of it.

    submitted by /u/Pulsatingmaggot666
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    Where is the Mayor in the Winter Festival?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Newbie asking..how many days are the Season Festivals?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:57 AM PST

    help me select between my Ranger and Rogue

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    i just returned to the game and want to enjoy end game, i have my ranger at level 52 and my rogue at level 62, i like both, but want to take one of them to end game

    what i am looking for is a class that can survive well and take on tough content without the need to run and hide or keep rezzing when i get surprise adds on me

    and any advice on what mount / companions should i seek to help me better level up?

    submitted by /u/Falkanoxx
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    Need help with tanking

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:59 AM PST

    So just started playing again after a couple years and I need help.

    So I picked paladin and yeah I feel great but it feels like I don't pull enough aggro or make mobs focus on me, even the dungeon I just did with my friends I had second highest dps but mobs ignored me

    Should I stick to pally or is there a better tank out there that pulls aggro?

    We are like level 20 btw- just didn't want to go through to level 80 and feel like I'm not gonna be good -

    submitted by /u/Umbratis
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    Infernal secrets?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Where can i get infernal secrets from efficiently to open boxes of vallenhas treasures?

    submitted by /u/TarrasqueTakedown
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    Angel Wing Illusion Necklace - How to Get?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:09 AM PST

    I saw someone with golden wings, checked their equipment and it was an appearance item called Angel Wings for the neck slot, they wouldn't go into detail about how to get them.

    I'm a new player and play as a Barbarian, my plan was to go for a white/gold armour look with the holy vorpal looking like a holy warrior, saw the wings and thought they'd be a good addition.

    If anyone knows how to get them and if i'm still able to get them I'd appreciate the info since I can't find anything about them online.

    submitted by /u/Xedachi
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    Companion gear

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    i left the game for few months now and recently came back and started the new campaigns. I have compaion gear from undermountain ME's and i wanted to ask if there is now better companion gear that i can obtain consedring IL and stats. I'm a level 80 rogue with 29k IL .

    submitted by /u/owaida777
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    Low level enchantments

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Hello Guys,

    what do you do with the low level (3-8) enchantments? RP?


    submitted by /u/ctoldi
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    Please help me !!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:09 AM PST

    So I am currently playing as a level 68 warlock (on pc) doing the underdark region which as some of you might know has level 59-60 mobs. But I am facing a problem in that I am easily getting killed but a few level 59 spider and warriors even though there is almost a 10 level difference between me and the mobs in the region and I can't get enough damage done to kill them before they kill me so I am wondering whether if this is normal for everyone or am I doing something terribly wrong so please guide me in the right direction

    And also I have very less AD(only about 100k) so I can't do big purchases from auction house so please keep that in mind.

    Thanks a lot for your help

    submitted by /u/THEINDIANJEWEL
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