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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    Neverwinter me try to understand the combat rework update

    Neverwinter me try to understand the combat rework update

    me try to understand the combat rework update

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Is there gonna be an inflation of AD?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Well, with the coming companion changes, you can sell your bonding stones for 2.6 million AD each. If you sell all 3 of your maxed out bonding stones, you will get a lot of AD.

    With this in mind, if many people chooses to sell their bonding stones, will there be an inflation on AH market?

    submitted by /u/Intern3tHer0
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    Looking for an alliance

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Looking for a new alliance. We have a dozen or so daily active people. Everyone has a good sense of humor and are generally good people. We are all friends and like meeting new people. We need a new alliance because we left our last one due to the alliance leader being a power mad prick. Please comment it DM me if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/Kkiller-11
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    A very simple way to make Forte good, fair, and sought after

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Make the player choose what stats they want for each loadout. More flexibility, more adaptable to your build, no nonsensical stats added since you take what you need.

    submitted by /u/GastNDorf
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    Dear Devs,

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:35 PM PST

    The amount of changes you are doing look exhausting, but I'm certain the reason behind the changes are to improve the game. Thank you for continuing to trying to make the game better so it stays around for a long, long time. Even though there is a lot of hate being flung, some of us appreciate what you're doing to keep the game active and alive.

    submitted by /u/gusmp
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    TOMM channel or Discord?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Good evening everyone,

    Hopefully everyone has no relaxed with all those changes that were thrown at us yesterday. I am currently a Rogue with 30.1k IL and still rocking the blessed weapon set. The next set that I am hoping to go for is Lions heart. However, no onw wants to run them. To all the people that have Lions heart, what exactly did you do? Guild or did you find some people in a specific channel or discord? And if so, what discord or channel? Currently have been stuck at this point for about a month now.

    submitted by /u/Browniebrowie
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    BiS weapon for dps

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Combat rework, lots of questions. Am I assuming right that Lionheart set would be best in slot for dps again?

    submitted by /u/frogovsky
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    Question for those on preview server

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    Well watching Northside video, he went to the exchange vendor and I noticed it had a insignia and enchantment categories in it.... were those categories open so Insignias and Enchantments can be exchanged???

    submitted by /u/RudyDawg1980
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    Keeps loading into live server

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:03 PM PST

    LF guild

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Level 80 ranger, coming back after almost a year away. Enjoy playing but it's more fun with a group of like minded people.

    submitted by /u/Mrcincy
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    Infernal Offering Helm

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Hello! I am still noob in Neverwinter. I am warlock dps, lvl 80. One person told me that Infernal Offering Helm is the best for me for now. But I have doubts, since I can loose to 4200 power while I have that helm on me. Please help me. I don't know what to wear.

    submitted by /u/its_me_ana_
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    Noob questions (a lot), pleas answer some.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:15 PM PST

    I literally installed yesterday and played for 1 day. I like pew pew mages but Wizard can only be DPS so I'm playing WL. I just wanna learn game by playing but also avoid some fuck ups.

    1)I'm WL Drow (+2 dex & char) the plan is to heal in party and run Dps in solo content, now:

    • a)Be honest is it stupid choice for 1st char? AFiK WL is the worst DPS and Healer (and healing got nerfed even more last balance patch?). Will I hit a wall in few weeks and cry when my party flames me, after we get wiped out in dungeon ? Should I be playing a Pretty Cleric Boi for easy experience?

    • b)I know that LvL 30 will give me 2nd loadout, but can I complete all the solo content if I focus on building my Char as a Healer from the beginning? I assume I should max Dex and Char stats as I gain lvls?

    • c)Is there any content U run as solo in the endgame or is it all Dungeons in party? At what LvL usually you finish all the quests and have to move to farming for exp? (I do all the sidequest... because I like it).

    • d)I know Race doesn't matter that much, and I don't have BiS Ugly Face Lizard unlocked so I took Drow. But isn't something like Human technically a better choice?

    2) So I did the queue (daily?) in my 1st day both regular and random, it was The Cloak Tower twice (I assume because I'm low LvL so it's the only available).

    • a)Is there any other "Daily-like" activity I should be doing?

    • b)On the random Dungeon run we get wiped out (we had 1 DC). I notice U can pick up ppl for few seconds before they actually die. But even the 80 LvL guy died, I was the last guy standing. Questions is what should scrubs like me do in those runs?I was trying not to get hit, spam LMB cause it seem to do most dmg (the green At-Will that explodes at 3rd strike) and use Daily power when it was charged.

    • c)The Shadow skill feels nice as dodge mechanic. But Boss fights are long and sometimes I get hit. It takes time to heal back with Vampiric Embrace and those Vials (1k HP). I assume I should focus on learning Boss fights and practice dodging, cause those fights only gonna get harder?

    3)I just equip anything I get that have better stats and I'm selling everything else to NPC vendor for silver/bronze.

    • a)Should I be not using/saving or selling some of the stuff that I get along the Main Quest Line ?
    • b)I notice some items under the value in silver/bronze have that green icon that seems to be Refinement Points. What are those?
    • c)As I'm aware a lot of power comes from the companion, so I'm trying to farm AD to get the Epic Energon and start LvLing it as soon as possible. Is it a good choice for me ?

    I know it's a wall of txt, feel free to just answer 1 or 2. Thx for any help.

    submitted by /u/Satans_Work
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    Storyline all wrong

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Hi, so I've noticed this a couple times in various things that the storylines in Neverwinter are really badly maintained and sometimes conflict between campaigns. It may be that that there's a chronological order to campaigns that I don't know about but right now I'm not understanding how Gauntlgrym can be lost in Maze Engine but available in Elemental Evil: The Fiery Pit? It would seem like you're supposed to do Elemental Evil before the Maze Engine because several story elements in the ME rely on the completed EE storyline. For example right now in the ME I'm gathering the elemental grimoires from the Cults introduced in EE.

    So any advice on unraveling this nonsensical storyline of Gauntlgrym would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EnchantedBandit
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    The Round Table Alliance (PC) is recruiting a guild!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Hey everyone!

    The Round Table alliance has a space for one guild. We are looking for cool, active peoples. We would prefer a guild with GH under 20, but will consider interested, active level 20s.

    Our alliance is called the Round Table because we believe in making decisions together, and no guild is more important than any other guild. All our decisions are made by voting, with each guild getting a vote. We have monthly officer meetings, and we rotate through which guild picks the time each month. We have members and leaders from all over the world. It is a great place to grow a smaller guild, and we want to help you do it!

    Feel free to ask any questions here if you want! I'm a leader of a smaller sub-lvl 20 guild in the alliance, and am happy to answer questions about how we run. Please PM me if you would like to be considered for the spot.


    submitted by /u/EmmaWoodsy
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    Developers avoiding to answer players concerns.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    There's been several forum threads where players have given their concern about the upcoming changes. There are so many good arguments and point of views(https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1258799/official-combat-changes-stats/p1) of why this is a bad idea to implement to the game. They didnt prepare us at all that they were going to nerf our damage down to 20-30% and make healing almost impossible.

    Posted a picture of 3 of the comments noworries decided to respond to. He/they are purposely avoiding to answer us or give a reply to our feedback. As it is now we are looking at doing dungeons/trials at double or triple the time/difficulty it used to be before. They have made celestial weapons completely worthless to grind for when you can do Tower of the mad mage instead to get the lionhearts which have a much better bonus than celestials.

    They have made summoned companion useless. My chicken from before has gone from doing 200k-1 million per hit of swarm to doing 200-500 damage per hit. They haven't responded if this is a bug or it is intended to make summoned companions worthless.

    I wasn't around for mod 16, but i've seen players say this is the same kind of bullshit or even worse. When they implemented mod 16 in february 2019 the player base fell by 25% on steam for a 6 month period.

    submitted by /u/Sondrebigpp
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    So, I have a problem...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:48 AM PST

    I recently logged into epic games and downloaded neverwinter, I accidentaly clicked the log into neverwinter launcher with epic games instead of log into neverwinter with arc, I cant seem to find a way to log out, even in the game itself!

    Worse is, I uninstalled neverwinter, installed it again and still nothing works.

    submitted by /u/NxtLevelMadness
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