• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Neverwinter Ummm...I thought they were dead...🤪

    Neverwinter Ummm...I thought they were dead...��

    Ummm...I thought they were dead...��

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:43 PM PST

    Yarrow's Mod 17 PVE Hunter Trapper Build

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Yarrow's Mod 17 PVE Hunter Trapper Build

    Here's a Mod 17 "Trapper" concept build that former Trappers might find fun to try out if you happen to have a spare loadout. I do play Warden Melee too, but I've been trying out some alternatives. This particular build is an attempt to compete with Warden with as close to a classic trapper experience as possible and also hard hitting enough to provide viable DPS for most settings. Warden is still safe it seems, but if you're bored with Warden and have a spare loadout, then you might enjoy this, if you can manage to get a smooth rotation going. Also, this may be a little too advanced and too complex for some new players. #TrapperForLife #HappyHolidays http://bit.ly/YarrowHunterTrapper




    submitted by /u/Extraneous_Typo
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    The Suns are looking for your help!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:22 PM PST

    Hello there fellow adventurers!

    We at 'The Suns' are currently recruiting active players who are looking to enjoy the game in a group and also help improve our guild and be a part of building something big!

    We are currently a sword guild to the 'Tyrs Paladium' and part of the oldest alliance in NeverWinter, at this current time we are Guild Hall 4 making that push towards 5. I understand this is a problem for a lot of people as they want to get those guild boons and everything but like i said it's about building something for us other than just getting the boons easily, we started off as 3 people and built our way up to here so far and just want to keep going.

    We have a lot of level 80's in the guild but struggle to get people to help out in stronghold and donate to the coffers so this is what we're trying to do, get people that want to help out and do things together as a group. We are very active on discord and would love nothing more than other people who want to come join in our VC's and have a great time with us and the other in our alliance. We run daily Expeditions, REDQ's and RTQ's as a guild and alliance and never shy to offer help of assistance whenever someone needs it.

    If this sound's like something that you'd be interested in, feel free to hit me up in game at @ herssa#9726 obviously without the space haha! Either that or you could join our discord server here and drop a message there https://discord.gg/vaw83F

    Hope you all have a good day and thanks for taking the time to read!

    submitted by /u/Herron13
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    Winter Festival Mount

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Memorial for the Unknown Soldiers who died in Sleeping Dragon Bridge

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:06 AM PST

    PS4 controller

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

    What config and program do you use when you play Neverwinter on a Dual Shock 4?

    submitted by /u/Gone_Fishy
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    Acquisitions Incorporated Campaign at level 69

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    Hey guys so...I am currently level 69 and was just reading on campaigns the other day. I haven't done anything with it except the job fair. It says that I could do acquisitions incorporated campaigns all the way up to level 70. I am level 69 now literally. I don't have enough acorns to do all the tasks. Does this mean I have to say bye bye to this campaign forever once I hit 70?

    I am feeling sad right now cuz I love the story of Acquisitions Incorporated lol

    submitted by /u/ParadiseLostNot
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    Legendary Insignia Choice Pack from Token of Flames

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    What are the BiS companions now, and how important are they since Mod 16?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:40 PM PST

    So I have not played Neverwinter in a while, so I decided to start a new character (Barbarian) and I have come back to see some big changes. One thing I find interesting is the Companion system. I seem to recall that in the past, Companions were a huge aspect of DPS etc, but am I right now in thinking they matter a little less? Are there still 'Must have, BiS' companions?

    submitted by /u/Valamist
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    Guild boons not working

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    It says I don't have any Guild yet I'm in a guild I went to the stronghold to double check, I had a bunch of the boons before now nothing.

    Any ideas on what to do

    submitted by /u/Jackets_Off
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    Ebony Stained X Shirt stats

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    Didn't see these listed anywhere while I was rebalancing so here u go.

    IL 882

    +706 combined rating

    +4234 power

    +16934 HP




    Ebony stained raid shirt: armor penetration, combat advantage

    Ebony stained restoration shirt: critical strike, combat advantage

    Ebony stained assault shirt: armor penetration, accuracy

    Ebony stained ward shirt: critical strike, accuracy

    submitted by /u/Lithrae1
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    Help with Barb after long break

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Hey so I'm just starting back up again after a long hiatus from the game. My current item level is 16k with most gear pieces in the 700 range. I have fully leveled 3 of my 4 artifacts to epic, have a legendary mount and companions, level 11 bonding runestones, about 1/3 legendary insignia with legendary demon lords set also. I am in a guild with full boons but only have 29 campaign boon points. I purchased VIP again and it's level 12. Besides obviously finishing campaigns, where should I be focusing? I haven't started any areas since before Chult I believe? I'm on Xbox if that makes any difference.

    submitted by /u/sparxxx007
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST





    submitted by /u/Lilu681
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    Is there no winter / christmas themed event like the one they did for halloween?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:46 AM PST

    We loved the Halloween one, we were really excited to see neverwinter all.. winter

    submitted by /u/r3volc
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    I was told recently that as a Barb Tank I needed to get my HP to near 1 million. Im currently at 20.3k item level. I need to upgrade enchantments but how the fuck do i gain 600k hp? Can someone tell me a gear set / enchantment set i should be grinding for?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST


    submitted by /u/r3volc
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    Is runic restoration worth it?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    It took me a while but I finally finished restoring a ruined piece of armor to runic. It's a good piece of equipment, but I see no point in ever using it. Through the long grind of doing my daily MEs, I've found much better options than the restored armor. So, now I have a piece of gear that took a really long time to gather the resources required and I can't use it, sell it, or even just give it to a friend, since it's bound to me. I'm sure I'll keep doing the daily grind since I'm still working towards getting my character ready for LOMM (technically I'm high enough ilvl, but I tried once and found I'm woefully inadequate in my role at the moment), TOMM, and whatever else Cryptic throws at us with Mod 18. But I have to ask the question, are restorations even worth it? I plan on just using my rewards for Zok boxes and the random drops. Is that the best strategy? I figure even if a drop is a low level and needs to be refined (like my alabaster set did), it's easier and cheaper to refine than restore. After all, restoration took a lot of work and still something like 125k AD for a single piece. I think that currency can be put to use for better gear. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/MsAllisonE
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    Barbarian or Cleric?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    After reaching level 80 on my wizard main and getting thrown a bunch of daily quests for campaigns, I wanted to start a new character to grind to level 80. I chose either barbarian or cleric but can't decide which one to do. Tell me you guys' opinion on which one to do next (I plan to get every class to level 80 anyway). I'd probably go with the class that's the most different from wizard, like roles, play style, and such. Input much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/doedoe21doe
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    Devout Cleric Build for Mod 17

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    Can anyone recommend me a good devout cleric build for mod 17 to follow. I could only found mod 16 cleric build which I am not sure if it is still variable for mod 17. Most appreciated if someone could recommend me 1 to follow.

    submitted by /u/patrina37
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    I was referred by somebody on this subreddit, but I'm not getting any rewards.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:59 AM PST

    So I started playing today, and while my game was installing I decided to find a referral code on the subreddit's "Post your referral links" thread. I used the code, accepted the referral on the arc games website and received an email saying that they had completed the friend referral and I was able to play, but when I reached level 5 I never got anything? The referral page says I should have gotten an heirloom pack for level 5 as well as a companion, and as far as I can tell that never happened. What should I do? I don't want to continue playing because if I'm already level 9 and if I level up anymore I won't be able to get the rewards or be referred by a new player.

    submitted by /u/Nitrix119
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    Healing build

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    I am starting a neverwinter group with friends and I was wondering how to make a healing build anything would be great I'm a bit new so please be very simple thank u bye

    submitted by /u/granola666666666666
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    Keybinding encounters in neverwinter

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:35 AM PST

    So if you're running a dungeon and you use the same feats and class features for AOE and ST, but not the encounters, the only way to change the encounters would be by pressing alt and then using the mouse to change the encounters. But this takes way too long. I have posted this in the official forum but reddit responses are always better :)

    If there is no option in game, is there any other legitimate way of doing this?

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sobi999
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    Helpless n00b on PS4

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

    So I got into this game a couple years ago, then deleted it. Just re-downloaded it and I've fallen back in love with my 4 characters and I want to get shit moving. Everybody is between levels 21 and 32, so I've got a lot of grinding ahead of me, I guess. The more I look at this game, the less I seem to know about it and the deeper it all is. So here's a round of question-vomit for all of you, if you feel like taking time out of your day to school a helpless n00b.

    Can I do all these bullshit story leveling up quests with friends? How? If I figure out how to do it, and I'm with lower level friends, will killing everybody with my slightly better weapons stunt my friend's growth by robbing them of xp?

    There's a guild I want to be a part of, only because it's named after something in a book series I'm a big fan of, but I don't know how to apply to become a member. Is it worth it to chase this one guild, or should I just calm the hell down and join whoever will have me?

    Is there some way to voice chat? I can't type for shit. I got lost in a stronghold, and it took me forever to get somebody to help me find the way out, because they'd wander off while I was typing. Goddamn signposts don't look anything like all the other city gates...

    Do I reeeeally have to level up all 4 (eventually 5 when I can decide on a class) guys separately? I don't know if I want to do all these same quests again.

    Are these lockboxes worth opening? I bought a couple keys, and got what looks like some important shit for my companions, but can't really figure out how to use it. I was hoping to get one of those bad ass griffon mounts or scaly lizard cat things. I'm currently riding a gelatinous cube, and I have yet to come across an upgrade that I both want and can afford. I ain't riding around on some regular ass horse. No sir.

    And finally: did I just waste everybody's time with questions that are answered in the sidebar? I'm gonna go check that now, so I'm sorry in advance.

    submitted by /u/Scr0tat0
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    Knox's Adventurer Recruitment Order

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Good morning could someone explain to me what does this pack do? I know it makes me able to create a level 70 char from the beginning and gives you a bunch of items, but, is it one use only or is it like the dragonborn race pack?

    submitted by /u/AnthonyCarmineh
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