• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Neverwinter /u/ManicGypsy can you please bring this up with cryptic? They have removed lesser demonic keys and forced the usage of greater keys on all skirmishes. This is downright slimy.

    Neverwinter /u/ManicGypsy can you please bring this up with cryptic? They have removed lesser demonic keys and forced the usage of greater keys on all skirmishes. This is downright slimy.

    /u/ManicGypsy can you please bring this up with cryptic? They have removed lesser demonic keys and forced the usage of greater keys on all skirmishes. This is downright slimy.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    Kessel's retreat quest

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:54 PM PST

    Will the developers ever fix the chest at the end so that it accepts the key you can make for it rather than forcing you to use a dragon key? The chests been broken like this since mod 14 I believe and still hasn't gotten fixed.

    submitted by /u/viridin
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    How long have you had VIP and not pulled a legendary mount from a lockbox?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Me and two friends started playing about a year ago. We all estimate to have opened roughly 400 lockbox's each through VIP and some key bundle buying. None of us have pulled a legendary mount. I want to know who has played the longest w/ VIP without a leg mount drop.

    submitted by /u/ntsize
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    How to increase your item level

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

    I have seen some posts lately asking how to increas ilev. Below a repost where you will find pointers as to how to do this. Please note that having the ilev to access content and being ready for said content are two different topics. My thoughts are that getting the ilev is the first step in the process. You cant get better if you cant get in, right? So lets check the contributers:

    Join a gh20 guild for guild boons. These boons will boost your ilev by a fair ammount (c1.5k+ if i recall correctly).

    Get all your campaign boons done. c68 of them.

    Take all you mount insignia's to legendary.

    Make all your slotted and summoned comps legendary.

    Have 3 pieces of double slotted epic comp gear equiped, and ilev 15 runestones (bonding and empowered as an example) slotted.

    Your slotted artifacts all at mythic level. If you care about Tomm you will prob need some of the ilev 300 artifacts here for extra stats (in addition to slotting ilev 1000+ gear - head, neck, chest, arms and legs, as opposed to the dps's lower ilev dmg gear). This is also why Healers and Tanks can have such high ilev, since they care more about stat caps than dmg, and as such can slot all the ilev 300 arti's and ilev 1000+ gear, rather than the ilev 150's artis and ilev600-900 dmg gear used by dps's.

    Artifact equipment (neck and belt) at legendary. Newer ones here give more hp and ilev, but once again dps's might go for lower ilev dmg equipment here.

    Your gear and rings enhanced with major jewels and kits.

    All your slotted gear enchants at rank 15.

    If you have all of the above, slot the ilev 300 arti's and ilev1000+ equipment, your total ilev should be at c28k, for what its worth. Probably an investment value of somewhere between 40m to 60m AD, depending if you have a legendary mount or not. Consoles and PC may differ, as they have different markets and item market values.

    submitted by /u/DeVolcane
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    Peanut Gallery Gargoyles

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:02 PM PST

    I just acquired both Staldorf & Watler, and even when neither is active they are still heckling.

    Is this normal?

    Can other players hear them?

    If this is a bug can we NOT fix it, as I am throughly enjoying listening to them trashing others?

    submitted by /u/Master_Skywalker-66
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    Do you need to know d&d?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    So I'm looking for my first mmo to play and after watching a lot of people on twitch I have to say that this one intrigued me the most. The art style and combat looks really awesome and while I'm normally into more sci-fi this game just really looked fun. My only issue is I have no idea was neverwinter is other than its I believe contented to the table top game dungeons and dragons? Do I need to know anything about it to get into this game? Also is d and d more than a table too game were there other games or movies or books?

    submitted by /u/Huolihan
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    Okay... I need some advice from Veteran players. Is my Barbarian Tank a lost cause? Should I respec and go DPS? It seems like every party / group i go into people are telling me i fucked up by going Barb instead of paly tank. Is there any benefits at all to barb tank? I love tanking...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    Im just confused and frustrated. I'm not sure why the devs made a tank option for for barbs if palys are just so much better. Im honestly still pretty new to the game, about a month in so i dont really know that much but it for sure seems like people hate on barb tanks

    Give me your honest opinion. Should I respec and just DPS or is there actual hope for being a epic level barb tank


    submitted by /u/r3volc
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    PS4 control scheme for Neverwinter on Steam?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:06 PM PST

    I have a USB Steam-compatible Logitech game controller that is not an Xbox One controller but resembles more like a PlayStation controller. I've tried playing Neverwinter Online on Steam with Xbox One control schemes and control schemes for some generic game controllers. They work to varying degrees but I'm not satisfied with any of them. I want to try a PlayStation 4 control scheme because my Logitech game controller looks just like a PlayStation controller, but I can't find a PS4 control scheme for Neverwinter on Steam.

    Anybody know where I could acquire a Steam-compatible PS4 control scheme for Neverwinter Online and how to import it onto Steam?

    submitted by /u/War_Angel_Sylia
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    Devout Clerics and Crit

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Lately I've been noticing a lot of devout DC's with over 124K crit. I though Crit capped at 80k (TOMM) am I missing something here or what. Looking for answers.

    submitted by /u/Ghostdog2020
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    Angel of Protection healing isn’t just nerfed. It’s bugged.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:11 AM PST

    I use a legendary Angel of Protection sometimes instead of an augment for fun. (Don't laugh). It barely ever heals me even when my health is below maximum for an extended period. The charge time and cast time for healing touch are just a couple seconds, but after testing it for an hour I can confidently say that the angel only heals me about once every 10-15 seconds. And even then, it's unpredictable.

    I totally get and accept the healing nerf in this new mod — the healing magnitude is low and I'm not contesting that.

    But I think the devs need to take a look at the frequency issue. Healing touch should just happen like clockwork every couple seconds whenever I'm in combat (like striker companion attacks).

    It's like my angel is...waiting for some contingency that never seems to occur.

    Is this a problem for other healing companions as well?

    Edit: I did some more testing tonight. It looks like the Angel NEVER heals me when my health is 75% or higher. When I am lower than 75%, it seems the power turns on during some battles...but not all of them. Also, I saw no evidence that the Angel's separate Ward power ever procs, even when I take over 20% damage. It seems there could be a good fix to this to just provide consistent periodic healing regardless of HP%.

    submitted by /u/Tumnus-7
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    Quickling companion grind

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    Trade house for other 4 healing companions. Grinding malabogs castle for a chance at pulling quickling from one of the chests at end. Whats my chances? Must be how ppl then sell them on auction house

    submitted by /u/PredsFanThatHatesPK
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    Barbarian gear DPS

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

    Which gear prices should I be looking for in the Undermountian ME's

    Head Shoulder Legs So on and so on.

    Thanks in advance I have been gone for 1.5 years and everything is new. I'm 80 and have the campaign done.

    submitted by /u/jcwmopar1
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    Is Tales of Old ever coming back?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:35 AM PST

    I missed my chance of getting the 3 artifacts before and feel like it's really hindering my dps. Was wondering if any announcements have been made about the event coming back?

    submitted by /u/justwhatiwishedfor
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    Healing as an OP

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    I keep running into the same issue with no clear path on my OP for heals. I'm currently at 121k power, 150k crit, only 88% crit severity (not sure how to raise that either), I use maxed Vorpal as weapon enchant, and have 25% outgoing healing along with the tier 5 boon for heals. What this amounts to is a big lump of nothing. Heals don't even remotely hit for some of the number I see DCs and OPs do in LOMM. When I spec' them their numbers are usually pretty close, most have over 40% outgoing healing, but I'm finding it hard to fathom 15% makes that much of a difference. During a Lostmauth run and could barely keep the people alive in it. I know crit sev, can be brought up and slowly bringing up outgoing healing, other than that is there something major that I'm missing as a healer?

    submitted by /u/rdpoint
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    Wizard gear

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:20 AM PST

    Hello everyone.

    I have some questions: - I'm a new player my power is quite low, would be worth to go hag rags and terrored grips instead of ebony chest and primal arms? - Enduring boots and shirt with same bonus doesn't stack, so What could i use instead of one of them? - Apart from protege head, the best outside is? Crown of the lost king?

    And last, i thought about a build with: Terrored grips (3% encounter) Ring of the teacher (3% encounter and at will) Ebonized ring (3 ranged) Hags rags (3% ranged) Boots of the willed (3% at will) Would it be good? It's 6% encounter, 6% at will and 6% ranged plus 3% when above 75% stamina)

    submitted by /u/Criccoo
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    Returning to the game after 2 years...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:07 AM PST

    I haven't logged into the game since the middle of 2017. Yes I know there is a ton of P2W stuff in the game but I have never been a min/max player either so no big deal. I have one of each character type I believe each at LVL 70 around 10k equipment score. Is it worth getting back into the game? I know my issue before I quit was that after every big update you had to grind out a new armor set to play in the new area. What are the best classes / ones people need in parties to update?

    submitted by /u/Calico_Bill
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    Which powers should I use with Barbarian blademaster?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Hi. I'm a lvl 80 Blademaster with (only) 16k ilvl. Recently I started to notice that my powers start being dull against higher lvl enemies and that kinda dissapoints me. I tried using IBS - hidden daggers and axestorm, then switched the axestorm to frenzy and the situation was still the same. I tried everything but my powers are just dull and won't kill strong enemies. They barely damage it! Can you please recommend me an encounter power set I can use against high level? Thanks

    submitted by /u/superpyromancer
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    Arbiter LoMM question

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    I've done hundreds of LoMM runs on my DC since I main Healer, but I've never actually tried it as Arbiter.

    My solo content rotation goes (based around Perfect Balance):

    1. x2 Conflag for full stack
    2. BtS
    3. Build 6 stacks of Burning Judgement with my At-Will Spear
    4. Javelin
    5. x2 Conflag for full stack
    6. Geas
    7. Builds 6 Burning Stacks with Spear
    8. Javelin
    9. Rinse and repeat

    What's the rotation you guys use for Arcturia's mimic phase? I've seen most use Forgemasters, but idk what that rotation is. Would I just switch Javelin for Forge, if so, would my rotation be the same just with Forge there? Or is there a more efficient mimic rotation? I just don't want to let anyone down I queue with when I try out DPS in LoMM. Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/LlamaGod_US
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    Crystal Golem - won't slot in utility for me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Its listed as Offense, Utility but is not available as a utility power for me. Is this a general bug, a description error or a special me bug?

    submitted by /u/_____score
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    Shared Account Bank: Shared Refinement Points

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PST

    Wouldn't this be a GREAT enhancement for our game?

    submitted by /u/Zenith8x8
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    Returning to the game

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:20 AM PST

    Hi I've just returned after months away, and I'm stuck trying to remove the dye from my clothing you used to be able to do it rather easy now even with dye remover in my bags there is no option to reset clothing back to its original colour, can anyone shed some light for me

    submitted by /u/joshtheo
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