• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Neverwinter I Made A Farewell Trailer For Old Sharandar - Enjoy! 😁

    Neverwinter I Made A Farewell Trailer For Old Sharandar - Enjoy! ��

    I Made A Farewell Trailer For Old Sharandar - Enjoy! ��

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

    2 packs in :o

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    Things to do now before they get harder

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    Does anyone have a list of things end game players should be doing ASAP before the changes come to console. I already have 1 lionheart weapon and am trying to get my other before the changes drop. But besides that what should I be focusing on before it gets harder to do. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TarrasqueTakedown
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    Current/future state of the Wizard

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:33 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I was just wondering if with all these changes, combat rework, new mod and whatever else is coming in the near future. Has there been any mention on tweaking/buffing the Wizard class?

    I'm a new player, been only playing for a couple of weeks. My first class choice was a Wizard. It's sitting at about 23/24k IL and I have to admit, I'm not really having so much fun anymore. In the end, I still enjoy playing the game, but with any group orientated content I just always feel I'm underperforming compared to other DPS classes.

    Sometimes you got these absolute OG players in your group with 35+ item level that destroy everything in sight in a heartbeat. I'm not talking about those. With a toon that stacked they deserve to steamroll everything.

    I'm talking other DPS classes like Fighters, Rogues, Barbarians, Rangers etc with a similar item level as myself who manage to heavily out damage me on the DPS scoreboard.

    I'm a new player but I'm no slouch. I've studied a lot of content, guides, builds etc. I know how the Wizard mechanic works with stacking arcane/chilling and optimal rotations. Obviously I'm not saying I mastered the class, but I don't think I'm completely playing it wrong either yet I feel like dead weight.

    My personal opinion is that the Wizard feels ''alright'' when doing single target damage, but I feel the damage could be buffed still. My main problem is AOE. I play Arcanist (as from every single mod 19 guide I've read, thats the only viable paragon), and all the AOE encounters are absolute doodoo. I've tested it out and I feel playing the ''meta'' ST rotation of Repel, EF, Disentegrate & RoE still kill a large group of trash mobs faster than for example using Icy Terrain, Steal Time, etc.

    The damage output on the AOE spells is absolutely horrible and definitely need a buff. Playing solo content with a Wizard is a pain and removes the fun for me as there's no viable way to clear trash mobs efficiently. I feel I should have the choice to spec more for AOE and steamroll groups of trash mobs with the downside being having less options to quickly burst down a single target. Right now I feel forced to run a single target orientated build for all content.

    I'd love to solve my problem with just buying a Xuna that can bloodbath everything in sight, but unfortunately I don't have 30 million AD saved up...

    I ask everyone to please take my opinion with a grain of salt. As I said, I've only been playing this game for a couple of weeks. I do wonder if there's more people sharing my point of view though.

    In hindsight, I really wish I rolled a Barbarian first... I know just making a second toon is an option. But I honestly don't want to regrind 1-80 again, grind Undermountain... grind hours and hours of treasure map farming. Maybe in the future when I have 1 class fully set up for end-game...

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. I'd love to hear other peoples opinion on the current state of the Wizard class.


    submitted by /u/GassyJalapeno_
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    [XB1] I started a guild recently and I’m looking for new members or any help that can be given please I’m a great leader and want social players that I can talk to and help we have a discord to help communicate as well I’m in an alliance already btw

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Are there any changes to the Temple boons? (Awareness, Revive Sickness, Group Heal Potion Bonus) Is the Temple still good?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:04 PM PST

    On console, the Temple boons at rank 10 are:

    • 8000 Awareness

    • Resurrection Stack Effectiveness 5%

    • Group Heal Potion Bonus 75%

    Are there any changes to this in the Combat Rework? Is the Temple still good?

    submitted by /u/nwgamer0
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    Unable to use zen exchange

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Hello. Every time I try to use the Zen exchange, it says that due to my account activity, I am unable to. I've cleared every area and am now 37+ and still unable to use the exchange. Is there something I'm missing? I sent a support ticket to the neverwinter team and also haven't heard anything back.

    I also can't seem to purchase any items that are 100k+ AD, either. Do I need to be max level to do this?

    submitted by /u/komaeda_dork
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    Weapon ench -% defense - do these stack?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:24 AM PST

    Dread and frost weapon ench both reduce the target defense, how do they interact in terms of self stacking and stacking with other?

    They have different duration but both are triggered by all 3 attack types, so each shoul;d have a very high uptime.

    Would a stack be added together or be like a damage out debuff and apply in sequence?

    submitted by /u/_____score
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    Bryn Shander - Wolf Clearing quest...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Has anyone else been able to complete this quest this week? I have 3/4 and when I go to the last location to spawn horde, I can't activate using fish on the ground

    submitted by /u/KolathDragon
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    Help with building guild

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:57 AM PST

    Hi, I've recently been given control of a guild that is Lv1. I only have a Lumberyard, a Farm, and a Guildhall. Both the lumberyard & Farm are stuck at max storage (Lv1) so it won't let me 'tend'. Do I need to wait until all the coffers on all parts are full, ie, prof items, gems, gold, etc, or have I done something wrong! - I've tried looking on Utube but cannot locate anything that shows you what you need to do if you encounter this problem. Any advice would be welcome, and 'Tips' are always handy.

    submitted by /u/Warriorcharge
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    New to the game, and RPG's in general, good tips for newbie?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:39 AM PST

    Basically title, b4 i was playing MOBA's all the time, Dota 2, Smite, Hon and stuff, so, what are the basics i need to know to get started and not destroy my future gameplay by doing some stupid mistakes early on to the game?

    submitted by /u/WhySoRengar
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    Getting Lionheart before the changes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:31 AM PST

    Hi, was hoping that someone could help me get the lionheart set for me before the changes hit on console. I play cleric healer on a few alts. Looking for the cleric and tr offhand and the ranger set. I've done tomm 20+ times so I know the mechanics. I'm a guild leader and helm of alliance and only about 3 of us are endgame ready so an alliance run is not optional neither is me joining another guild. If you need a healer please pm me. My xbox gamertag is aimylou92


    submitted by /u/xIRAMMYx
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    Enchantment Changes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:54 AM PST

    Wow, I just noticed the rank 15 Enchantments that give XP in the utility slots only grant 4% xp bonus now. You would think with the next MOD getting ready to drop they would encourage people to get to the best they can to catch up for the new content.

    submitted by /u/-Soulsteal-
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    I don’t want to start drama but....

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    So I played Neverwinter in the past with a few friends as we like to do content together. We had tried it on a few occasions and every time we played we had the same complaint, it's super super super easy. Even when we would do a dungeon it would be one person running ahead killing everything, and the rest running behind looting. There was no risk of death, and no challenge.

    I understand they recently made some changes to the game, and I also understand that members of the community are upset about these changes and I don't mean to discredit your feelings.

    I wanted to know with the recent changes is the game now more difficult and challenging like a real D&D adventure, or other MMO? If so I think we'd like to revisit.


    submitted by /u/sylance9
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    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:20 AM PST

    I have a new Alliance that I am trying to fill up. AL20 GH4 working hard to get GH5! I'm recruiting new active friendly players to my Guild and have several gauntlets to fill. If your a friendly active player an want a home message me. If you have a guild looking for a home message me. NO DRAMA, NO GUILD JUMPING, NO POUCHING! THESE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! I only ask that ya join and have fun! I'm Keria@Keria_2018

    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Ad5466
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    Improve paladin healer/bring Lassor to tune the trials

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:03 AM PST

    I do not main a paladin healer, I have a little alt that I like. I do not champion my cause.
    I have some ideas how to be improved, but I will not pretend to be an expert.
    I am though able to observe the obvious, and it puzzles me why nobody tries to save the class.
    While we are at it- bring Lassor to tune both ToMM and ZM, because they are nothing as they were on release.
    P.S.- Please do not say that you saw X,Y op healer doing fine. Op healer must do fine on medium, not with best player in the best team where was invited because of friendship, otherwise they would prefer a cleric.

    submitted by /u/magdalena1618
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