• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Neverwinter It seems that lots of people only rely on healers to revive everyone, which is bad, and i'll explain why

    Neverwinter It seems that lots of people only rely on healers to revive everyone, which is bad, and i'll explain why

    It seems that lots of people only rely on healers to revive everyone, which is bad, and i'll explain why

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    i've encountered this way too often. Everyone relies on the healer to revive all downed players, although other roles can revive people just as well! this "reviving people is the healers' job" attitude is really bad, because then no one is there to revive the healer. I've seen lots of runs failing because nobody revived the healer. This has to change.

    submitted by /u/Ronisoni14
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    Thoughts on lower level content

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Regarding random dungeons and the Defeating Dragons task, in the leveling zones, I think there should be an item level max on these.

    After experiencing waiting, in the area, for about 10 minutes for Vartilingorix and not getting credit, I started thinking about ways to protect these experiences for new players. The dragon died while I was still running at it as the assembled group killed it in literally less than 3 seconds.

    Don't get me wrong, it's quite fun when you get to a point where you can go back and mop the floor with mobs that used to be really hard, Ghost Stories a'hem... And now I do a Smite as soon as the targeting reticle turns red on the dragons, but it unfortunately can ruin the experience for players that are appropriately leveled for that experience. The same goes for the leveling dungeons, which has been commented on countless times here.


    1. Put a max IL on the lower level random dungeon queue.

    2. Break out the epic random dungeon queue into 2 queue tiers (no max IL limit), to both replace the now blocked low level AD farm and also give mid-range IL players a step up level of dungeons to do before they can do the highest IL required dungeons.

    3. At an appropriate IL (to be determined) replace the daily Defeating Dragons task with something more IL appropriate, like a Well of Dragons Heroic Encounter, one of the zone mini dungeons or even the Dragon Heralds instead.

    Of course, they'd have to run the stats to see if there would be enough lower level player population to make up for the missing, blocked high level players. Maybe this is why it hasn't already been done this way...

    Just wanted to share my thoughts and see what everyone else thinks.

    submitted by /u/chaoticgood42
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    A Channel for the Stories

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    A Player for the Story

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Meet the Characters

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Haven't seen this side of Port Nyanzaru before

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Carapace Mount Pack

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    So I just pulled a Carapace Mount pack from a soulmonger's lockbox. It looks like it runs around 52k on the trade house. Is it worth it to open? I'm not even sure what campaign this lockbox came from. It looks like it is a variety of mounts. Any advise would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Flavius-Belisarius69
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    Class for a new player

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PDT


    I started playing a few days ago and i'm trying to choose a class.

    I would like to be a tank but i think is a bad idea for a newcommer. So i want a dps but i dont know the diferences between the classes.

    Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Severe_Sherbet
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    Server latency on Xbox

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Anyone else having severe lag for the last few hours on Xbox? Not the normal lag, but really severe which makes doing anything impossible. Mine started a few hours ago and I can't even get my character moved across a zone. Network is working fine on all my other games and none of my other devices in the house are having issues. Definitely think it's either game or Xbox Live...

    submitted by /u/Jagermeister_TX
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    Having trouble with LOMM mimics.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I switched from GF DPS to GF Tank awhile back and when LOMM pops up in the exp queue, I have problems killing the mimics by myself. Usually, when it's a pug group no one really has a plan on which color to take either.

    All my stats are over the required amount for LOMM. I realize I can't do the same damage as I used to , but it's frustrating not to be able to get through this phase.

    Since there's 5 of us, I assume the dps and tank are responsible for the mimics while the healer helps us. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/mulder00
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    I’m a noob and what is the thing to the right of the mount?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    New Player - Story Quest Question - Linear?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Hello all! I am a new player. I just started on PS4. I've did the first few quests up to going and finding Honor in the main town. I was able to run around and get my mail and rewards and the free PS Plus stuff. I am a rogue and plan to go whisperknife because the ranged at-will power is my favorite thing in an mmo in a long time.

    I am familiar with dnd, and I've played almost every mmo under the sun, so I'm not new to the genre.

    My question is if the storyline quests are linear or not? Like can I just keep moving from one quest to the next without having to search through a bunch of new quests that may derail me to a new module/expansion before I finish the last one.

    Wow comes to mind, but also like Tera. By the time you fully do one zone, you've out leveled the next three zones and you have to skip a ton of content to get any valuable exp or gear. Plus the story was so hard to follow. The set up for this game, with quests and talking heads and stuff, and it being action based, seems a lot like tera, so I was wondering how it compares in terms of questing and story.


    submitted by /u/Baitdoll
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    Lion guard weapons

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    How many runs of ToMM does it take to get the entire set? Trying to grab them soon

    submitted by /u/ELT3-Prodigy
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    Wasteland Lockbox?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Apparently it accidentally went live for a little bit. Anyone care to post up what is in it?

    submitted by /u/CdnBison
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    Start as paladin? or bad idea

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:39 PM PDT


    I want to be a paladin but i think its a bad idea because is a healer or a tank and im a bit scared with the dungeons and raids content because i wont know what to do.

    Any recomendation?

    submitted by /u/Zodian852
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    How does "Recommended" Gear work?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    lvl80 Rogue, I have the undermountain artifact weapon set everyone gets at 70,gear score 565. I also picked up a set of Colbalt Baselard +1s (925s) from the AH for basically nothing.

    Why does it recommend the artifacts?
    Each colbalt has 600-800 more damage, +350 combined, +3k more power. Crit/acc are - 200, but that seems more than made up for.

    What am I missing, why are the artifact weapons better?

    submitted by /u/Ilsensine
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    Infernal Citadel from an OP perspective and questions.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    So far I thought I.C. is interesting, there are many checks, dps, tank, and healing. It looks like this will be the norm since LOMM, and I.C. is no exception. Starts off easy enough kill things, from a tank view I use Templars's Wrath to pool everything up on me, then Burning Light to stun, while dps works from the outside. This seems to speed things up but the issue I had was running out of divinity if you have top shelf dps. Lots of little pockets, so running quickly from mob to mob can be draining. Healing wise pretty straight forward and easy. Boss 1 shouldn't be any issues, his tell is a charge, tail stab, and an attack similar to the first boss in FBI. Healing wise same as before, pretty straight forward. Second boss is the tank check, man this guy hits hard. Tanking wise he has a 3 move combo, once he swings his right hand a second time don't be there for the overhead it hurts. I haven't found a way to avoid his overhead yet and anyone that has more experience, advice would be welcome. I usually back up as fast as I can, even this is a 400k+ hit. After he hits a lava pool will spawn below you so move quickly. Walk the boss around the room, trying to keep him as stationary as possible, but large aoe's make it difficult. Healing wise the aoes are killer in here. Make sure dps is stacked up, when the large aoe drops I got caught multiple times in peoples aoe because they were spread out and it was a down. I have 3 gladiator guiles on and it still wasn't enough. Its important to keep over shields up on the entire phase. The tank and possibly dps will be standing in fire taking damage, so keeping that shield on is important. Final boss is dps check with slight healing check. I didn't find much of a reason to tank in here other than for the healing check. So tank wise its not terribly important to maintain aggro until he does his spinning attack. Once he initiates that, after it is complete he will grab who ever has aggro with chains and pull them forward burning them. If your healer doesn't heal you its a down. A few times the tank was out and he would target longer range dps, they only seemed to have the chains with minimal damage, so this was an interesting thing and possibly worth it to have longer range dps take aggro? Dps has a limited time to kill him or you will run out of room. Healing wise the check isn't too bad once you know its coming. I usually dropped the OP sigil right before to help but he spins around so much its hard. I rarely had to heal past 3 pushes and once I got into the groove of it 2 was usually enough. Any comments from more experienced players welcome. Also just an aside things hit like a truck in there, which is the reason to send the tank out first. On that note you need to have positive incoming, negative is going to be a massive drain on the healer, especially in boss 2, Def cap is a must, and ArP for dps is a must. Having Tacticles in here is essential to over shields, don't wear darks. There are several videos out I like this series because it is from an OP tank. Last thing, they still haven't fixed the Res issue where if you're shielded you will not be able to scroll, something to keep in mind.

    submitted by /u/rdpoint
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    How could anyone deny those lovable little Kuo Toa.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Hello New Player Looking for Hunter Tips

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    hello guys, i'm completely new to this game. I'm not really into competitive right now and i don't really care picking a class over another just for dps purpose. I really want to play hunter since is a class i often play in many games. I'm just having problem finding an updated guide after mod18. It looks like all the old guides are now obsolete. Hope someone can help me, i'm really new so i'm open to anything, trying to figure out how game work.

    best regards

    submitted by /u/chepoz9595
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    Returning player seeking advice.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Ok, I'm a returning player from mod 15, always played a Paladin before that, started the game on PS4 around a month after Chult was released. I have all the Boons from Underfmountain and lower unlocked. I have r14 Bondings right now, I'll raise those to 15. I'm currently doing my daily x3 ME's (fingers crossed for companion gear) and running Siege for the currency for gear, Juma bags, and working also towards the Burnished Set. I've read some of the guides out there. Working on getting most of my gear in the 1200-1225 region right now before I worry about farming for AD for all the upgrades I gotta do to get my stats right. I'm also in a lvl 20 Guild. I've only got the Legendary Lion mount but surprisingly I'm in a good spot for companions.

    So, my question is, am I missing out on anything from mentioned above to get back into the swing of things that I'm not aware of? I'm asking because it's been one crazy ride because it's WAY different than what I was used to haha.

    submitted by /u/Pixelhobo
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    RNG rate on older mods

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    So I've been running MEs for a year or whatever now hoping to get the Ebony ring with +3% melee dmg with no luck. Mod 18 drops on Xbox so I pony up and buy the Striking master ring that has the same equip, higher stats, but costs like 600k+ on AH. What drops a week later? You guessed it, the Ebony ring, bound of course. I swear this game is fixed. Does RNG chance go up on older content when a new mod drops? Zok finally dropped a Music box also, same week...

    submitted by /u/Foehammer019
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    Giveaway Ideas

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Care to share your Alliance/Guild Giveaway Ideas? I am planning future contests/games/giveaways for my alliance and would appreciate some help with ideas!

    submitted by /u/Eli_985
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    How desirable are Warlock heals in ToMM?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Sadly dps warlock don't seem to be getting any love when it comes to ToMM. Was wondering if having a healing warlock would increase my chances of getting into ToMM runs and if they would be useful in the dungeon.

    submitted by /u/ChipmunkAzn
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    Wizard Secondary artifact slots

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Hello guys and gals i use the dark remnant set for the 3 set bonus and the soul sight crystal for the active. What you suggest for the other 2 remaining secondary artifact slots

    submitted by /u/NoMorePain18
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    Wondrous Gonn

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    Was that just a weekend thing? And does it come back again?

    submitted by /u/AreBeeEm81
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