• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Neverwinter Sanctum [GH 20] on PS4 is Recruiting

    Neverwinter Sanctum [GH 20] on PS4 is Recruiting

    Sanctum [GH 20] on PS4 is Recruiting

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Do you seek happiness? Inner peace? Meaning in life? Well, we can't help you there, but we can offer you a spot in our awesome cult- I mean, guild!

    Guild: Sanctum - GH 20 on PS4

    Rank 10 boons: Power, Hit Points, Res Sickness, Incoming Healing and more. Rank 8 boons: Crit Severity (10%) and Crit Avoidance. Treasure Hunter boon available in side guild. Rank 10 Marketplace.

    Alliance: One of a Kind Very active, end game alliance

    Activities: Influence Runs, Marauders, Dungeon runs, Randoms, Discord giveaways, Raffles, Alliance ToMM groups, etc.

    Requirements: We want social players: Talk! Join the discord! Interact with your fellow man/woman!

    Must be level 80 and 16k+ ilvl. Also, don't be a jerk.


    • Maxed PvE boons
    • Tight-knit guild
    • Active, helpful alliance
    • Active Discord
    • Guild name that's not stupid or pretentious
    • No insane joining requirementsexcept 2Mil AD and your first born child


    • Occasionally stupid inside jokes that you'll have to put up with.
    • No health insurance or dental plan.


    • This is amazing! How do I join?

    Look up "Sanctum" in the Find a Guild menu in game. If you can't find it, send divisionofzero a PSN message requesting to join or send a direct message here. Make sure you say a bit about yourself in your message.

    • When are you most active?

    We have many members in the UK and North America. Our most active time is between 12 pm to 2 am EST, but we have people on at all hours most days.

    • What is discord? How can I access it?

    Discord is what we use to chat, coordinate runs, discuss builds and upcoming mods. This can be accessed via a web browser or downloaded as an app on your smartphone. We will give you our discord code once you join the guild.

    • I don't meet your ilvl requirements, can I join?

    Exceptions might be made if you're close or a support class on a case by case basis. Message me here with your build and a bit about your gear.

    submitted by /u/theBleedingHeart
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    Finally, my first finished LOMM :)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I really want to apreciate the fantastic gamers comunity that we have.

    Last night, after a few intents in the last months i could ending LOMM.

    I did my task, readed guides, watch videos, and take all the tips ( like Tank w/Healer at Green corner ) helps a lot avoiding the waste of time, but allways was a Wipe at Arcturia phase, with the lovely mimics....

    With a lot effort and he right group (PUG), having the maturity of the good players, we did it after 1:15', like 15 deaths ( the golems in 2nd worm was a really nightmare ), 30MM Dmg taked and 21MM Absorved, probably not good numbers, but the flavor of do it was priceless, including the

    the gesture of show me the end Lore. Thanks to the group ( only reminder Peter right now ), and thanks to all the people that take patience over other, improving the comunity.

    ... and happy St Patrick days ;) have all the RNG lucky today !!!


    Vhana (WHC)

    submitted by /u/Elrohird
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    SW Tomm Build

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    I've seen several builds and they are all different. Anyone able to tell me what encounter and at will powers are the best to use for tomm?

    submitted by /u/the_Expletus
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    MOD 18 Wizard build Thurmatage (or whatever it's called)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I am pretty new to the game so can someone help me out? I heard that Thurmatage is nerfed to the depths of hell so should I also change to arcanist?

    submitted by /u/LuciferPlayz14
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    If I'm having to stay home, then I'm sure as hell going to diversify my time on games.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    So, I'm looking to getting back into Neverwinter so I'm not just playing one game.

    It's been a few years since I started NW and I'm just curious about anything new that I should know. If it matters I've started a new PC character where I used to main on the Xbox.

    submitted by /u/affective_effective
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    Shameless plug for my donation monitor tool that helps guild leaders keep an overview about donations during the siege

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Shameless plug for my donation monitor tool that helps guild leaders keep an overview about donations during the siege

    Hey there,

    I wrote a tool a few years ago that utilises Neverwinters 'Export guild donation log'-functionality to gather some statistics about donations and keep updating it occasionally.

    My guild uses this during the siege events to hand out rewards to members who are willing to go the extra mile farming vouchers.


    You can get the latest version in the assets of the release page of the projects github page

    For further information and usage instructions visit the project page.

    Have fun farming and feel free to message me with questions or inspiration :D

    submitted by /u/STSchif
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    I missed 2 days on the Siege event. I don't have enough AD to buy/craft supplies to get a chance. Is there any other way I can get the writ of commendation? (PS4)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm a level 37 player. I only just started trying to make AD and only have 15,000. With the price of injury kits, I'll be able to get 300 of them. Crafting them will produce 45 supplies. It takes 24 to open one case for a CHANCE at the writ of commendation. I most likely won't be able to get it. I'd need 2 of them. Does anyone have a slew of injury kits they don't need and would be willing to donate them to a good cause? Or if there is another way or better way to get the supplies. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/x-Justice
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    Lone wolf players (ps4)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    If you need someone to play with, hit me up. I play a decent amount and I have zero people to play with. NA Lucifer is both my psn and ingame name, feel free to add!

    submitted by /u/NA-Lord
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    Healing For Noobs

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Hi guys so I'm new to neverwinter but not the style of game, I'm a healer in literally every game I play. (FFXIV I was adept at every healer, and an astrologian main) So naturally I chose a class that could heal, my first character I picked a warlock and started soulweaver when I hit 30 but I'm questioning the viability of this character later on. The healing output seems really low so far ? Maybe I am missing something. Does anyone have tips for me? Is it worth it to push this character to 80 or should I just scrap her all together and start a cleric, I did read a few posts that seem to agree cleric is the better healer ? TYIA 💜

    submitted by /u/Hecate-Laced
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    Low IL in E Q's...

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Hello and I hope this is not a stupid question. How in the world are low IL Chars getting into Epic Dungeons? Like 13k low. Happens almost every Q now at least one. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/XxGalactusxX
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    How should I get my item level up?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I stopped playing 2 mods ago and I'm just now returning. I used to have a decent item level, I can't remember exactly what it was though. Now I have an item level of around 5,000. I'm level 80 and can't access a lot of the dungeons and other content due to my low item level. How should I go about raising it?

    submitted by /u/gryphon227
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    New player needing to know

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    What DLC should I get or if any? Is there anything I need to buy now or do I wait till I beat the game?

    submitted by /u/se7enEra3185
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    Question about the Apparatus of Kwalish mount and Traveler's treasure

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    At first, it worked great, and I got 900 ad in ~15 mins, but then it stopped working altogether. I tried restarting the game and all, but it didn't work. Any idea how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Shrekboi994
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    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    How long does it take to earn 40k Glory? Would love to get artifact from PvP vendor. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Zhilas
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    Cleric or Warlock Healer for 4-man Static Group

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Hey folks!My three brothers and I have decided to give Neverwinter a try, and I'm our designated healer for the team (as I am in most mmos we play together :)).

    We have a zerker (or fighter) tank, rogue and ranger dps, and me.

    I can't decide whether to go with warlock or cleric healer...

    Pros of Cleric:

    -Can heal before level 30

    -Looks like very active healing (ground targeted heals, etc)

    -Looks like they're very powerful support, which is what I'm all about

    Con: their dodge/dash skill makes me want to smash my computer screen before I finished the first quest - the aftercast delay is vile

    Pros of Warlock:

    -I really enjoy their mobility skill, it feels cool

    -I love the lifesteal healer aesthetic

    Cons: it looks like even in their scourge tree, they have very little actual healing or support and just rely on giving some health as they attack enemies?

    EDIT: I LOVE being a support, I don't want to be an off-healer (if either of them are), but mobility matters a lot to me enjoying a class, and unless their dash skill changes, Cleric's seems very frustrating to use

    submitted by /u/Xadoe
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