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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Neverwinter First time player

    Neverwinter First time player

    First time player

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    New to neverwinter, playing on pc, and I am amazed. I just did my first dungeon with randoms, the cloak tower. I am a dwarf cleric as I like healing classes in games like eso so I gave it a shot here. The dungeon was pretty easy up until the final boss. I didn't know my fingers could click so fast trying to heal as quick as possible. This game is amazing for a free game.

    submitted by /u/ChickenLittle365
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    Due to wrist pain looking for a PS4 mmo

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:38 PM PST

    So like the tittle says my wrist pain has caused me to give up PC gaming. So im in the hunt for a mmo on console. I tried ESO and the combat just wasn't for me. So how is this game on PS4?

    submitted by /u/Stubanger
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    Jungle of Chult reset?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    I was halfway through the very first quest in JoC when I had to leave my PC. Since then I have had no way to restart the quest. No "Start Campaign" button in the JoC page, no npc to talk to in Pro Enc, no Chult icon on the world map, nothing about Chult on my quests page. Any way to reset?

    submitted by /u/bzig123
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    What options are there for increased xp gain that i can buy with AD in the auction house?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:43 PM PST

    Hey, i want to catch up to my friends in lvls and im wondering whats the best way to do that with the help of some sort of xp boost. The only things ive seen so far are are Scroll of fate: experience and the one in the zen store for 2k zen. Ideal would be something like the one from zen store but with less xp so i dont outlevel my mates once i cought up. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/BuildGod420
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    Combine Critical Severity & Critical Avoidance and Deflect Severity & Deflect!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:24 AM PST

    Due to us needing to invest in two stats to get the same return as one stat (actually lesser) i.e., 1.81x Damage Modifier with both Critical stats maxed out (compared to 1.9x for just investing in Power or CA, which are single stats), and a similar case for Deflect stats, where total mitigation is even worse than Defense despite having to max out two stats (as maxing the two gives 48% mitigation 90% of the time while Defense is 48% mitigation 100% of the time), there is 0 reason for any DPS or Tank to invest in these stats respectively.

    Please use your big brain Devs and combine these stats- are you blind to the fact that there is an absolute discrepancy here?

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    Professions... is it worth starting ?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Hi, I spent about a year back in 2017/18 getting 11 characters up to l70 leadership and L70 in 2 other professions each, and it was a long, hard, expensive slog. Hero/Master assets, quality tools and all that, then as soon as I was starting to see some actual gains for all my efforts, professions was completely changed for something more complicated that looked like even more hard work.

    That was one of the reasons I ditched playing for nearly 2 years.

    Now I'm back, catching up on the 3 new campaigns since I went away and am enjoying the game again and wondering if it's worth bothering getting back into professions. I'm very much a part time player now, no way I'll be obsessively logging in at all hours according to a complicated schedule.

    Last time I worked out the optimum pattern in Excel to maximise output, generating those resonant bags etc etc. - but I can't be bothered with all that - so my question is, for somebody who really isn't going to put the time in, is it worth bothering with professions at all ? - I have enough gold to play around with enchantments, to be honest I'd only really be interested if I could make a good bit of AD without too much effort, or generate RP or... but not if it means working at it too much, or very much at all to be honest.

    submitted by /u/ChrisVapesALot
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    JOGH : intro video of the 2nd challenge "The springboard of the star"

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack key

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    I got a Neverwinter Feywild Starter Pack key as part of the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 Humble Bundle but don't play the game myself and, after offering unused keys in multiple situations, have never gotten a request for it. Since it expires in four days, I'm just going to post it here for whoever can grab it. Here are the redemption instructions. To use the code swap the first and last characters.


    If the code doesn't work then sorry, someone else already snagged it, please don't bug me about it :)

    submitted by /u/Tukaro
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    What is my best bet for a healer (What race/class should I pick?)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:21 AM PST

    So I already have a lvl 80 DPS and I wanted to start a new character and focus on healing as much as I can. The problem is; there are so many races and classes that i can pick that can heal. I want the one who I can heal with the most. What class/race combo gives out the most healing in the game?

    I asked my guild and they said Dragonborn or Aasimar with Warlock - but because of the inflation and the country I live in Zen coins cost ridiculously expensive so I can't spend too much money on the game. And then I felt too anxious to ask again in the guild so now I'm here. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/General-Cinny
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    Why tho

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:06 AM PST

    I am dying several times to 1 pack of mobs, 76 barbarian blademaster. Dont know what im doing wrong but its frustrating to the point where the character is unpayable.

    submitted by /u/chamclowd3r
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    Mount powers, where to look at

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:02 AM PST


    I have different mounts in my stable and would like to know which power belongs to which mount. I cannot find it, any idea?


    submitted by /u/TMP1980
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    Higher damage = better rewards?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Hello Guys,

    I wonder if this is the case in dungeons.


    submitted by /u/TMP1980
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    Loot postal portal?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:50 AM PST

    I went up to someone's portable mailbox and just before it disappeared it had a "press X to loot" option, what is that about?

    submitted by /u/Fox__1313
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    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:17 AM PST

    Sooo.. I'm level 80 and I've done quite a bit and I wanna make my character look good any suggestions of what items to get to look good

    submitted by /u/M_shah-112
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Hey i wanted info about the story teller journals i realy want them but the event is over months ago and i missed out on them does someone have any information about how to obtain them beceasue the prices on the action house are ver very high like 4 mil just for 1 artifact.

    submitted by /u/Confident-Mouse-3400
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