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    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Neverwinter Free Gith...?

    Neverwinter Free Gith...?

    Free Gith...?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Is anyone else seeing a message about a free unlock of the Gith species as a player character option? I thought that happened a while back when the Gith made their debut, but had expired. Is this a thing again, or is that a bug?

    UPDATE: I looked at it again, and it appears to be the same message they used when the Gith first came out and they gave them away for a while. Dates were earlier this year. I guess they want to sell the Gith pack... not sure why they'd mention an expired promotion though. I figure they'd just say "Buy the Gith pack!" and call it a day. :D

    submitted by /u/paigegrrl
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    RNG tips for professions vs refining

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST

    If you want to level your professions up, I recommend doing it during double weekends. Where morale is half. I also think if you want to buy a level 70 auto level pack do it for gathering. Gathering is the slowest and you can't rush gathering the same as the others. Having said that, here's my observation:

    Don't gather or set a task to happen over time if your proficiency is less than 100% for that task. Find the hardest task your artisan can do that still lets them do it at 100% then apply a 200% book or 100% book to it. Here is why: in this game, if I set an artisan to perform a task that has 99% proficiency then it ALWAYS finds a way to fail on that 1% at least once in the first two or three times I try to do it. And if I set them to "make as many as possible" so I can get it later, then they WILL fail that 1% once and as soon as they fail once they quit making more. They just give up (my in-lore explanation is that they failed once so I guess they lost motivation and quit making more). So when I first set my lower level gatherer to get as many astral diamond crates as possible on a 99% proficiency run and they failed once they quit getting more so I woke up next day and found my first one failed so I had zero. So lesson learned was that I don't set a timed task to an artisan that has anything less than 100% chance to succeed.

    In contrast I find that if I have a 1% chance to refine an enchantment it will fail 149/150 times. It will never catch that 1% success. But your artisans WILL catch that 1% fail. Downside is lost time (you play next day and find they failed on first attempt so the 99 items you were hoping for is really low just zero). And you lose any consumable stuff you used (the buffs or books or raw materials). So find the highest and hardest task your artisan can do with the best tool that still meets or exceeds the proficiency score required to get 100%. Then add the highest book buff to it so you can accelerate the XP. On double weekends you can push more through at speed before resetting morale with AD. On double weekends I would sometimes try my luck with a 99% or 98% score because I would see the instafail on the first run and I would hit the again and it would work. I have probably lost about 15 200% books this way, but I was pushing hard to level up with 4-5 AD morale resets. I currently have all professions at level 80 and all Artisans at 80 too with Chult recipes all unlocked but I am still trying to get to where I can actually make some of the 78-80 items. Workshop level 4 so also pushing to upgrade to 5 (slooooowly). RNG of 99% success is really not statistically accurate. 99% success also means 1% fail. Which really translates to "expect at least one failure, guaranteed if you set it to task at time, and probably in the first 2-3 times you do it using morale." It's not really 1% fail. Out of the maybe 100 times I've done any task that is 99% proficiency I've failed probably 20-30 times. the only sure thing they can say is do it on 100%. Unless you are willing to lose the buffs you're using and want to speed craft your way up on a double profession weekend.

    To be fair to this game, my RNG isn't always so bad. I pulled a Glorious Resurgent Legendary pack the other day and got my Legendary Tenser I was (sort of) saving up for a lot faster than I had planned.

    But I still think double-weekends is the way to go for everything.

    submitted by /u/Asphodelmercenary
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    Which storyteller journal to use as primary artifact for a tank?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I'm only going to complete the pages for one of the journals but I will have three journals total. Which one should I use as a tank and complete the pages for my primary artifact?

    submitted by /u/cwcase
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    Looking to drop some cash into the game

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Been out the game for 5+ years recently returned and after couple of weeks have got to grips with most things new, got couple toons to 80 ilvl 18/19k Rogues. Mostly doing the undermountain stuff but have back tracked on many of the missed campaigns.

    Im enjoying the game and plan to stick around, I will likely go with max zen purchase with the current bonus, 24000+9x00.

    Would appreciate thoughts on specific spending and further thoughts on this current sale progression (theories). I've read through the ongoing black friday sales talks and obviously it's debatable whether we'll see further reductions or not.

    Main first/main concern as im spending the max on zen is whether we will see further zen reductions or implementation of bonuses equivalent to previous winter bonuses. Do I wait on the chance it gets better or buy now in the event the bonus is removed (cant see if they specifically state when current zen bonus ends).

    After that and probably more importantly whats the best investments?

    I have 4 toons in total on my acc and 1 free slot. More slots would give me more future progression and allow accumulation of things across the account in the long run.

    Looking at some of the packs they are available for each toon on the account so they seem to make sense while they currently are 30% off. Theres 3 packs that would unlock a wide array of things across my account, races, mounts and slots as well as lots of other stuff. (Can specify abit later)

    Wards are always a good purchase when reduced and keys (although i think all 3 packs give 20 keys each one time also).

    Im happy to manually do missed campaigns so i dont see any reason to buy campaign unlocks/skips.

    Edit: VIP would obviously be beneficial and im guessing that will be a definite purchase

    What else best value right now, again, any pointers tips generally or specific appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Selenathar
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    I have a question...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:34 PM PST

    I just started neverwinter and im confused as to why i heal infinitely, i don't know if it's a bug or if it's supposed to do this, but the campfire effect isn't going away

    submitted by /u/ATLAS_JET
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    Am I an outlier, or just a forum outlier?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:46 AM PST

    Sometimes, looking at Neverwinter forums/info that's online I wonder if I'm an outlier, or if it's just that the people who post on forums tend to be a specific type of player (YMMV, I'm not saying one kind of play style is better or worse than another).

    I've played for half a dozen, multiple-month stretches since it came out - been back around a month this time so far (it's a very different game than when it started), but my general play style is always the same: I go through the content with a class I enjoy, pretty much in order.

    Gear? I get the gear offered up by the new zone (which means my gear is always below my level).

    Enchants? I put in what I buy with Seals for now or what I've got hanging around from earlier periods of play.

    Instances? I have an alt I sometimes do the daily with, but my main only does them when he gets the quest as a way of "finishing the story."

    Professions? I work them lightly every day, as kind of an alternate progression path. It'll take a long time, but I like watching my skill slowly tick up.

    Campaigns? I see these as alternate progression as well, I'm sure after I hit 80 I'll have months ahead of me slowly working through them, picking up whatever gear/boons they have to offer. I sometimes get caught up for example in doing the daily Harper quests and don't even advance more than one or two quests in the zone I'm "actually" in (I play maybe an hour a day).

    All the information out there is about end-game builds and maximizing stats and I do read that stuff - it guides some of the companions I get (though I'm also about how they look) and enchants I steer towards - but it's not the focus of the game for me that it seems to be for a lot of people.

    So I guess my question is whether I'm an outlier, or it's just that the people who tend to write posts about the game tend to be focused on the end-game. Also, playing the way I do, am I going to be able to work through all of the content (with only mild maximizing?) and are people going to ultimately start yelling at me when I do instances?

    ETA for the instances I tend to be quite conscientious about my role, and since I'm not always familiar with the content that has meant in other games things like paying careful attention to the tank, sticking with the group, not pulling anything, and so forth.

    submitted by /u/stevenmlong
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    Tips for Hellpit

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Since the difficulty is way harder on day 8 compared to day 1-7 I thought I would start a thread to collect some tips to complete it.

    • Use an artifact, that deals AOE damage. I used the envenomed storyteller's journal but a staff of flowers should also be fine

    • Use the demonic mastery boon for 5% extra damage dealt against demons and 5% less damage taken from demons

    • AOE damage is pretty important so use AOE encounters

    • Make sure to kite the enemys and use your dodges when needed

    • You should use buff food and potions and stones of health to heal yourself

    • Slot insignia powers that heal you like Barbarian's Revelry or Survivor's Blessing

    • You could also use the redemption companion power for some extra healing but I didn't try it

    • Make sure to kill stuff with cc as fast as possible

    Tips for rogue only:

    • Use your smokebomb from stealth followed by your artifact to deal combat advantage damage from your artifact power

    • Whirlwind of blades is probably the best daily you can use

    • Stealth can buy you some time not getting hit to heal up

    submitted by /u/Mriamsosmrt
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    Is anyone else having a problem with the pvp boon after the pvp update? It keeps telling me I have a boon but when I click on it it says I don't have one. TIA

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Ferocity ? Does anyone have numbers?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:46 AM PST

    What's the proc rate for it? Is it a good buff to have? compared to a +5000 or +10000 power mount?

    submitted by /u/riotblade76
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    Another returning xbox player, just hit 70, finding it a bit hard

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:22 AM PST

    Started getting back into the game after a little break, around the 60s as a guardian fighter, which I guess is just called fighter now? Anyway, I can see there's loadouts and a dps and tank option, which I've set up all the powers and boons etc for. Just want to get through all the campaigns and things, get as many achievements as I can and get to end game. So continued my story progress which is in the whispering caverns, so I'm about 10 levels higher. But I'm finding it's taking a while to kills things now, and stuff kills me quick. My equipment is up to date for my level, dps or tank doesn't seem to matter with my damage or survivability, and companions either don't heal me much or dish out much damage. So what's changed since I came back?

    So I queued for some random dungeons, always bottom of the dps, but got the xp to get me to 70 to unlock more things. Got the new set of equipment from chest for talking to the lord which was all recommended, took the boat to start the level 70 quest, and enemies just won't die. Everything I've chosen seems to match builds I've seen online, and rotations. So where can I go from here?

    submitted by /u/Craphex
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    Hell pit, is this replacing other events?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:57 AM PST

    The hell pit is going to have to run multiple times a year for the higher tier rewards to be available. Can we therefore assume this is going to replace events we used to get that were tuned for level 70s or level 60s? Have we seen the last of day of the dungeon master, and the siege of neverwinter, other things? If we have I think that would be a shame. I'm not a fan of the day of the dungeon master but the love, skill and thought that went in to it was evident. The siege was always my favourite event. Yes it had got a bit silly with all the mobs being one shotted and, the rewards weren't very exciting but to me it was what the game should be about, defending the world from evil cultists and dragons, lots and lots of dragons.

    The hell pit reminds me of one those power leveling XP farming foundary quests. Waves of dull enemies doing dull things and re-using existsing assets.

    submitted by /u/ChewiesHairbrush
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    Tales set tip for collectors

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    If you already have a set at mythic, you'll want a second green set stored away just in case they get added to the collections.

    submitted by /u/gusmp
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    New on xbox

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Before I get to in to this game do people still play it?

    submitted by /u/Wunderb3ard
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