• Breaking News

    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Neverwinter Community Watch - 08/09/2020

    Neverwinter Community Watch - 08/09/2020

    Community Watch - 08/09/2020

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hey all! So I did a video (first one with hopefully more to come) of a Community Watch. It's not perfect and it wasn't totally how I'd aimed for, but, trial and error, right?

    This is the link -> https://youtu.be/IEPBI0jjbzM

    For a text overview though, here goes;


    • Northside Hit 15k Subs

    • Galactic Underwear Hit 4k Subs

    • GamingWithSonny Hit 2k Subs

    Guides / Theorycrafting

    • Galactic Underwear - Best Armor Enchant

    • Pretty-as-Hell – Mog & Garyx Locations (PS4)

    • GameolioDan – The Maze Engine Walkthrough

    • Sondre – ToMM; Ranger Warden PoV + Guide

    • Black Star – ITA Module 19 Walkthrough

    Class Builds / Updates & Related Content

    • Silv3ry - Healing Critique

    • T. Sume – Hunter Ranger Build

    • Matbulance – Deathless ToMM DC Healer PoV

    • Aragon – Barbarian Budget Build

    • Aragon – Warlock Healer Budget Build

    • Prysm & Smiffy – Warlock DPS Guide Mod 19

    • Enyo – Module 19 Rogue Build

    Developer News

    Console Patch Notes – Thursday

    Updated Roadmap

    Zariel Challenge Exploit

    CDP Phase 2 Discussion Opened Regarding Quality of Life – July 31st

    Other YouTube

    • Northside - Cragmire Crypts Solo

    • Galactic Underwear - FBI Solo

    • Enyo – Timelapse Video


    Custom Console Giveaway – Until August 16th, 2020

    submitted by /u/Yopuka
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    Allianz sucht weitere Gilden, Gilde sucht weitere Mitspieler

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    PC: Heros Deus Ex Magyra

    Since we are trying to get german players to join, i will write most in german.

    Our guild (as of august 2020) : Rank 9 Stronghold, Boons for Experience, Power and Hitpoints.

    Alliance (as of august 2020) : 5 Guilds so far, but we want more ! (If you have a level 20 SH, lvl 10 Marketplace -Guild "lying around" with no active players: Join us. We need the Shopping-Mall ! ;)

    Requirements: You should be

    - able to articulate yourself in either german (preferred) or english (not all of us can do that ...),

    - able to use discord (as much for written information as for voicechat)

    - grown up - at least in body. So 20 Years (+) is our goal.

    Und nun die Werbung:

    Hallo liebe Neverwinterer!

    Wir sind eine aufstrebende Gilde, die eine Allianz aufbaut.

    Die ersten 5 Plätze in der Allianz sind schon gefüllt, aber es sind natürlich weitere Plätze vorhanden.

    Was es bringt, in einer Allianz zu sein ?

    Man kann sehr viel gemeinsam machen. U.a. das Farmen nach Materialien für Gildenausbau. Es gibt einige Aktivitäten, die man am besten "im Rudel" macht: Festungsplünderer (Marauders) oder den Drachenschwarm...

    Und Gildenausbauten werden günstiger für Allianzmitglieder ...

    Und natürlich helfen wir gerne mit Rat und Tat und viel Humor.

    Ausserdem nehmen wir sehr gerne „Einzelspieler" (oder Gruppen) in unsere Gilde auf.

    Wer Interesse hat an Gildensegen, wie mehr Kraft und mehr Trefferpunkte: Das ist schon vorhanden, auch wenn wir weiter im Aufbau sind.

    Meldet Euch einfach bei mir hier oder im Spiel (@ culluket#6919) Wir haben auch einen immer voller werdenden Discord-Kanal mit einer grossen Infosammlung. (Voicechat ist v.a. abends auch sehr voll, daher haben wir mehrere Kanäle zur Nutzung)

    Bei uns sind alle willkommen, die sich zu benehmen wissen. Uns ist egal, ob ihr auch im realen Leben Ork, Elfe oder Drachengeborener , Zwerg, Halbling, Windling, Troll oder T´Skrang seid. (Jaja, falsches Spiel. Aber es bezog sich ja darauf, wie Ihr euch im RL seht. Und wir sind so meschugge, da KÖNNEN wir nur tolerant sein. Ausser, Ihr müsst Unfrieden stiften. Das dürft ihr wo anders machen.)

    Alle sind willkommen, die mindestens 20 Jahre alt sind. Und wenn ihr Halbelfen seid ist uns auch egal , welche Hälfte Elf ist... Hauptsache, wir verstehen uns und haben gemeinsam Spass am Spiel.

    submitted by /u/CulluketNW
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    Confused by stats levelling

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I hadn't played since 2016 and recently came back. I'm pretty confused, as lots of stuff now seems to give +5000 type things really early on, meaning some stats are at 10k at low level while others based just on gear are extremely low. I just realised I could have had companion equipment giving another +5k on two stats for each rune.

    Does it just mean that stats basically aren't relevant until end game? Should you just get your companions done and pretty much ignore gear/enchantments until 80?

    submitted by /u/teppic1
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    Wizard help

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    I just started a wizard, and am wondering what stats i should focus on. Can anyone give me a run down on the basics for wizard as i have no idea

    submitted by /u/VanishingMonkey
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    Recommended Stats for Random Trials and Skirmish?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    I just got 16kIL and tried a Random Skirmish for the AD and oh boy I am waaaaaaaaay behind in the damage department compared to the other players. I'm not even gonna try the trials because I might as well be a statue compared to my party members.

    What is the recommended stats for those Randoms? I currently have 60k in power, 87k for ap and around 50k for the rest.

    submitted by /u/Nico_arki
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    Blade master Barbarian

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I've got ample trade bars to get the deep crow companion or the mount. Which would be preferable?

    submitted by /u/jimdandy2rescue
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    Need advice / power-crit / heals / Mod 19

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I have a devout that I'm looking to run endgame content with and I'm struggling with the power-crit ratio for Mod 19. I can get it up to 175,000 power with 180000 crit strike with 98.5 crit severity. 305000 HP. Defense and Crit avoidance capped. Stay here for base heals? Sacrifice some power for more HP? Sacrifice power for better ratio? I can't really gain more crit strike without sacrificing def or crit avoidance so that to me is a no go. What do you think? Thanks in advance. I'd really love to run my heals for these. I can run with arbiter too at plus 200000 power capped w/ 350000 to 400000 HP. Just tired of switching enchant and runestones.

    submitted by /u/ErnieHophkins
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    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Can I trade a double do scroll to a buddy or will it lock to my account even though I already have one active

    submitted by /u/K1LLERCLOWNS
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    Where should I put my points in ability sheet score thingy as a drow

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Back after some time...

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I stopped playing properly around the time Barovia was released, but am looking to get back into it... I currently use a GWF (now Barbarian according to the game), and have done a quest line to get to level 80. But that is all... My main questions are what equips/companions should I be looking for, and what would be the optimal build and power rotation? Looking at the wiki and t'internet, but not finding any helpful information about how to go about my business.

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/Supafly82
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    How to progress?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Hello everyone. I've recently returned to NW after a break. I've built my main character (Ranger) up to a respectable point. 25k IL, 150k Power with capped offense stats.

    My question is how to continue from here. I feel as though my current progression goals include: 1. Maxing Bonding Runestones to 15 (Done) 2. Maxing Empowered Runestones to 15 3. Acquiring BIS Mounts and Companions for powers 4. Increasing Enchantment and Insignia levels

    Now all of these things when boiled down basically just mean I need a shit ton of AD, and with the 100k cap, I'm basically just time gated out of progression for a long while. Is there anything I'm missing or tips/tricks that anyone can offer? I'm feeling a bit like I've hit a plateau and would love any info. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/VinnieD_
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    I live on the east coast, i just had that big storm i got my internet back & its running like normally but i had to re install neverwinter because it kept kicking me off of it for some reason. Now im re downloading & it says 99 hours when it usually takes me 30 min. How do i make it faster??

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    NERF of Healers

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I am late to the party since I'm a fresh 80 but apparently Healers had a huge nerf in this new mod. I was looking through some videos in YouTube and came across a YTer called Aragon:


    So that got me temporarily second guess my decision to play as pally but so far I really like the game. Have not spent a dime - and I don't intend too either.

    Any veteran pallies - or support players for that matter - thoughts on this change? I am curious what you think.

    submitted by /u/lordloxi
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    Getting rejected for TOMM runs. What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Returning Player

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    So, I stopped playing a WHILE ago. I don't want to make a new character, as I'd been playing for quite a while and have a BUNCH of nice goodies, including a legendary mount; buuuut I feel massively overwhelmed.

    I'm not really sure how to go about picking back up. It just feels like there's so much to catch up on + new stuff, and I HAVE to have out of date gear, and and and-

    I looked up and have studied up on most of the new mechanics, but it's all just A LOT.

    Any tips on how to get back into it?

    submitted by /u/EldritchVulpine
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    Workshop Opportunity????

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Is there a difference in who you choose to run the workshop when you start it ?

    submitted by /u/byrdman1981
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    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    What's the best way of getting insignias have no clue how to get them and can't find anything recent on them

    submitted by /u/SinergyXb1
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    I am a 24k TR

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    What would I do next in order to upgrade my dps character? I have good companions; farming expeditions for better companion eq, I have mostly BIS gear. Should I work on my enchantments, empowereds, insignias, make artifacts mythic or maybe earn AD for legendary mount?

    submitted by /u/polo910
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