• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Neverwinter PSA: Cinematic focus blurs everything, including textures. Turn it off for more crisp visuals.

    Neverwinter PSA: Cinematic focus blurs everything, including textures. Turn it off for more crisp visuals.

    PSA: Cinematic focus blurs everything, including textures. Turn it off for more crisp visuals.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    But my friends like it...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    Hey folks, wanted to create a bit of a discussion post to open myself to alternative perspectives that my friends haven't covered. I've got 7 friends playing the same game and that's super rare for us, but this time, I'm the odd one out. They all love it, and it makes me cringe.

    I don't like this game. It's been out for nearly 7 years and still looks and feels like it's in Beta (I tried it in 2013 and am now trying again). The enemy NPC reaction time, rubber band-like movement paths and pretty much all facets of their AI lend themselves to being the antithesis of smooth.

    I have hopped around 10+ MMOs over the last 15 years because I adore the genre and creating one character that I build a bond with and empower. I haven't written this game off, but in my last gameplay session, I sighed and alt F4'd the quest in the main city where I have to give a lady a potion when she gets poisoned by rats or lycanthropes, I forgot. I've had multiple characters between 10-23.

    So what's the biggest draw to this game for you?

    Thank you for your time,


    submitted by /u/cannot_be_undone
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    Tank Stat Questions

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    So this is gonna sound like it's obvious, but how much more important is Ar. P than Power in terms of aggro building? I've been told not to worry about how much I have on Power as long as I have Ar.P capped, but if I'm grouped with high DPS I almost always lose aggro and I'm thinking it's because I have Ar. P capped but low Power (115k last I remember). I"m a pally tank btw.

    submitted by /u/Aestheticnessless
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    Is the crafting... broken?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    A simple question. One I should've asked about three weeks ago when me and my buddies started playing this (I even posted here asking for advice!)

    You see, I'm a sucker for good crafting systems. I played many different MMOs over the years and always enjoyed getting into the crafting systems, grinding for certain materials and then either profiting from the sales or facilitating the gearing-up process of me and my friends. My fondest memories are of MMOs where we would each pick a different crafting specialization and help each other by complementing the things we could create, no matter how small they were.

    I was in love at first with NWs crafting. It's somewhat intuitive (not the best, not the worst) and while you can't deep dive into it due to the morale restriction you can invest all your profits into it with the hopes of making a big return later on... right?

    So I picked Jewelry, which is historically what I enjoy doing the most.

    I start crafting away. My buddies are grinding quests, I'm crafting.

    My buddies are investing their small daily sum of ADs into better items, I'm transforming mine into materials.

    We finally get to 18k IL and start earning big with triple daily queues. "Now's the time to really kick it off!" I think.

    I buy raw blood rubies and mica whetstones. Three +1 Cobalt Files and start grinding away to make blood rubies.

    I lose money.

    Turns out the rubies cost more to make than what they sell for.


    Maybe I should make the Mica Whetstones myself? No, that doesn't change the math too much. Still losing money.

    Maybe I got too greedy. Maybe Black Opal's are the thing.

    Nope, same story.

    Okay, okay, but I CAN make Regalis Pendants and sell them for a considerable profit, right?

    I mean, yeah. There's some money to be made there, but it's not THAT much and there's no guarantee that you're going to sell all of them. People only need one, and only for a short window of time.

    And yea, before you say, I know you can make about 20 silver on each Brass Ring you sell if you have good enough artisans, I read DarkAngel's crafting guide too.

    Which is when it hit me.

    All the crafting guides are outdated. Gathering is so very slow to level. Upgrading your workshop is a rough road to follow, especially if you're a new player and 500k AD is a big deal. Not to mention 4mi.

    It makes me beyond sad to even have to ask, but...

    Is the crafting system broken?

    submitted by /u/AguaTonificada
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    Some questions about the game

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I want to play the game but I have some questions before.

    1. Is Neverwinter P2W? Are there anything that's only obtainable using the cash currency or can I get everything for free after buying the complete game?
    2. Is there any kind of subscription in Neverwinter that gives any kind of advantage for those who pay for it? Are those advantages a deal breaker?
    3. How's the market and population of the game? Is the game alive? Will I find people to do content with me? I like to know different people and not only stay doing content with my guild, for example. What's the daily average of online players?
    4. Is the community toxic or does it not welcome new players?

    Thanks in advance if you took your time to answer me! I hope to see you in game.

    submitted by /u/GAzvd
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    Finding TOMM groups

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I'm struggling with finding a group for TOMM. I'm a DPS Ranger Warden, capped stats including Def, 315k HP and 175k Power.

    I haven't run it before but I've spent a couple of hours learning the mechanics through Youtube videos (thank you Rainer) so I know what to do.

    I'm looking in YP but it's fairly dead a lot of the time unless you want ME's or RQ's so I've also looked in Vallenhas and PE but PE is just all about Tales atm.

    1) Am I looking in the right places? 2) Are there any groups on here that run TOMM regularly?

    I really want my Lionheart set and I want a real challenge from this game.

    submitted by /u/iBear92
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    Newbie looking for guidance

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Hello hello!

    Long time D&D/Neverwinter Nights fan here. I just started playing and have even trying to figure out the nuances of the game. My current toon is a level 34 ranger warden, and I'm really enjoying it. I'd appreciate any general tips for newcomers like myself. Some thoughts on what equipment stats works best for rangers would be great! Also, a bit of guidance on how best to invest or save astral diamonds/zen would be welcome...I think I have a grasp of it but it looks like I have some time to sink into the game before it's useful. Is it worth spending diamonds at such an early stage?

    Super grateful that this game exists for free; hoping to put some money toward it for the developers and mods when my finances are improved.

    submitted by /u/OhCrumpets
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    Neck/waist combo

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    Best neck/waist combo for a dps Barbarian?

    submitted by /u/davidthegreat915
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    Raid Eyeglass head gear

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Thoughts? Opinions? I did a quick google and reddit search. No results. Is it decent for a brand new lvl 80? 1250 IL vs my 770 that i currently wear. better stats as well. Its fairly cheap on AH just curious if worth it.

    submitted by /u/Depactus
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    NIce textures

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    NIce textures

    So, running MEs is terrible experience for me.


    Reason 1 - runic specter can pull me and several times I got stuck in textures

    Reason 2 - see a picture

    Boss decided to have a laugh. HE just jumped, fell through texture and can still fight me from there.

    Anyone knows a way to drag him out?

    submitted by /u/gohurot
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    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I want to buy an alpha compy but not at 14 mill anyone on ps4 actually wanna make a decent sell

    submitted by /u/Babbiloon
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    Tymoras Gifts - anything useful?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I See next event is coming. Yay. Anything worthful focusing on?

    submitted by /u/RupiGoldberg
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    I'm looking for a guild

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi to everyone! I'm a new player who recently reached lv 80. After that, I noticed that I didn't joined to any guild, even if it's really helpful. I still don't know this game very well, so I'd like to join to a guild where others will help me. If possible, I'd prefer to join to an Italian guild (just because I'm Italian and to understand better the language), but I'm not that bad in english so there's no big difference. I'm Fighter Dreadnought with 12k item level. Thanks for the attention.

    submitted by /u/Septode
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    Roadmap Update v2.0 | Neverwinter News

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Ebony Stained Robes ?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    So I've been doing ME's to get decent gear as recommended in my last post. I've twice got Ebony Stained Robes which I've read are pretty good, but they drop at lvl 78. Is this what level they are supposed to be?

    submitted by /u/posieden1
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    Problems with the "A mount of your own!" Quest.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Already talked to Brendon but i havent got any mount. Somebody know how to solve It?

    submitted by /u/Darkest_jojofag
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    Looking for guild

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Looking for a guild on Xbox.

    A little bit about me, so you can determine if ill be a good fit for your guild or not.

    28M, Iraq War combat vet (so dark humor and swearing abound). I work full time, and I've got a wife and a 11mo daughter. I try to be on and as active as I can be, but due to husbandly duties, I'm not on as much as I'd like.

    I've played Neverwinter as far back as Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter Nights, and I had this game when it released on Xbox. Got to 60, and stopped. Just hopped back on to get back into the groove of things.

    In terms of MMO experience, I've played several, going back as far as Ultima Online. Ran several successful guilds on UO, WoW, ESO.

    If anyone wants a new person, feel free to hit me up.

    Gamertag is XeroKhaos11B.

    submitted by /u/ElysiuM11B
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    Guild Proposal

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So... Ugh..... I've been grinding during quarantine. Building a level 80 character of every class, almost there ... Couple to go. I am so beyond fed-up of guilds saying they welcome everyone, but messaging recruiters and not recieving an invite. I've come to the decision that I'd quite like to build a guild with some friendly folks.

    Would anyone be interested in banding together with me to form a new guild?

    submitted by /u/TheVenusGuytrap
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    Forgotten of Faerun Guild is Recruiting!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Forgotten of Faerun Guild is Recruiting!

    FoF CoA

    We are a laid back group that pride ourselves as being a family first and gamers second, so we understand that real life comes first. We are family oriented but not always "family friendly". We realize that real life comes first, so, we don't have any donation expectations.

    The Forgotten of Faerun guild is recruiting people of like mind and trying to expand our active players. We are a guild hall 15. I will add a table of our current boons at the bottom, but, if the boons are your primary goal we may not be the right fit for you.

    We like to have fun in our Discord server, but at the same time we try to make sure no one is offended. We typically avoid politics and religion as these subjects can get heated in a hurry. All are welcome regardless of Item Level, time played, or experience. As you may have guessed from the previous statement, Elitist may have some trouble here. Everyone has their own play style, so we encourage you to play yours and let others play theirs. Race, Creed, Color, Gender, or Sexual Orientation will also not be discriminated against.

    This is a game that is meant to played and cause enjoyment. Hopefully we are the right fit for you as you are for us. If you are interested in joining our little community, feel free to follow the link to our discord waiting room: https://discord.gg/Qu7ZbBC .

    There is a lot of knowledge in our discord and many of us willing to help, answer questions, and give advice.

    Category Bonus Stat
    Offense Power 5000
    Offense Group Stat 800
    Offense Armor Penetration 5000
    Defense Incoming Healing 9%
    Defense Control Resist 8%
    Defense Defense 5600
    Utility Experience Points 21%
    Utility Treasure Hunter DR/GB 18%
    Utility Mount Speed 10%
    PvP N/A N/A

    submitted by /u/wredraven
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    Warriors Thirst companion power?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    So from the way I understand it, this power gives you an extra 5000 power while you are being healed from Siphon Strike. My question is, does the Dread Warrior also get this buff from healing itself, and if so. If I have bonding stones giving me 110% of his stats, does that mean I get an additional 5500 power on top of my original buff while we are both being healed?

    submitted by /u/GLG-Prometheus
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    Old top tier mod 10-11 player, just rejoined

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am an old rogue that used to play back in 2017. I just got back into the game and realized a few things.

    1. When I dodge roll, my stealth bar does not increase anymore. Why is this?

    2. Where is the appearance library? I turned some of my old dragonflight items into appearance items and I can not seem to find out how to transform my current gear.

    3. Is PvP que gone?

    4. What should my primary focus be? Finishing campaigns I didn't finish?

    5. I noticed nobody does Fangbreaker Island anymore. I have the shadewalkers dagger and stilettos, they'll be imposible to upgrade to legendary now. So this leads into question 6.

    6. The game gave me under mountain dagger and stiletto, should I upgrade these or should I keep my current mod 11 weapons.

    7. What is the way to make astral diamonds now since salavaging has been removed?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/chitownkidd23
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    How should I improve myself as a Control Wizard?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I am a control wizard player and I am currently stuck on around 19k item level and 80k power. How do you increase these? I have seen people wearing 980 level equipment while still having over 24k item level and even 200k power sometimes! I have tried asking them personally but I always got ignores so I'm asking here. I'm obviously looking to increase my power level in order to gain access to the end game activities. Is there really no way other than to save up astral diamonds and buy all the good stuff? Some info about my current build if anyone cares enough to help:

    Head: Bone Harvester Hood, Armor:Poisoned Leather of Rage, Arms:Spiked Defender Vambrace,

    Main Hand:Alabaster Orb(legendary),Talisman:Burnished Talisman(Epic),Feet:Infernal Forged Shoes,

    Neck:Regalis Pendant +1, Right Ring:Protégé's Restoration Ring, Left Ring:Prized Restoration Ring of the Cult, Waist:Stonehide Belt+1, Shirt and Trousers:Protégé's Raid Shirt/Trousers

    Main Artifact: Decanter of Atropal Essence(Epic), Side Artifacts:Tiamat's Orb of Majesty(Epic), Bad Luck Charm, Tarnished Locket.

    Companion: Level 30 Goat with Rank 9 Bonding Runestones and Legendary equipment with Rank 9 Empowered Runestones. Mount: Medium Adventurer's Horse.

    That should be all, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Yeekiller
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT



    If you are interested in joining the alliance, feel free to talk to any of us on Discord (https://discord.gg/9XHtwgv) and message anyone in the alliance leadership. You can otherwise send a message to anyone in-game from the list below:

    Essence of Aggression:

    @ ramesh84

    @ tonyvincent

    @ derarzt83

    @ unthoughtknown

    @ zhili666

    @ tepes#1182

    @ zilkka

    @ fork3omb

    @ ninefingers222

    @ colonelfreezy

    @ casewoodshadow

    See you in-game!

    Videos from alliance wide content:





    submitted by /u/AizuW
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    Rogue assassin

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    So I started playing rogue and I need some advices... For example which spells to use or anything.. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Dreekhart
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    cant play due to the server being down

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    i was in sharadar today while doing my daily's on my barb and when i get done and try to leave i noticed how i could not get back on for how the screen would not load cause after trying to make a post on the forum i noticed how it was down as well for how i couldn't install neverwinter on my laptop so what is going on with with there sever today cause i was playing fine tell this happened

    submitted by /u/Elirathia
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