• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Neverwinter Roadmap Update

    Neverwinter Roadmap Update

    Roadmap Update

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Mog/Gary rant

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    This has probably been said before, but I absolutely HATE campers right now. They sit there as soon as the bar hits 80% and don't contribute anything, even when the percentage is dropping.

    As soon as the enemy spawns, they melt him. I wouldn't care about the camping as much if they would hold off for a few seconds so that those of us who were actually pushing the bar can get a hit in, and of course there are always those few people showing off and dumping everything possible into the boss instead of using their atwill.

    Before any of you say it, no I just won't change instances or stand there and camp as well. It's very time consuming especially when no one else is contributing and the bar drops.

    I just wish at the very least that there was a delay on the boss spawn so all of us killing can reach the location before the group melts it.

    submitted by /u/ChasingAmu
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    Updated Neverwinter Roadmap & Live Stream

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Again the try to get vanilla dungeons back, they shall not be forgotten

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:45 AM PDT


    Hop on over and let them know your feelings, I surely can't be the only one...

    Have faith

    submitted by /u/nem3sis_AUT
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    Help.... what are the best dps classes right now?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Farming for the fancy dueling mask help!?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    So I know that you can get it from the juma bags but I've literally opened 100s of bags and nothing. Is there a boss that I can beat to see if the mask drops from there? Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/LoGiiKz_
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    Which feat should I choose as a Cleric Arbier: Angel of Death or Perfect Balance?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Which feat should I choose as a Cleric Arbier: Angel of Death or Perfect Balance?

    Hey, guys!

    Could you tell me what feat I should choose at the bottom? Angel of Death or Perfect Balance?

    I saw guides wich told me "Angel of Death" and others said "Perfect Balance", a dude in our guild as well.

    But in my opinion Angel of Death is better, because:

    1. Spamming encounters for 12 seconds is really cool, right?
    2. Perfect Balance, requires encounters which give radiant judgement and burning judgement, in order to get a balance between both. This will fully charge the judgement scale, but I only have encounters which give burning judgement.
    3. I think 12 spamming is better than only one fully charged judgement scale.
    4. I activated a feat which gives me a 25% chance to fully charge the judgement scale by hitting an encounter. So, while spamming this will happen more often, right?

    What do you think and why?

    Thanks for your answers!

    Kind regards!


    submitted by /u/Lukibuk99
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    Farming RP and advice what to do at lvl 70

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Apologies if I keep posting here requesting for advice guys. Fresh 70 pally here so game will probably bombard me with quests and such. I have a few questions that I request answers if you don't mind:

    1. What to do first when reaching 70?
    2. What is the best way to farm RP?
    3. Most efficient way to get AD at fresh 70?

    I'm on PC btw.

    submitted by /u/lordloxi
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    How are my stats looking for ToMM?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    I know i need a bit more accuracy but i didn't got that comp gear piece what i need so far ...I will get some HP and Power too. Stamina regen is 40%

    My stats :


    submitted by /u/Payzoh
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    Daily Dungeon AD bug?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Just finished my daily dungeon q and got scammed for 8k AD. I just didn't receive anything after killing the boss. Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/_Goldee_
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    Xbox Inventory list external of console

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I'm a LVL80 player who had generally just played for fun, but I've been going back to do campaigns and stuff I never completed.

    Right now, my inventory is full of runestones, enchanting stones and shards of various levels - and some of them I have >90 of.

    Is there a way, outside of the console to see an inventory listing w/o having to just 'write' it down? I want to see what I have as line items vs icons, so I can make heads or tails of what I have.

    I need to update artifacts, etc and trying to make an informed decision. (and figure out what's what with refinement in general - link to a solid tutorial video?)



    submitted by /u/Testicleus
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    What gear do I need to survive in PvP?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I just hit the level cap and I want to start playing in PvP, but I just have the undermountain gear right now. What do I need to not just instantly get KO'd? (Playing as a warden)

    submitted by /u/lofibunny
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    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I keep trying to start up Neverwinter on my PC, and every time the Cryptic loading screen finishes the game closes with no error or crash message. I restart my PC and uninstalled and reinstalled the game. anyone else had this problem?

    submitted by /u/cheezyclazone
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    What can I keep?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I'm probably going to be changing guilds here soon and I want to know what I'll get to keep? I've got a decent amount of guild marks, can I keep those? Or will they disappear when I leave the guild? I also have a lot of stuff to donate (influence, shards of power, vouchers) but haven't donated them yet. Those will stay in my inventory, right? Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/GallagherM95
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    Gary/Mog Farm do rings stop dropping at some point?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Farmed them for about two hours last night and only got 3 rings after multiple kills of each, while hopping around instance you instance. Happen to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Fix-the-lag-EPIC
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    Am I TOMM ready?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    How does one befriend y’all? (Ps4 user)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    The arc games profile doesn't do anything. Is there a way to update it or keep it up to date? Says to be level 10 sending requests I'm level 12 in game. Is there something I'm missing y'all?

    submitted by /u/zdcguitar
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    Is Burnished weapon set still good?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Hi! Newbie here.

    I did some Master Expeditions and have now enough Seals of the Deep to buy from the Seals merchant in the Yawning Portal. I figured since I already got some gear from those expeditions, I would buy the Burnished Orb weapon for my CW. Is it still a good idea? I have no other weapon option unless an Alabaster weapon drops from expeditions, which from what I understood from searching the web, is quite rare (I did get an alabaster talisman on my first run tho so I'm a bit confused).

    submitted by /u/Nico_arki
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    LoMM with randoms (pug redq) as 22k Devout Cleric Mod 19

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Just started playing again after a year... are skirmishes a thing of the past? I just reached lvl 30 and got the Paragon mail telling new to do skirmishes to gain rough astral diamonds, but there don’t appear to be any in the queue.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    How do we get many businesses in the workshop?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    I tried and i couldn't craft anything. The game told me that i didn't have the necessary tools even though i had them. Anyone as a tip?

    submitted by /u/Svirfneblin1
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