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    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Neverwinter What do I need to change??

    Neverwinter What do I need to change??

    What do I need to change??

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    PS4 Free Items for Xmas

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:15 PM PST

    In the past 3 years they have given out a daily free gift for 7 days over the Xmas season, this year on the calendar it says the event runs for 2 weeks. I am just wondering what we can expect since it seems to have been extended/updated. Starts on Dec. 20

    submitted by /u/hdmi2016
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    New player on pc

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:52 PM PST

    Hey everybody, I'm new to neverwinter but not mmo or RPGs at all. I love poe and neverwinter they are all I have installed atm. I'm 31 from usa male. I'm looking for a guild and also just friends to play with. Also if you have suggestions about builds or general tips for a beginner that will be appreciated too. I'm currently making a barbarian half orc because I read it could end game solo. I'm very open to new builds I wouldn't mind deleting one as I can only have 2 toons atm. My name in game is General Cowden and Sin Defiant. Hit me up all be on all day tomorrow. I'm going to sleep right now or I'd play with you guys. I'll log back on in the morning and let everyone know I'm on if that's something you all would like.

    Tldr; need people to play with. Currently 15 barb and 15 ranger. Toon names General Cowden and Sin Defiant. Add me :)

    submitted by /u/JoshIsOk1988
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    New to the game, looking for tips (PS4 version)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:33 PM PST

    Just started playing a went with a Paladin and wanted to know what I should focus on, in regards to roles. Do others in game look for a healer or tank build? What stats/abilities should I focus on? Best gear for either? Thanks for any info in advance.

    submitted by /u/orobir
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    Is this a bug or did I screw something up? (Neverember quest line)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:51 PM PST

    I want this Epic Adventuring quest out of my journal so I don't have to keep looking at it, but I'm worried I missed something and I don't want to just ditch it. I try to talk to Lord Neverember and he has nothing to say about the quest, just "goodbye".

    where did I go wrong??

    submitted by /u/Katat0nikRadi0
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    Tale of Old Grand Retelling

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    So are the titles you get from Tales of Old Grand Retelling still bugged? I saw a post from when this was on PC that people weren't getting them. I have completed 3 of the dungeons with 5x difficulty on multiple characters and no titles at all.

    submitted by /u/LookAtTheMonkee
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    Fighter companion help

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    So I've decided to be a fighter and I'm making a list of things to do / get after my bonding runestones are 15. The biggest issue I'm having is finding which companions to get for my dps load out. I have a legendary bulette pup but not sure what to go for to fill out my companion bonus slots. Which companions give the best bonus slots for a dps fighter?

    submitted by /u/CapnDutchie
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    Lost scrolls from ToMM

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Each Lionheart weapon costs 20 lost scrolls, so 40 are needed for the set. Please could someone tell me how many lost scrolls you get per successful ToMM completion? I hope it is more than one!

    submitted by /u/Steve_J_UK
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    Max Bondings, Now What

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    So I maxed out my bonding runestones and got a legendary bullette pup and I'm working on bolster... But what should I focus on next??? I'm a little stumped

    submitted by /u/Rapter36
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    Insignia Combination Bonus Tooltips Broken?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    Anyone knows why Survivor's Blessing (3-insignia bonus) heals 1% of HP over 5s, while Survivor's Gift (2-insignia) heals 1%? This doesn't make any sense. Is the tooltip broken?

    Similar situation with Barbarian's Delight (2-insignia bonus), which gives you 1% HP on crit -- which is exactly as much as the corresponding 3-insignia bonus. Aren't 3-insignia combinations supposed to give better bonuses?

    submitted by /u/rogomatic
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    Problem with the Grand Chest of Tales. I have 96 trinkets, the chest is 20 each, but my "confirm" is greyed out. I cant buy it. My inventory isn't full. I have no idea. My bro just bought like 12 of them no problem. Any ideas?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    Cleric paragon paths

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:59 AM PST

    I have absolutely no clue on the class but I've decided to take one to 80, so just before I get to picking which paragon path I just wanted to know are they both viable with the current state of the game? And which is preferred?

    submitted by /u/WhiskeyNovemberSix
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    Noob needs some advice

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    I've been looking for a WOW type game on xbox and I think I have found it. I'm currently level 23 Paladin but I would love some advice on the awesome classes there are. I don't particularly want to be a tank but I do enjoy roaming around the world by myself doing quests and not worrying about dying too easily. Are there any other classes that are fun to play but not squishy and are awesome to play lvl 80 onwards?

    submitted by /u/Fruitybomb
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    Is there a Link or would anyone know the best Mount Bonuses for a DPS, Tank and also a DC.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    New player here, what's the best way to farm Refinement points? I have a quartermaster's insignia rank 9 and a mount bonus that gives me REfinement points every now and then. (18.5k ilvl wizard)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:16 AM PST

    Missed Black Friday Specials, are there any specials over festive season?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    I know won't be as good as BF but I missed the boat as I didn't have any disposable income then. Do they historically give another discounted zen purchase later this month?

    submitted by /u/TheBradZA
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    [Bug | Balancing] Temple of Tiamat

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:35 AM PST

    So the following happened after AzuraRose, Nala, and myself were the only three left in the instance. I'm wondering if Tiamat being able to strike into the respawn zone(Sacred Ground) is a bug or is working as intended. You can see that at least the Red Dragon Head can strike the very back of the instance, up to and including the door.

    Tiamat TPK and abandonment

    submitted by /u/ZoeS17
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    Power stat????

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:06 AM PST

    I see people who have so much power over 150k.

    My items and equips are close to being maxed, I have r13 runes in ALL slot, All Mystic artifacts (I use the flower set). And r13Bondings ALL. I use the bulette for augment and he has the 1020 companion gear But I'm stuck at a 120k.

    As far as boons go I got almost 3 rows worth of points which I put into power and comp inf, and 2 master boons. But they dont affect power so... Where am I missing power.

    There was a stat which i cant say what it is untill i see it, most people had like 50% but I'm only seeing I think 15%, one of the power substrates.

    Any help appreciated


    submitted by /u/Gorrimin
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    Crystalline Warhorse or Arcane Whirlwind

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:14 AM PST

    Which of the two would be better? The insignias the same, both 10,000 Power. Difference is aesthetics and the combat power. Is the combat power better on one than the other (granted I already have Legendary Tensers , Trex and Stag). Just wandering opinions since I pulled the new choice pack. Rest of my character is good.

    submitted by /u/Alisttair
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    Any word on the re release of alpha compy? I know they have mentioned it on stream a couple times but anymore new information about it? 1 is on sale for ps4 for 100m and idk how I feel about that

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:28 AM PST

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