• Breaking News

    Monday, September 14, 2020

    Neverwinter Hey guys, need some advice. I've tried to complete this quest. I've entered a sewer at several dig sites and cleared them and the quest won't complete. Any ideas?

    Neverwinter Hey guys, need some advice. I've tried to complete this quest. I've entered a sewer at several dig sites and cleared them and the quest won't complete. Any ideas?

    Hey guys, need some advice. I've tried to complete this quest. I've entered a sewer at several dig sites and cleared them and the quest won't complete. Any ideas?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I can’t play NW much any more due to odd lag (PS4)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I don't know how to explain this but after the log-in servers went down this week I can't play NW hardly at all. It's this really weird rubber banding lag that's I've not seen before and it's not normal lag I have experienced in the past.

    For example, if I'm at the guild hall I can sometimes make it all the way to the spider HE / lumber yard and ZAP I am back in the guild hall. It's driving me nuts. But it gets even more odd. When I am not experiencing this lag it's like the best speed I've ever had in the game, like all my toons/mount got a speed increase/boost.

    I play other MP/Co-op games online even ones known for their terrible lag like Anthem and do not have a issue with lag. My PS4 is using an ethernet cable so my connection up and down is really good. I am at a loss for what to do.

    I also have a Xbox and might download NW there just to see if I still get the lag or not and then at least I can narrow it down to the PS4, maybe.

    But as of now, all I can really do is log into NW and to my SH tending because combat is non-playable as anytime I start to fight I am transported back to a different location. ARGGGGG

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Autumn_Witch
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    Where to go from here?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    I'm a tank, just your friendly neighborhood brick wall, and now I'm a bit stuck.

    23740 Item Level. 630k HP. 98k power, and 85-90k in most stats. Combat advantage is the outlier at about 67k. I have three R15 Bonding Runestones on my Bulette Pup and can only really see upgrade potential in my 990 iLevel companion gear.

    I don't really know what to prioritise in terms of upgrades at the minute. Do I get all my insignias legendary? Do I need runestones on my companion to increase power, if that's even helpful for a tank? Do I start the arduous process of saving for a war triceratops to get that 50k hp instead of the 25k I have on my mount currently?

    I'm proper stuck, help me people of reddit!

    submitted by /u/Disastrous-Success19
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    BiS potion tray items?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    since this doesn't get a lot of attention i can't find any up-to-date information about it. What are currently the best items to have in your potion tray? atm i'm using the forgers box + tymoras lucky coin together with a greater stone of health. any better options i'm missing? thanks!

    submitted by /u/forza_meiderich
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    Arbiter artifact set

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    So my cleric just got to lvl 80. I have the IC artifact set ready to go for him but I heard the music box set would be better for cleric. I'm failing to really see why tho?

    Just want to hear some opinions before I make a decision, thanks.

    submitted by /u/clapt0wn
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    I can't find it in Rainer's Pocket Wiki.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Is there an Offense Slot companion that gives 4K Power & 2K Accuracy at legendary?

    Thanx for the info. 😀

    submitted by /u/Zenith8x8
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    Can someone pls explain enchantments, stats, etc to me like I’m an idiot

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Because I am lmao

    submitted by /u/lofibunny
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    Stamina Regen

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Guys when does stamina regeneration actually occur? I bought a Rank 9 Elven Battle which raised my Stamina Regen by 25%, but I don't really feel the difference as a tank even in the Bel fight. In fact, I only noticed my stamina regenerate when using my At-Wills that restored stamina and not when i was simply not doing anything but still in combat.

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    Mount changes

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    Hello, when there are new changes, you will be able to choose one item.

    • 75 Mount Upgrade Tokens
    • Free Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack
    • 150 Stones of Empowerment – upgrade material for collars
    • 50 Greater Stones of Empowerment – upgrade material for collars
    • 100% off companion coupon

    I have a question for "Free Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack" and "100% off companion coupon".

    What it is - Free Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack?

    And second question - Understand I can pick one free companion in Zen Market?

    submitted by /u/Vetirity
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    Keep Legendary Mount or Sell?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    (Post is through mobile just as a format heads up)

    So I'm curious with the new mount changes on the horizon, is it worth holding onto a legendary mount pull? Or is it more advantageous with my cleric not being fully endgame yet to sell it and use the diamonds towards Rank 15 bondings and/or other enchant or runestone upgrades? Currently have 1 rank 13, 1 rank 15, and 1 rank 12 bonding on my Polar Bear Cub (legendary). I'm a 23k ilvl Cleric.

    submitted by /u/Birdman1189
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    Spellplague and other Master Advice

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    (Obligatory mobile formatting warning ⚠️ also just general lack of grammar) I've seen a lot of commentary in game lately about the scaling for master dungeons not quite matching everything else and have noticed the differences myself. Mainly spellplague caverns which is the main one I get in REDQ. So here's something's I've noticed that I figured might help people to be more commonly aware of in the current state of play. 1) Don't stand in red circles. Seriously don't. Unless you're a tank who can maintain their stamina and are using it to unburden your healers by simply absorbing the damage get out. 2) Investigate mechanics more. I've seen this mainly on Cabal where DPS smash into the boss with everything only to realise a second too late that he just absorbed all the damage. Each boss has stuff going on. Heck even in spellplague the map has stuff you can simply avoid to reduce Ads 3) Everyone still has their roles here which is why I state 2. It's not Tiamat where the tank has dps on the brain and nothing else. Everyone needs to do their jobs for it to run smoothly. If everyone in a role isn't keeping up it slows these runs down considerably. (By everyone I mean the healer or the tank or all 3 DPS) 4) Potions and stones do still exist along with this that chest piece with an extra 2% damage taken with every stat and the boots that reduce incoming healer aren't as safe an as in RTQ here. 4) There is only so much an individual can do. Now this is both a statement that any role can get blamed in here and you can't solo these that easily if at all(spider isn't THAT bad after all). But yeah tldr stay out of the red, help each other out as best you can have fun

    submitted by /u/20CharacterLimitDamn
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    Constant and random disconnections

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Hello there. I just started re-playing the game after some time and I've decided to make a new character with a friend. Little issue, though: I keep crashing at random intervals.
    First of all, it's a server crash and it always kicks me back to the log-in screen.
    Some info you might wanna know:
    - I use the Steam version of the game
    - I have Windows 10 (tried running in Win 7 compatibily mode, didn't solve it)
    - I have a cabled connection and it is 100 Mbps
    - I had the infamous "cabbage" problem in Destiny 2, if it may be of anyone's interest to the issue

    I really don't know what else to try, it only happens with this game.

    I'd very much appreciate any and all help you can give me!

    submitted by /u/LatiosGigetto
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    New to game, not sure what I'm doing

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, so, new to game , have played a few mmo's over the years but I'm finding learning neverwinter a little tougher than usual. Maybe it's me getting older ( I'm 47 ) or just that I don't have loads of spare time for games anymore having a family etc. Anyhoo, I've got myself a cleric edging close to lvl 30 and I'm wondering weather to go DPS route or full on healer. Is there much call for healers later in the game or would I have more fun doing DPS? Is a cleric DPS a good option? I'm just feeling a little like I don't know what to do can I do both? Is there anywhere I can look online for a kinda dummies guide to the game? I have lots of questions about mounts, companions, and what all the weird stuff I'm collecting is whilst questing, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Sorry for being an old dumbass gamer.any help is appreciated taa very much.

    submitted by /u/sherriffcleeton
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    Best class for a beginner to find spots in group content ?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm downloading the game right now. Mostly here for PvE and mainly group content. I was wondering if i should start as a healer or a tank if i want to find groups easily? Which one is more sought after? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/bogotter842842
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    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Anyone know why the adx on ps4 has such a backlog? It's starting to look like it is on pc

    submitted by /u/electricworry73
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