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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Neverwinter Advice needed

    Neverwinter Advice needed

    Advice needed

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Advice needed

    Hello guys! Im a new player, less than a month old. Need help on what stats i need to improve for my hellbringer warlock please :))



    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/shersaken
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    The Rewards you’re trying to Reroll... What’s up with this?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Seals as a currency - Noob-proof Beginner Guide (mod 17)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    # Prologue #

    Greetings adventurer,

    I see you victoriously returning from your perilous adventures into the darkest of places. But not only you bring victory, but also incredible riches, riches, which we call Seals. Those precious Seals you carry will grant you unseen might and glory for that your name shall become a legend.

    Or at least that is what the devs behind Neverwinter want you to think. In reality, those so called Seals are one of the most confusing features of the game, especially for new players but also for returning players after a few mods.

    In this guide I want to give an overview of what Seals are, how you can obtain them and how you can spend them. I am assuming that your Item Level is over 17.000 and you have unlocked all random queues. If not, make sure to check my previous guide.

    # Guide #

    What are Seals?

    Seals are a common currency for equipment and other handy goods in Neverwinter. Pretty much every mod (update) brings new Seals into the game as well as equipment that can be bought with them.

    There are currently the following Seals in use:

    • Seals of the Adventurer
    • Seals of the Crown
    • Seals of the Mountain
    • Seals of the Deep
    • and also Seals of the Brave

    How do I obtain Seals?

    Seals can be found in Dungeons, Skirmishes and Trials but most importantly as a reward from the random queues. There are four types of random queues, which you unlock by having a certain Item Level. As stated in the Prologue, we assume you have unlocked all of them. Those queues reward you with the following Seals including instance rewards:

    • Dungeon Queue (no requirement)
      • 1st daily run: 45 Seals of the Mountain;
      • subsequent runs: 15 Seals of the Mountain
      • instance reward: 300 Seals of the Adventurer
    • Skirmish Queue (14.000 Item Level)
      • 1st daily run: 60 Seals of the Mountain
      • subsequent runs: 20 Seals of the Mountain
      • instance reward: 20 Seals of the Crown
    • Trial Queue (16.000 Item Level)
      • 1st daily run: 90 Seals of the Mountain
      • subsequent runs: 30 Seals of the Mountain
      • instance reward: 20 Seals of the Crown
    • Epic Dungeon Queue (17.000 Item Level)
      • 1st daily run: 75 Seals of the Mountain
      • subsequent runs: 25 Seals of the Mountain
      • instance reward: 90 Seals of the Crown
    • Note: I am not quite sure about the instance rewards. This is what I usually get but they might depend on what instance you are doing. Feel free to comment!

    There are some special cases:

    • Seals of the Brave is an old currency that can no longer be obtained. If you still have some, do not worry! You can trade them 1:1 at the Seal Trader.
    • Seals of the Deep are a special instance reward from the hardest instances in Undermountain. I will not cover those in this guide but wanted to mention them never the less.

    How do I spend Seals?

    There are currently three important Seal Traders that should concern you. The following two can be found in the Seven Suns Coster Market in Protector's Enclave:

    • Mallory Knight (on the right of the main entrance)
      • Selling for Seals of the Adventurer
        • 15 - 650 Seals: rare equipment for level 16 to 58
        • 500 Seals: equipment chest containing one piece of rare equipment for your level
        • 500 Seals: 500 Rough Astral Diamonds
        • 100 Seals: Radiant, Dark, Silvery and Azure Enchantments, Rank 5
      • Note: Only thing worth buying are the Astral Diamonds and the Enchantments
    • Phileas Gram (on the left on the main entrance)
      • Selling for Seals of the Brave (old currency exchange, as mentioned)
        • 1 Seal: 1 Seals of the Crown
      • Selling for Seals of the Crown
        • 300 Seals: 18 different Enchantment Shards
        • 300 Seals: rare Wererat Thief (do not ask why)
        • 300 Seals: 1000 Rough Astral Diamonds
        • 300 Seals: epic rings from the Primal Set (700 Item Level)
        • 400 - 600 Seals: epic pieces of the Primal Set (700 Item Level)
        • 750 Seals: Primal Artifact Weapons (523 Item Level)
        • 400 - 600 Seals: epic pieces of the Barovian Set (770 Item Level)
      • Note: Those old sets are not really worth it any longer, since most rare level 80 gear offers better stats.

    The last important Trader can be found in the Yawning Portal from the Untermountain campaign:

    • Kavanish Drakespire
      • Selling for Seals of the Crown
        • 300 Seals: 18 different Enchantment Shards (same as the ones in Protector's Enclave)
      • Selling for Seals of the Mountain
        • 300 Seals: epic rings from the Spy's Set (940 Item Level)
        • 300 Seals: epic shirt and pants from the Spy's Set (940 Item Level)
        • 400 - 600 Seals: epic pieces of the Spy's Set (940 Item Level)
      • Selling for Seals of the Deep
        • As mentioned, I will not cover those seals. Basically, you can buy the entire Protege Set (980 Item Level) for the usual prices of 300 Seals (rings, pants, shirt), 400-600 Seals (armor) and 750 Seals (artifact weapons, 803 Item Level)
      • Note: Your goal should be to buy the Spy's Set and then to move on the the Seals of the Deep and the Protege Set.

    # Epilogue #

    To sum things up a little, Seals of the Mountain are the most common currency right now and allow you to buy decent equipment. When you are strong enough, you can start farming Seals of the Deep and move on to the better Protege Set.

    I hope my guide helped you out and feel free to comment and correct me if you notice any mistakes!

    Best wishes,


    submitted by /u/MasterDroid97
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    Looking to join a guild!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST

    Hey all, I am fairly new to the game and I am looking for a new guild to join. I got recruited to one that is mostly dead.

    I have a level 80 Barb.

    submitted by /u/DebaucheryCannon
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    Stronghold gems and gold?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Is the gemcutter and assayer the only easy gems and gold for your guild now? I see you can still get gold crates in craft alchemy and astral diamond crates in craft gathering, is there anything that's cost effective to craft for your guild these days?

    submitted by /u/Lithrae1
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    Tales of old

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Is the event ever coming back or have we seen the last of it? I thought it was coming back , but alot of players are saying it won't.

    submitted by /u/viridin
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    black ice donination

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    how do you activate axe statue, sword statue and hammer statues?

    submitted by /u/mikeg2323
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    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    I've seen people with almost 30,000 to 50,000 on there ratings how do you bring your power rate and all up

    submitted by /u/DaOfficialTwill
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    Question about Combat Log..

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:50 AM PST

    How do you read it? What is the difference between numbers shown and number in (parentheses)?

    Ex: I'm messing around in TOMM. Halaster deals 100539 (367209) Arcane Damage to you with Arcane Blast.

    What makes the numbers different and which one should I be reading? TIA!

    submitted by /u/Eli_985
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    Best DPS defense companion slot

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Is it Splinters? 4% crit sev? Is there any others which are better or close to it, it's 800K on PS4 worth the pricetag?

    submitted by /u/moorder12370
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    Hellfire Ring

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:51 AM PST

    I just reached lvl 77 and slotted Hellfire Ring. I know it's an AoE but it does not cast. I have tried slotting it to other keys but nothing. All my other spells work. Am I just missing something? Or not understanding how the spell works? I'm on PC

    submitted by /u/Varhgar
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    Companion help

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:15 AM PST

    I have a air archon.For my companion what armor should I start out with untill I get better

    submitted by /u/GamerGeek11211
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    Some doubts about Arbiter.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    How is his burst damage for those moments when you're being ganked by melee mobs? As a Hellbringer (16k il) that is my big problem, because I can't kill fast enough and there's a lot of places without enough space to kite.

    submitted by /u/Alexandre-PRBR
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    TOMM rings effects

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Hey guys, does someone know if two rings of the same type from the TOMM set of rings actually stack effects wise?

    submitted by /u/Amondrax
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    I'm having issues with Zen.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:52 AM PST

    So I recently downloaded Neverwinter and decided to purchase some Zen; I've been waiting for like 40 minutes and it still hasn't shown up on my account. I've tried logging in and out and restarting my console but nothing. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Mr___Grim
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    Neverwinter domination pvp quest not given

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Why doesn't Sergeant Knox give my domination pvp quest plus he not even by the hall of justice he stays by the stairs and im level 75 please help

    submitted by /u/DaOfficialTwill
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