• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Neverwinter [January 2020] New to the game? Looking for a guild or a Discord Server? Leave your guild ads here, and check out these other links!

    Neverwinter [January 2020] New to the game? Looking for a guild or a Discord Server? Leave your guild ads here, and check out these other links!

    [January 2020] New to the game? Looking for a guild or a Discord Server? Leave your guild ads here, and check out these other links!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:00 AM PST

    For new players:

    Have a question? Our wiki has a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions as well as a collection of useful links and much more. We are always searching for people to help update it - send a message to r/Neverwinter for more details!

    You can also ask your questions on the Protector's Enclave Discord - with over 5k users, it is the largest Neverwinter Discord server. Maybe one of the devs will answer your questions for you?

    Guild Recruitment:

    We keep an up to date list of guilds for all 3 platforms in our Guild Index.

    If you want to get your guild listed, post a comment on this thread with requirements and a link. Please see the list for additional rules and details.

    If you contact a guild on the Guild Index, and they do not reply within 2 days, please let us know so we can remove them for inactivity.


    Here is a subreddit made specifically for trading: r/NeverwinterTradePost/

    Have you checked out Janne's site? It contains a wealth of information, from RP calculators to viable builds and information about all the stats - all well up-to-date and maintained.

    Previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/e50cgl/december_2019_new_to_the_game_looking_for_a_guild/

    submitted by /u/ManicGypsy
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    Justice for the deepcrow. Innoncent creature whose young were scrambled.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Winter Festival Last Hurrah

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Ran a looping group this AM with one character and then again with my main this afterrnon. We went for hours, I assume I opened somewhere along the line of 120-130 Starlight Bags. Stupid bound to character, ended up with BTC extras of about 6 different companions including 5 Liliends. Also about 6 copies of that silly Wakueen appearance items.

    Don't want to make it seem like I am ungrateful, just would have been nice if they were bound to Account instead of character so I could have at least thrown them to an alt.

    How did everyone else fair? I think like most I could have used more Pres wards.

    submitted by /u/drakejcl
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    Has anyone seen Crystal?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Did anyone get the Crystal vanity pet from the Winter festival? If so, where did you get it from? I thought it would drop from Starlight parcels or bags, but I didn't see one even though I participated with three characters every day.

    submitted by /u/hIDeMyID
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    Why are some of the console folks so rude?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    It's pretty surprising how rude some of the people in this game can be on Xbox. I have played a ton of mmos and people on here are more hostile that most.

    submitted by /u/tokyoaro
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    Looking for a bit of help for my TR.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:00 PM PST

    This is my 2nd toon that I got to level 80 and am going through the Undermountain campaign but am stuck on that Arcturia quest.

    I bought some better gear with AD from my main, but I'm still way too squishy. I shouldn't be using scrolls to get through it, lol.

    Anyways, if anyone has a bit of time, I'd really appreciate a hand ! My gt is bram00.


    submitted by /u/mulder00
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    Just getting into the game. Wondering about F2P and a location of guides.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:32 PM PST

    As the title states I am just starting the game now. As I write this the patching isnt even completed. But I wanted to ask how viable being F2P is for this game and if there are a ton of in game purchases or anything else like that. I was also looking for any guides that maybe didnt make the sidebar of the subreddit that I could use to be efficient with my professions and leveling. Or if the game does use purchases, someone could point me to handy guide on making the most of being F2P. Thanks and looking forward to gaming with some of you PC players.

    submitted by /u/Jakubs86
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    Vestments of the Wind [Giveaway]

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    EDIT: /u/limmo has claimed the code

    Hello, I have a code for Vestments of the Wind Pack. Decipher the code below to get it!

    For everything in a bracket just replace it with the answer

    For example [5+3]v[1+1]Fy would be 8v2Fy

    Code: [1+1] d x [3+1] v [5th letter in the word Burger] [25th lowercase letter in the ISO basic Latin Alphabet] I

    For those wondering why the weird cipher, to stop bots and to make it fun.

    Please comment if you have redeemed it so i can edit this post to not waste peoples time.

    submitted by /u/skobbokels
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    Most popular class

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Hello there everyone!!! I want to ask you guys opinion about which class is the MOST POPULAR class in NeverWinter as of right now.

    Just out of my curiosity that's all.

    submitted by /u/Jenndavis27
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    What level will I get a decent idea of class style?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Trying to decide on a class but don't know how high I need to take them to get an accurate idea of how they play.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/Destron1318
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    Wayward Wizard dealing zero damage?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm completely new to this Neverwinter lifestyle. Dope game, I have a wayward wizard companion but he deals zero damage to enemies. Literally zero and his other power slows them down which don't really help either but do I need to have him at a certain level or something? Or is it just glitched? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/LouieSerrano
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    Which paragon for ranger

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:38 PM PST

    I am trying myself with ranger, today i got it to 25, and cant decide if warden or hunter will work better for me. I like the idea of swapping range/melee but I kinda enjoy shooting more, so am I right it is better to go hunter? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Turboja
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    Xbox guild

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:11 PM PST

    Are you new to this game on xbox or just cant figure something out? 7 Deadly sins would love to help all players of any level. We ask that you are active and you join our discord (https://discord.gg/QUMtcgu)! We have a variety of people from all classes who can, and will help you understand how to properly level your character to do some of the more challenging dungeons. We also hold giveaways on our discord channel. If anyone has any questions feel free to message on xbox @ thirstytom tom

    submitted by /u/xboxnerd360
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    Game doesn't open on my PC

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Game doesn't open on my PC

    The loading screen works for a while, but close to the end crashes. What should i do?

    ps: i'm using the Arc launcher and windows 10.


    submitted by /u/grizord7
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    Obtaining top-tier equipment (mod 17)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Back in the days (mod 14) new player used to farm seals to buy the Primal Set from the seal vendor. After that we used to have enough Item Level to farm seals for the Barovian Set.

    With the raise of the level cap to level 80, most of the old equipment is useless. This leads me to the following questions:

    What is the usual path to the new top-tier equipment for lvl 80? What sets do provide the most Item Level and how do you obtain them. Is farming seals still a thing and if yes, what seals do you need now?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/MasterDroid97
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    Newer player looking for some So advice. Ranger and Companion (Quasit)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Started with a Ranger, switched to a Fighter tank. Leveled to 80 and am using it for getting my 100K RAD. Now went back to the Ranger to finish leveling during the 2X xp event. It's going well but I'm to new to know what skills, comps, gear, etc I should be working towards. I found a couple guides https://nw.mmominds.com/2019/12/19/alternative-ranger-builds-mod17/ , https://www.rvgm.com/news/best-ranger-build-for-neverwinter-mod-16.html but was wondering if these are current after any changes and/or if there are others I should refer to?

    Second question, I got lucky on me first REDQ of the new year and got a Quasit. Should I move it over and use it on my Ranger or sell it in the AH to get AD for deepcrow which will still be a while off?


    GL HF and Happy New Year for those on the Gregorian calendar :)

    Edit: found this Rainer build https://youtu.be/AclJGkEEpIk found it helpful.

    submitted by /u/PryomancerMTGA
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    Opening Starlight parcels and bags after event ended on 2 Jan.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:55 AM PST

    Was wondering if you open the starlight parcels and bags after the event ended on 2 jan. Will the counts on how many you open in order to get better stuffs still works? Due to the limited time I could spend everyday on playing neverwinter, I dont even have time opening the starlight parcels beside doing my 2 daily AD skimish/dungeon runs , invoking and collecting the straight parcels and stars.

    submitted by /u/patrina37
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    Alliance looking for gauntlet guilds

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:47 AM PST

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