• Breaking News

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Neverwinter We saw your pigs- and raised you an army of snails! Tonight the Battle Born alliance took over an instance in PE and had some fun. Giveaways ensued after sliming Lord Neverember and everything around him! Thanks to everyone that made this quick decision a great memory 😁

    Neverwinter We saw your pigs- and raised you an army of snails! Tonight the Battle Born alliance took over an instance in PE and had some fun. Giveaways ensued after sliming Lord Neverember and everything around him! Thanks to everyone that made this quick decision a great memory ��

    We saw your pigs- and raised you an army of snails! Tonight the Battle Born alliance took over an instance in PE and had some fun. Giveaways ensued after sliming Lord Neverember and everything around him! Thanks to everyone that made this quick decision a great memory ��

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Nightcrawler outfit for my rogue ��‍♂️

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Should they raise the daily ad cap?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Just wanting opinions. Do you think the minimum cap for converting rad to ad should be raisable somehow? Whether it be by legacy campaigns or something? 100000 ad is nothing when you earn it by doing each random queue once

    submitted by /u/abiggs1023
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    Rage of Bel Guide - for the Lost and Confused

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    By doing Rage of Bel you will receive a forger's box that provides you with useful buffs that you can upgrade up to mythical quality. There are also various rings you can obtain. Vanity Pets and transmutation items are also available.

    To begin, head to Vallenhas and speak to Alric.

    Infernal Reconnaissance Quest

    • Receive the 'Infernal Reconnaissance' quest from Alric.
    • Kill any devils in the marked areas until you receive 'infernal orders', afterwards return to Alric to complete the quest

    Chaotic Energies Quest

    • Receive the 'Chaotic Energies' quest from Alric
    • Speak to Makos
    • Requires collection of 6 Dark Glyphshards
    • Do BHEs twice to complete fast (gives 3x each time) or do minor HEs six times (gives 1x each time)
    • Return to Makos to complete

    Join the Cause Quest

    • Receive 'Join the Cause' quest from Makos
    • Talk to Alyssa to complete

    Order of the Rift Wardens: Under-Marshal Quest [To be updated]

    • Attune dark glyphworks [after doing this you may return to Alyssa to get the Ring the Bel quest].
    • This quest is a pre-requisite in order to challenge Bel make sure you have it and attune the dark glyphworks so you can begin Bel.
    • This quest takes a minimum of 5 days to complete.
    • Dark glyphworks magic absorbed per day has a cap of 20%, in order to get this magic you must do insurgencies.

    *will update upon completion of this quest

    Ring the Bel Quest

    • You can receive this quest after you attune the dark glyphworks (you don't have to get the magic % before attempting bel, you can do this whenever).
    • Requires you to defeat Bel once in order to complete this quest.
    • Rewards you with a box that has some useful currencies inside it.


    • These begin approximately one hour after Bel goes down (it is recommended to be waiting there 10-15 minutes before as sometimes the timer jumps and these immediately start when the timer jumps)
    • Attack and kill monsters solo to get dark magic doing so will get you either 2% per kill or 1% per kill. There may be one or two kills in between that don't give you any but don't worry.
    • Avoid attacking mobs that others have engaged as that will result in you not getting any % and they may not get any % either from that.
    • It is recommended to find a corner and kill mobs solo there. Consider switching to a dps loadout if you are a tank/heal class. Or look for an instance with few people on it and go there.
    • If you are struggling to find untouched mobs, try to stand near the mini portals that spawn in insurgencies and wait as mobs come through those portals.
    • Avoid closing the big portal at end which appears at 100% on the insurgency as it causes the Rage of Bel bar to go up faster and this means less time for everyone to get their insurgency caps done.

    Bel Fight


    • Bel comes immediately after the rage of Bel bar is filled up by doing insurgencies.
    • He is there server-wide across all instances for one hour.
    • When Bel's portal is open for the hour you can challenge him as many times you like and receive rewards each time.
    • Before beginning Bel you must have the 'Ring the Bel' quest otherwise you will not be able to enter Bel's instance.
    • Ranged dps comes in very handy in this fight.

    Actual Fight

    • Begin attacking Bel, after some time he will push everyone back from him [if you do not have a lot of HP or do not have an OP on team then don't get too close to Bel]
    • After the push back, everyone in the party has to be very careful. Do not go near Bel and his rings as you will start taking damage. Anywhere you stand for longer than a second will start burning and you will see red circles on the ground. You must keep moving in order to avoid taking damage.
    • After he pushes everyone back the catapult phase begins, one person in the party will have a blue orb above their heads, their job is to find a blue catapult ball around the map and load it into the correct catapult. [Everyone else must stay away from the ammo and stay away from the correct catapult]
    • To find the blue catapult ball, move your mouse and look around the area, you will see a light purple glow. You have to go towards it and pick up the ammo.
    • After picking up the ammo, hover your mouse over each catapult and the one highlighted in white and the one that has the text 'catapult' is the one you should load the ammo into.
    • Immediately after Bel is shot you can start dpsing again. He will knock everyone back once more but just go back to him and continue dpsing.
    • Afterwards he will push everyone back again if you have high dps he will destroy all the catapults, if you have not dpsed enough the catapult phase will begin again.
    • After Bel destroys all the catapults the final phase of the fight begins, this time, similar to the catapult phase, red fiery circles will appear beneath your feet during the fight itself. You must keep moving and DPS classes should consider switching to ranged abilities for this part of the fight.
    • After Bel is defeated you must speak to him and then you are free to leave the portal and run Bel again.

    [After Bel's 1 hour timer ends there will be approximately a 1 hour cooldown till insurgencies start again.]

    Known Items/Rewards [To be updated]

    Completing Bel in a party of 5 gives the following rewards each time:

    • 9 infernal secrets [has a daily cap of XX & total that can be held at one time is 150]
    • 9 seal of the fallen
    • RAD
    • Refinement points

    Completing Bel could also provide you with any of the **[Ring of Bel]**s as a drop.

    Alyssa's shop (note purchases require both AD and infernal secrets):

    • Vanity pets
    • Small box of vallenhas treasures
    • [Balanced Metal Rod]

    Rods (used for upgrading forger's box):

    • Completing Bel could also reward you with the '[Infused Metal Rod]' - mythical rarity. I personally got this drop after two days of doing Bel for approximately 1-2 hours each day.
    • Doing insurgencies could also reward you with '[Battle Worn Metal Rod]' - green rarity. [NEEDS FURTHER CONFIRMATION]
    • [Balanced Metal Rod] - purple rarity can be bought from Alyssa's shop.

    Rewards' Stats & Effects

    Forger's boxes have a 1800 seconds duration and provide with a guaranteed power buff + one other buff

    • [Dormant Forger's Box] +400 Power
    • [Glowing Forger's Box] +800 Power, +500 CS
    • [Burning Forger's Box] +1200 Power, +750 CS/+750 Acc.
    • [Infused Forger's Box] +1600 Power, +1000 CS/+1000 Acc./+1000 CA
    • [Vibrating Forger's Box] +2000 Power, +1250 CS/+1250 Acc./+1250 CA/+2% Crit Sev.
    • [Empowered Forger's Box] +2400 Power, +1500 CS/+1500 Acc./+1500 CA/+4% Crit Sev./+4% AP gain
    • [Awakened Forger's Box] +2800 Power, +1750 CS/+1750 Acc./+1750 CA/+6% Crit Sev./+6% AP gain/+6% Recharge speed

    • [Ring of Bel+1] +980 CR, +7840 Acc., +11,760 CA, One offense slot
    • [Ring of Bel+2] +990 CR, +7920 Acc., +11,880 CA, One offense slot
    • [Ring of Bel+3] +1010 CR, +8080 Acc., +12,120 CA, One offense slot
    • [Ring of Bel+4] +1050 CR, +8400 Acc., +12,600 CA, Two offense slots, Equip Power
    • [Ring of Bel+5] +1100 CR, +8800 Acc., +13,200 CA, Two offense slots, Equip Power


    • [Reinforced Metal Rod] - purple rarity is required to do the first upgrade of forger's box. Still unsure of how this is received.
    • Insurgencies currently only last 5-8 minutes and this is problematic as sometimes you often have to wait 2 hours for them. May see an adjustment in the future.
    • Getting dark magic % only on solo kills was an unintentional feature as addressed by the devs. Expect to see a change to this in the future so heals and tanks will also be able to earn % without struggling.
    • As a melee DPS I ran into the issue once of not being knocked back while the rest of my party was and so I was stuck in Bel's rings of flames for a few seconds receiving damage.
    • Forger's box buff doesn't last 1800 seconds as the duration description message states on it. The starter dormant forger's box's buff lasts for 10 minutes. Possibly higher rarity = longer duration?

    [Please drop below any new rewards/items you discover + how you found them so I can add to the list] Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Zephriael
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    Can someone tell me what's causing these weird spikes to come out of my shoulders?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I'm not sure when it started to know what changed, but I noticed it a couple days ago on my Rogue. I've tried turning off my Shadowclad Armor Enhancement's visuals and it still does it. They seem to show up every 20s or so, then disappear again.

    submitted by /u/introspectdev
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    How do you start private dungeons

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Me and my friends (5 man) we're trying to start cloak tower in a private queue. We were all at the tower entrance and in a queue group together but there was no way for use to start the dungeon in private mode.

    submitted by /u/JumbowaterH20
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    LFG despair watcher run

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys I'm trying to go for the watcher set I've obtained the off hand looking for the main hand which can be optioned from Glumaria the despair watcher boss if anybody's interested in running it with me it be great. I'm 22K IL Rogue with defense crit and arm pen capped power at 110 k .. I am looking for 2 dps similar or higher stats would be nice I know 2 people both willing to play oathbound paladin which I believe to be good in this scenario even if u don't know the mechanics I don't mind teaching them since I've done it a couple of times - the loot would be set the party leader decides if the main hand Rogue weapon comes out I would go for it otherwise any other batiri or wizard weapon or gwf weapon you can have I only solemnly care for the main hand rogue weapon if your interested on PC drop your handle and I'll add you also drop your discord so we can create a group to have a proper discussion cheers :) Thank you

    submitted by /u/confusedandraped
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    Campaign bundle

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    So there's a sale right now on the campaign bundle and was wondering which one is the best one to buy and just grind the other 5. Pathfinder or thunderous 🤔

    submitted by /u/Daimyo98
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    If you spend money and want ad read

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    So coalescent wards are 800 zen. 500k ad, if you buy it with zen its sellable. I know how im making my ad now.

    submitted by /u/abiggs1023
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    Need help

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    So I just came back on neverwinter after 2 years. Level 57. Uhhhh I forgot everything about the game. I have a 30 day free vip I activated. I want to ask, can someone give me a little summary on what I should do and also what do I do with an enchantment key ?

    submitted by /u/RapidRamzi
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    Laid back and social Xbox guild recruiting

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Ps4 zoom

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Is there anyway to zoom further out on console, specifically Ps4? I see PC players get to zoom their camera out much further than we can.

    submitted by /u/TearDr0pRS
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    [PC] Guild recruitment sticky?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I am a new player (51 warlock and 22 Ranger) and I am looking for a guild and its tough to find actively recruiting guilds using the search function. Have the mods thought about putting a sticky at the top of the page to make it easier for new people to find?

    If anyone is recruiting fairly casual players that want to do some pvp with not a ton of time commitment (I am a father of 2 and work 55 hours a week), I am open! I am an English speaker and play primarily later at night in the Eastern time zone.

    submitted by /u/Luckyone1
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    Server not responding (Xbox)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I am having constant server not responding errors for 15s up to 90s which will disconnect me. Anyone else having this issue? No other internet services are having this issue or any of my other games. Desperately need an assist.

    submitted by /u/faeleas
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    CW Equipment Question

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Hi all. Am i right in understanding that Avernus doesnt have any Waist, Orb (Main Hand) and Talisman. Im currently using x2 Mountaineer and Trobriands Cable for this gear, all at legendary. Item level is only 980 for each. Is there something better i can get and from where?

    Same Q for rings, im using Protege raid and assault (both 980) Is there something better?

    Trying to get my IL up as im still feeling lacking at 23k. My separate project is upgrading all my insignia to legendary.

    submitted by /u/steffimay
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    Any advice for despair

    Posted: 17 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I know what to do before she gets to 50% but afterwards is tricky lol

    submitted by /u/chels095
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    What are the items in the first two slots? Thanks.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:25 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    If uninstalled then neverwinter app on my ps4 when I re installed it I would still have my characters and stuff right? I know it sounds stupid lol and would I have too re link my arc account as well?

    submitted by /u/vordredd
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    No foundry?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    I wanted to do some foundry quests and maybe try to make some myself, but I can't find it anywhere...

    Is it going to come back?

    submitted by /u/Gordyne
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    Appearance Items

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    What are some good appearance items, to look evil, mean, funny, or just cool? What are some of your favorites?

    submitted by /u/Vimvigory
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    Guild Recruitment! Come and join the fun. (Dragon BBQs and Cookies served daily.) ;)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Which wizard spec preforms better in general content?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

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