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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Neverwinter Never winter help! :)

    Neverwinter Never winter help! :)

    Never winter help! :)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! Hope everybody is doing ok but I have a question that I literally cannot solve. I have to do the quest " Accept the quest RETRIEVAL OPERATION offered by Omni Dran. " This is at the Acquisition Incorporated Headquarters which I do not know where to get to. I have been looking everywhere, I don't know if anyone would have an idea but I thought it was worth a try. Have a nice day :)

    Edit: I know I already did the first step, I grabbed the job flyer but I never did the first quest for it, and i just have no idea what to do now.

    submitted by /u/compwete
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    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    What is the difference between fighter paladin and barbarian

    submitted by /u/Duzzzbie
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    What made you start playing Neverwinter?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I assume you are here because you are playing Neverwinter - but what made you pick that game instead of one of the many other games that are out there?

    In my case it was for the following reasons:

    • The D&D background - As a long time (30 years+) DM, I am pretty familiar with the setting and many of the NPCs. That made me want to look at the game initially.
    • "Neverwinter" - although the online game has nothing to do with Neverwinter Nights, which was one of my favourite games for a long time, the location was enough to interest me a bit more.
    • PvE-focused. I don't mind if PvP is available for those who want it, as long as it does not affect me in any way and I can avoid it. Also, PvP does not give any "must have" items that are next to impossible to obtain for PvE-focused players like myself. (No longer applies, because of the Otyugh Brown dye, which is a PvP-only item).
    • Meaningful crafting. I really like building useful items from scratch, and making my income in other ways than by killing mobs (no longer applies, as crafting is currently irrelevant).
    • Moddability - the game offered the Foundry, with the promise of player-created adventures. (with minimal rewards, but often great storytelling). (no longer applies as the fountry is gone).
    • Solo-friendly. I like playing solo, at irregular times, when my schedule allows. The entire storyline is for playing solo, and while there is a lot of content that requires a group, the HEs and random queues allow me to access many "group" rewards. That still leaves a handful of items from the "top" dungeons, which absolutely require an experienced, premade group, but a solo player can still experience 95% of the content. (still applies)
    • Character-building flexibility - there was not just just one "correct" way to build any given character - you selected a class, but you could play it in different ways and take different roles in a group. (this is less true than it was, as players are now forced into strict Tank/Heal/DPS roles, and weird heybrid builds are not really possible any more),
    • Not just about quick reflexes and button-mashing. I am probably old enough so I could be the grandfather of some of the other players, and I am probably slower than many of them are, but the game allows someone like me to fully participate. (still mostly true)
    • Decent storyline - sure, there is some grinding, but it's not excessive (yeah, well, there has been a steady trend towards less storyline and more grinding).

    Those were my reasons....what about yours ?

    submitted by /u/Adinos
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    DISCORD for organized Tomm Training runs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Hello, ive noticed theres really hard for people to get into Tomm Training groups or just have a hard time getting into groups without weapons overall.

    I've made a discord where i Will Try to do training runs/Completed runs and experienced runs frequently. https://discord.gg/A79ns7

    The discord server is still pretty new, so if anyone is good with discord and would like to help out with the layout IT would be really nice.

    Since IT is pretty time consuming to do this and im working fulltime, its hard for me to get everyone through training runs. So if theres anyone out there who is experienced and would like to help organizing runs i would appreciate that alot.

    Your favourite norwegian - Sondre BigPP

    submitted by /u/Sondreaal2
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    Questions about tanking

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:25 PM PDT


    Let me start out by saying that I got a cleric that I enjoy healing with. I do not like the dps path and I am not liking the healing changes at all on preview. So I am thinking if I should make an alt, more specific a tanking alt. Looking at the tanks, it seems to me that the Fighter is the most straightforward and "easy" to play compared to the others.

    Not sure how hard tanking is compared to DPS/Healing. But I find healing to be quite relaxing and easy (just doing RTQ/REDQ with PuG's), tried DPS (Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, Barbarian) but dont like either of them.

    When it comes to tanking, will you need to cap: Armor Pen, Accuracy, Critical Strike, Defense, Critical Avoidance, Awareness, Deflection and maybe Combat Advantage? Seems like A LOT of stats to cap compared to my healer which I just capped Defense/Critical Avoidance then doing Critical Strike + Power.

    How expensive is it to make a tank "work"? Like what are the must have stuff besides bondings? For my healer it was pretty much the +Outgoing healing companions that made a huge difference.

    submitted by /u/Syptic
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    Create a new class!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Let's have some fun. If you could create a new class what would the class make? What kind of powers would it have? It can be a dual class even something that combines existing classes. Obviously it's all hypothetical so have fun and I look forward to reading cool answers :)

    submitted by /u/Pulsatingmaggot666
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    Arbiter DC questions

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Is Owlbear good or 4K Power my friend was saying that Owlbear wouldn't proc much on DC, and that I should replace Tenebrous with Radiant? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/moorder12370
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    I need some help

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    So I need some help with classes If you want you can add my my psn is Duzzbie

    submitted by /u/Duzzzbie
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    Is there a trade thread on here?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Or do we just post in main fourm?

    submitted by /u/Jtsully32
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    How do i get it?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Does the Alabaster gear drop in MEs or are they rewards u get out of the chest at the end? So new

    submitted by /u/altere6ego
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    Hi. New player Here.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    How do I progress the story? Do I just do Quests? Or do I need to do something?

    submitted by /u/FormalFile075
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    Whats a reasonable price?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    So i just drew the wasteland legendary mount pack and was thinking of seeling it on the market but don't know i see that thr cheapest is 4 mil but I find that to be a absurd price and don't think anyone would buy it 😬 i just started recently im barely lvl 40 or should I just use it myself

    submitted by /u/xXR3APER21Xx
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    So just starting and don't know who to play

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    So I'm starting now with 3 friends, one will be a mage, one will be a damage warlock and the third a healing warlock, who should I play, guessing a tank but dont know which

    submitted by /u/NOOBBronco
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    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Is it me or does the Vorpal seem not that useful like it doesn't really do what's its suppose to do

    submitted by /u/Babbiloon
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    Dawn unicorn drop

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Hey, sorry I already searched and couldn't find an answer.

    So I really want that Dawn unicorn mount, and the only way I found online was to buy the moon elf pack. The thing is, I see many people selling it in AH, when the one bought in the pack is account bound.

    Does anyone know where these people get the mount ? If it drops somewhere

    submitted by /u/throwaway549846548
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    Xbox alliance looking for GH10+

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys, my alliance (Th3 Slipdizk) is searching for active guilds to join us. We are a very active group of guilds that are working tirelessly to better ourselves and the alliance.

    We have set up ToMM practices for every saturday and we have people running IC trying to get gear. We are very friendly to all players and won't exclude people (if possible).

    Our alliance runs dragon flights three times a week, and marauders and t3s regularly. We all pitch in and help one another.

    If you are in a dead alliance and really, truly want to grow, contact me. We want loyal guilds who won't expect us to do everything for them, and are willing to put in the work as well to make this alliance an amazing one.

    Please be willing to use discord and get your members to use it too. I've put a lot of effort into building the server for our alliance and have valuable resources in it to aid in the growth of us all.

    If any of this is interesting to you- pm me here, on xbox; Amu9618 ( messages go to message requests so be patient sometimes it takes awhile to see them) or on discord; Amu#5854

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ChasingAmu
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    Blademaster problem with Bloodletter.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT


    Recently I balanced my stats a bit and my DPS got much much better. I only have 1 kinda big problem.. I use Bloodletter +Bloodspiller Feat and recently while in battlerage i crited a mob using Bloodletter for 900k+ which resulted my HP to drop 50% because if You use the feat Bloodletter also damages self based on damage dealt.

    How do I balance this ? Bloodletter, Not so fast and Freazy are my core skills...

    submitted by /u/santosiebie15
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    Cleric LOMM Question

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Anyone know if chains works on mimics?

    submitted by /u/TaravD
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    Having trouble capping my Chult Totems for the week

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm currently at 110/125, but no quests are giving any more. Someone told me to run Merchant Prince's Folly and I've run it twice but not gotten any totems. Is there something I'm missing? I don't have Omu unlocked yet.

    submitted by /u/collocation
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    [Class choice] - Looking for engaging gameplay as a DPS character

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm kinda new to the game and I'm looking for a Class, that has some kind of engaging gameplay. I leveled up a Barbarian together with a friend, who plays a Cleric, and found that I just jump into a group, press all my buttons and then just left click away, which, to me, isn't very fun.

    Is that going to change once I hit later levels and Paragon Paths and such? I saw that Warlock, for example, has additional mechanics with Curses, Curse consumption, Dark Spirals and much more, which sounds a little more exciting than just mashing all my buttons until they're on cooldown.

    Are there any other DPS Classes that have mechanics like this? I'm not a huge fan of just mashing whatever is off cooldown, but I'd rather play a melee class than a ranged class, which is why I'm hesitant to go Warlock.

    EDIT: Also for some reason most YouTube videos just show what Items and Powers to use, but not actual gameplay, so it's a little hard to judge.

    submitted by /u/zuckerjoe
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    AI acorns not working past 100

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    The number of acorns I can earn in a weekly haul is 150 according to the campaign page (I'm on Reptile Extraction) but after my total passes 100, acorns are no longer given as a quest reward.

    If I work it correctly and get to 95 before doing one of the 15 acorn quests, I can get to 110/150 but it won't let me go past that. Is this a new issue, or something that's been around for awhile?

    submitted by /u/griessen
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    I’m new

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Tank or dps and what class with race

    submitted by /u/Duzzzbie
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