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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Neverwinter The Legacy Reapers: GH20 recruiting

    Neverwinter The Legacy Reapers: GH20 recruiting

    The Legacy Reapers: GH20 recruiting

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST

    New, Confused Level 80 Looking For Advice/Tips

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:27 PM PST

    So, I've just reached level 80 a few days ago on my rogue and frankly, I'm a bit lost on what my goals should be. I've looked around on reddit but I'm still not sure. I'll mention what I'm doing as of now but I'm not quite sure if the things I'm doing are still up to date so any help is appreciated!


    • So far, I have blackened jaw gear I bought from the AH and I'm working on finishing Undermountain to do MEs to get better gear, as well as doing my daily random queues for the Spy's Guild set. Is this what I should be doing?
    • I'm also lost on what artifacts to aim for. Right now I have the Soul Sight Crystal and the free artifacts from starting Undermountain. Should I try to upgrade SSC right now? The costs seem really high as I need to spend near ~50k astral diamonds to buy the R4 mark of potency and the R5 enchanting stone. Any recommendations for artifacts would be helpful.


    • After checking a lot of reddit posts, I decided to abandon my starter companion and go for a green rarity Cat. I also bought R7 bonding runestones from the AH because they're really cheap compared to higher levels (R7 being ~200AD each, R8 being ~3.5kAD each, and R9 being ~30kAD each).
    • I also saw that most people recommend working towards a Deepcrow Hatchling and high rank bonding runestones. Both of those seem very, very expensive and I'm wondering if they should be my main goal as of right now?
    • All the gear I have on my Cat is gear I earned from the Undermountain campaign. Is this good for now?


    • Right now, my mount tab looks like a barren, half-empty wasteland full of green insignias. Where do I get better insignias?
    • Also, are mount insignias important in general? They don't seem to do much at all.

    And as a general question, in what order I should upgrade my gear? What is the most important and pertinent goals I should be aiming for? Any advice is appreciated! I'm also looking for a guild to join as the one I'm in right now is just the first one that sent me an invite and isn't very active or helpful.

    submitted by /u/EtherealWaltz
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    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:20 AM PST

    I have finalized tomm in ps4 one month ago, and now i have maked a farm grp but allways dead everybody in 3rd phase, in triple element moment, i have heared that this dungeon is bugged if u play it more than 50min, do anybody know something about it? Im opened to hear any advice... please help me lol

    submitted by /u/kabroncio
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    Comps for healers

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:54 PM PST

    I'm looking to start building my healadin up, but I don't have all the info on what comps have outgoing healing buffs, the two I currently have are the polar bear cub and the faithful initiate. Any info on what other companions to look out for or buffs to run would be extremely helpful, thanks

    submitted by /u/Jkerrday
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    What are the Githyanki saying in the we’s

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Just curious in what they are actually saying in game.

    submitted by /u/droopyjonz
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    Error 14

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Uh hey guys. Hope the new year has been good to you. I've been trying to get the game to work but then I keep getting error 14 while patching. I can't seem to find any help on the interweb, so if y'all can help me out or point me in a proper direction atleast, it'd be great.

    submitted by /u/teriyaki_sandwich
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    Reccommendations for refinement?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:19 PM PST

    I'm a level 80 control wizard...but I suck still. What should I spend refinements points on upgrading? I have a lot of level 8 enchantments and some artifact gear (etc primal weapon and from lockboxes). Happy to give more info, just not knowledgable about all of the technical game stuff. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/sundrenchedroses
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    Neverwinter XB1 lvl 80 gear

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Looking for some good level 80 gear that's fairly easy to get solo. Seeing as game chat is useless I figured asking here would be better.

    submitted by /u/Blazotic
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    Quick query on the Winter Festival ending in 30 mins

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Ive left everything too late having never really participated in it prior and been out the game for so long. I have however being doing all the dailies across alts.

    I dont have time to milk the gifts. Whats the best position to leave main and alts in for preparation next time round?

    I have very quickly been spending stars for gifts on some alts and then have done gift parties, in the half hour ive done around 200+ gifts in total (exhausting).

    Should i just buy gifts with stars in all alts quickly, can i still gift after event ends or can atleast save and use gifts next time round?

    What about opening the boxes, both types main and from gifts, before event, after or save?

    submitted by /u/Selenathar
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    Bullet pup epic to legendary

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Is it worth it. How much will it add to my stats?

    submitted by /u/Jasonblow1988
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    Guild Hunting

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Me and my brother currently are looking for a guild for end game content! I used to play Neverwinter 2 years ago and decided to come back. Any guild recruiting and willing to help out through end game? I play on PC

    submitted by /u/Fxckratchetz
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    Is combatant's maneuver gives you actual combat advantage damage or just stat?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:42 AM PST

    It says "Whenever you control an enemy, you gain 2500 Combat Advantage damage for 10 seconds."


    Is this a text error derived from the level 70 era text or it gives you actual damage?
    When I use it gives you the 2500 stat indeed.

    submitted by /u/jamesreed11
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    I need 2 more people to make a guild, you don’t even have to stay in it just join real quick and I’ll make it and pay you 10 gold and 2 radiant r9s

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:57 AM PST

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