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    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Neverwinter We hungry as hell

    Neverwinter We hungry as hell

    We hungry as hell

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Oooh! A new place holder for sale!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Just some general thoughts on the state of neverwinter

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Here's some thoughts I have, wondering what other people think. First, I want to say I love this game and have been playing (off and on) since beta.

    1) I think the Cryptic grossly under-estimated how much of a grind Zariel's Favours would be. I happily earned enough in phase 1 on the last day it was open. I even managed to finish phase 2 a couple of days early. But after and initial surge (due to built up hunt lures) I find myself dreading the grind for phase 3. And phase 4 beacons in the distance...

    2) Which brings me to Hunts. A lot has already been said (complained about) with hunts, but I will add my 2 cp. I'm going to use bullet points here:

    -While the cars in the wastes is kinda cool, driving around the wastes for hours trying to get chains is boriiinggggg. Why would you build a boring mechanic into a game?

    -I think they mistook the market/drop rates for lures. Chains more specifically. Early on they were abundant, when in reality, there were a few factors they were oblivious to. People were just hording lures mostly because the rewards were bad. A few people farming these gave the impression that there were lots to be had. But as with all mods, things get less active as the mod goes on. I have over 50 lures waiting for chains to go with them. I am giving them away like candy because they take up so much bag space and I can't be bothered to advertise to sell them for MOPs.

    -The balance of difficulty of hunts is way off. Most of the tier 1 hunts are not bad (a decent group kills these in seconds) the Red Lady kicked that same groups ass until she de-spawned. Death after death after death, we got her to about 25%. Tier 2 should be harder than tier 1, but that is a crazy jump in difficulty

    -This point actually goes for all gear in general, in the last bunch of mods, not just hunts. Why. Does. Cryptic. Create. Gear. That. No. One. Will. Ever. Use. what a waste of time and effort. No one wants cookie-cutter, everyone has the same stuff gear. But why create gear for reward-level tasks, like hunts, that has (IMHO) the inane good-for-bad trade off bonuses? I would really like to hear from anyone who regularly uses any gear that gives a bonus when your HP are low, or other gear like that. I don't know about you, but I actively avoid being low on HP. I am struggling to complete Zariel's Challenge right now, because I don't have enough HP. (Working on that, but it's not easy being broke... 32k iL, 350k HP. I need a bullette pup... and a lot more hehe)

    3) I like this latest mod. I think it is mostly fun and interesting. I don't mind the phases, if they were a little less grind-y.

    4) It sure would have been nice if they fleshed out the story line a bit more. Zariel changes over to evil, 'cause why? She's losing? She really wants power? This could have used a little more fleshing out. I get it, we are supposed to make the logical jump but this would have really made this mod awesome (from good) if they could have put a little more 'story' in here.

    5) currency bloat. How many currencies do we need? Why not consolidate some (the same currency for different mods?) or have a trade in for old mods. Ugh. Why create a new currency for every single mod. ugh.

    6) Dungeon scaling. Good idea. Poorly executed. Keep tweaking (slowly!) devs.

    There was much more, but I think this is enough for now. May doing a part two later.

    submitted by /u/rocktsrgeon
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    Back in the saddle again

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    So I ended up taking a year hiatus from the game after mod 15 and im coming back to mod 19 to check out some of the changes and im curious as to what are the best options are for upgrading my gear as well as comp gear

    submitted by /u/deathhunter359
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    Dps build, Bulette pup, Deep Crow or Ab Chicken?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Which one should be my summoned companion? The pup and Deep Crow boosts or my stats more but the chick.... well he attacks a great deal.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/RevanDarkside
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    Exiting game

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Looking to give away items as I will be leaving the game. Feel free to reach out and ask. I have some valuable stuff people can use...

    submitted by /u/Dsee3
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    Skin name

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Does someone know how to get that shadow demon boots skin?

    submitted by /u/Amondrax
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    Stone of Health from HellPit/Dream event is unbound

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    When you purchase it for 10 Token of Participation, you get "pack" that is bound, but when u take stone out of it, its unbound (BoE).

    Just so you know, you can sell those on ah if you need some AD

    submitted by /u/Catson2
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Why exactly are the journals BiS for the majority of builds? Does the item level and lower stats not matter for some? Also will the event ever come back to get the new books? Or is it just better to cash out in the zen store to pick up 3 of them?

    submitted by /u/Browniebrowie
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    Journals w/o tales?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Is it worth getting or using these since I can't even get any pages for it?

    submitted by /u/clapt0wn
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    Tales of The Old Artifact Choice Pack

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I'm at work and can't look right now, but does anyone know how many zen each choice pack costs? Also, how do the pages work with these? I see it says pages will be available in the WB, but I have no idea what they do. Do you need them for the artifacts?


    submitted by /u/OkPizza8243
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    Recently started playing this game and had a couple questions

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    So far I've just been doing quests as they pop up in front of me and leveling up pretty quickly which I imagine is the point just to get people used to the game and its mechanics and things but I am a little curious about what comes next... like if I just ignore the quests and go somewhere else does that have any affect on things? will I run into much higher leveled things I can't do or will I just struggle to do them.

    Idk. at this point just following the quests like this doesn't leave me much rp in my g you know?

    should I just finish all the quests I'm given where I am before moving on to a new place or does it even matter? can I be killed by other players who are higher leveled if I do leave the town I started in?

    also are there any helpful new player guides or anything like that I should glance at or anything I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/Available-Rhubarb116
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    Endgame OP Tank Finally over 1Million HP

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Endgame OP Tank Finally over 1Million HP

    The price for the Metallic Dragonborn class has finally come down to an affordable price on the PC auction house. So today I changed class and received the +3% HP boost putting me at 1,075,075 HP after my food and potion buffs ! Most of my stats are over maxed out for endgame content. I`m doing my best to make it easier on the healers in TIC. Next I will do the same thing for my OP Healadin with the outgoing healing bonus that class gives as well. What do you think?



    submitted by /u/Epicthetank
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    Can't Decide on a Class

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    For the past few weeks, I've been constantly going through every class, trying to decide on which one I want to put effort into but I dunno what to go for. I prefer ranged DPS, but don't mind melee combat, as long as it isn't painfully slow, and I do prefer to be able to heal myself (and others, when I am bored)

    I have heard Wizard's been heavily nerfed, as well as Paladin and Fighter, but the only one that feels nerfed is Wizard to me.

    Being impatient, I don't like taking forever to kill things but if it's unavoidable, that's fine.

    submitted by /u/TinyFluffyGoatBoy
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    Storyteller Journals

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    As we all know, most of the BiS artifacts are 3x Storyteller journals.

    A general question that I have is, is it possible to get 3x StoryTeller journals in one event alone? Or can I only get one storyteller per event?

    submitted by /u/Browniebrowie
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    Where do Major Campaign Vouchers drop?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    My guild needs campaign treasures (omg so many treasures).

    I know you can sortof farm the 1000 value voucher from the campaign screens, but there are also those purple Major Vouchers in the AH that give 700-900 treasures.

    Where do these drop? I've been able to find that they used to come out of an old lockbox, but I can't see spending my VIP keys on those.

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/SUNS-Tyrs-Paladium
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    Warlocks be like...

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    "I have sold my very SOUL to command unimaginable DARK POWERS!"

    *waddle waddle*

    submitted by /u/BeeBarfBadger
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    My question is which role should I buy from the generalist, which one makes the most profit?

    submitted by /u/ImUnforgiven
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    Xuna Chicken IC

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Is there any issue for fighter Comps as Xuna and Chicken in IC? I ran fine in first and second boss but struggled on last .


    submitted by /u/farooqaxam
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    Mythic the OP Healer for Endgame

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

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