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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Neverwinter x2 Refinement Stones Event - Tips / Info (I've seen a lot of people asking, hope this helps!)

    Neverwinter x2 Refinement Stones Event - Tips / Info (I've seen a lot of people asking, hope this helps!)

    x2 Refinement Stones Event - Tips / Info (I've seen a lot of people asking, hope this helps!)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Fighting fire

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Dragon’s Bane Trophy / Achievement Updated Assistance

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I'm one trophy away from the platinum (PS4) and sure enough it's the one so many people are missing, defeating 1,000 Dragons.

    I've seen a lot of information out there on guides, unfortunately they are all a few years old now and the game changes so frequently that I was curious to get some updated info from people. So, does anyone know any tips in today's version of the game (Mod 18) to grinding this out?

    I've seen Caverns of Karrundax mentioned but there are no longer dragons that spawn in the beginning (as some guides suggest) and I've also heard from a few people that you can no longer earn this in private queues. Obviously instance hopping still seems a decent route but still taking a while.

    TLDR : need info for 2020 on the best way for acquiring this trophy.

    submitted by /u/Slider257
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    Tyrant lure materials questions

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    What all do I have to fight to get the materials for the rotten flesh to summon the tyrant? It's literally the last of two pieces I need to get the empowered chain of scales the one other thing I need is Kutlass.

    submitted by /u/jimmy_changa1990
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    Vanity Pet Suggestion

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Remove the Bind to Character on Pickup for all vanity pets. We should be able to sell Event Vanity Pets on the Auction House or buy them with the associated Event Currency. All other vanity pets should be account bound not character bound. It is disappointing to see 10 copies of the same Undermountain vanity pet or be unable to obtain a specific Event Vanity Pet due to being cursed by the RNG gods.

    submitted by /u/ForwardState
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    X2 refining stones

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Is there any really good way to farm this event or things we should be doing to make the most of this event. Also is there any efficent way to farm Mark's of potency rank 4? I havent found a way.

    submitted by /u/howlongdoesthisgo3
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    Returning player, question about campaigns

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    I'm a returning player after a couple of years likely going to be starting new but I'm seeing alot of people saying just level to 70 and get through the UM campaign to 80 then go back and work on all the other ones? Should the other ones be worked on while leveling or does it matter?

    submitted by /u/Dephyrius
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    At what level is a dungeon finder available?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Title. I'm lv 16 and can enter a dungeon but there's no one joining unless you have a premade party

    submitted by /u/charizard_72
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    8GB Patch?!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Why was todays patch so huge? First I got locked out last night by the maintenance, then I tried to play today and got hit with a massive (For Australian internet) download!

    I thought they were simply adding an event, Tymoras favor or whatever? Why is the patch so MASSIVE? Is this going to happen every single time the game goes down for maintenance in the future?

    submitted by /u/Eskiimo7
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    Guild recruiting! Join LookGoodPlayGood! Need help? New to game? Or just looking for more players to do Dungeon runs? Join now & have fun! We have a guild discord & alliance discord, easy way to communicate, ask for help, & run events! Join!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Looking for a guild and some tips...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm a new player to Neverwinter but I've been playing these types of games way back since the original Baldur's Gate. I've only been playing this for just over a week but I'm struggling a bit with progression now and could do with a few tips, and to find a guild to join.

    I'm currently a L52 dwarf fighter and chose the tank specialisation, although I'm considering starting again with a different class build as I don't think I'm utilising my character's abilities and strengths very well. I'm really starting to struggle to level up further at a steady pace, and I don't think I've got a very good grasp on everything this game has to offer yet. I've just finished the Chasm quests and I think I'm a bit behind where I should be at L52. The gear on offer here is around the L55 mark and I don't want to fall too far behind in level that it makes the next enemies too difficult to beat. I don't seem to be gaining much experience from killing enemies, but having finished every quest I could find up to this point, I'm wondering if it's worth going back to previous areas to try and gain some easier experience points just from killing lower level enemies?

    As far as finding a guild goes, I'm on Xbox, UK, M, 30's, English speaker, casual gamer, I've got a mic and I'm playing quite a bit at the moment due to the corona lockdown. If you have a guild that you think might suit then let me know.

    submitted by /u/BeltedRogue
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    How do I get pants at low levels.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I picked up the game because my friends and I were looking for a new game blahs blah blah.

    The pants I started with look absolutely nasty. Like someone stitched a pair of panties onto chainmail. Is there anywhere I can pick up new pants at level 13?

    submitted by /u/Sc0ttishLad
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    [Question]Lvl 60 and bored? Don't want to spam grind or do quests. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Poor game interface

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Perhaps some of you have already noticed, as of today the option of using left click+enter/space does not work when buying from vendors, now this is extremely annoying and completely unnecessary. For someone like me for example, I have 6000 onyx fragments that I want to trade in for thayan scrolls, with left click+enter it would take me maybe 10 minutes, but now its extremely slow and annoying.. I just can't understand whats in the minds of the devs.. Are they purposely trying to annoy their players by denying SIMPLE options like selecting how much of something you can buy at once instead of clicking ten thousand times manually...its really infuriating.

    submitted by /u/Nightingale180
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    How to stats work with respect to RNG and how does CA vs awareness work in general?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    I see a lot of stuff written about arPen/def etc and things written like "if your stat X is < enemy stat Y then its 100% wasted" etc...

    But I was under the impression that each test of opposing stats was a RNG? Like, if I had an offensive rating of 10 and the monster had a defensive rating of 20, imagine rolling a 10 sided dice against a 20 sided dice and comparing the result. chances are the bigger dice will roll higher, but certainly not always. Is that how it works, or is it just straight math without the RNG?

    Also - I get CA positioning to get it, but what is awareness?

    submitted by /u/toejaz
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    Neverwinter Insignia Help!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I just started neverwinter and I accidentally deleted my free insignia you get from one of the first quests. One of the quests says equip your insignia, but I don't have one. i can't get any diamonds or zen, so I can't use the auction house to buy a new insignia. Could someone on PC send me a shitty enlightened insignia, just so I can keep going with the quest? I can PM you <3

    submitted by /u/XshokaX
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    Elite Refinement Pack!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    2x refinement stone for a beginner.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Greetings! Wanted to ask a few questions regarding this new event.

    1) should I boost the RP gain rate with AD? 2) should I be wearing anything extra for more drops? 3) anything in particular I should be doing for this event?

    Thank you very much in advance for your advise.

    submitted by /u/21Romeo
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    Mod18 class and spec popularity/rarity

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Dear /Neverwinter redditers,

    Let's talk about mod18 classes, specializations and their popularity or rarity. What is the most popular class spec IYO or in your guild, and why? Same thing with the rare finds. What's the rarest class (and class spec) you don't get to run with often - and why in your opinion players don't choose it?

    I see a lot of lvl80 barbarians running around and I guess it's just this dps and the "feeling cool, might chop chop some dragons later" flavour. Who I don't get to see often, are healocks. Guess it's hard to play them and they are just being slammed mercilessly in beginner's guides about how they lack of everything in comparison to clerics or paladins.

    How about you? Let's discuss =)

    submitted by /u/ElHurakano
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    AH Purchase Limit Question

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Error Message: "Your account has already spent the maximum amount of AD allowed on the Auction House for today. Very valuable items and accounts with a max-level character are exempt from this restriction."

    Background: I have sent a ticket to support, but I am doubtful they will be able to assist me in this matter, or willing to at the very least. I am aware this restriction is in place to stop gold sellers/bots but I was hoping I wouldn't be restricted in buying things on the AH after having to get over several other hurdles just to use it in the first place.

    Question(s): Does anyone know if there is a way to get this removed? What time does it reset? I got this message around 11pm last night and it still hasn't been cleared as of 2pm this afternoon, even though the message says it is a daily restriction. Finally, does anyone have any personal experience with this restriction? I am curious if it actually requires level 80 (I believe this is max level?) as the message says, or simply 60+ as that is when it was put into place from what I have found through google.

    Conclusion: Thank you, regardless, for taking the time to read/respond to this message and for any insight you may be able to shine on my situation. I would like to enjoy the game in my own way, but all these restrictions are making it difficult to. Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/BestDmanNA
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    Companion Pack

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Just getting back into Neverwinter, I used to play before MOD16 and thought I'd get back into the game. I have an epic companion pack I thought I'd transfer to my new character. Should I wait until I'm a higher level to open it or does that not matter?

    submitted by /u/MoxyTheMooch
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    Augment Companion Equipment

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    So I'm going to be purchasing an augment companion off the AH and I was wondering, does the equipment I need for them come from the Bloodied Companion Equipment pack?

    Do I only need to buy 1 pack? Should/can I buy the equipment itself or is the pack the only option?

    Thanks for taking the time to help!

    submitted by /u/OllinVulca
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