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    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Neverwinter IC in a nutshell

    Neverwinter IC in a nutshell

    IC in a nutshell

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    70 as a max for FOV is unacceptable.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    This isnt about seeing the whole screen! I have migraines and vertigo. I took a power tool to the head a year and a half ago and I am still recovering. That injury made we wait out most of mod 15. I am SURE I am not the only one who has issues like this. Turning post processing off and turning FOV to 100 literally makes this game playable for me. Anyone else who is like me needs to speak up right now, as we are all stuck at home right now and some of us really need this game to play.

    Other than that happy w the patch notes but seriously what the hell fix the FOV please

    submitted by /u/ice_k00b
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    New and hoping to play with 2 other friends

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Hi, me and 2 friends are looking to play a game together during the lockdown. Can 3 people party together at the same time right away?

    submitted by /u/s_k13
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    Cardinal Coral Coif hat, where do I get it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:57 PM PDT


    I'd like to get the Cardinal Coral Coif hat. I did a little research, specifically the Collections screen, and found it. It says it can be gotten in the Undermountain module. I'm half to 2/3 thru it. I believe anyway. The item in the collections screen says, you can find this item in Expeditions. I would imagine there is a section in Undermountain called Expeditions, or a special quest. I hope it doesn't mean it can be found in a random drop. Can anyone tell me more about where to find the hat? Preferably before I get there, so I know what to look for. What part of Undermountain? I know you automatically get a hat when you start Undermountain, but that's not the hat I'm looking for.

    If you need a reminder, in the Collections section, go to Undermountain, under Antiquities of Undermountain. it's the hat with the big feather.. Which is next to Hat of the Cowardly.

    P.S. - Not to change the topic. I like playing, but it gets tiring doing all the grinding. NW seems to be only about grinding to earn enough, till the next time to grind for something new. I'm in no hurry to play all the modules. But for now, its still fun.... At times.

    submitted by /u/DonCyranoQuixote
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    I feel powerless

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    So I recently started playing Neverwinter and have gotten my wizard all the way up to level 52. I chosen the Arcanist paragon path, but I feel like I'm not doing anything. When I hit an enemy, there's no umph to it like I was hoping for. I mean in the last dungeon I did a DPS priest outdamaged me. Would it be worth it to keep on keeping on and continue on my path towards 80, or would it be better to retrain with Astral Diamonds and use the other paragon path. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Best Regards, Exu

    submitted by /u/Exubrance
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    What's going on with PC servers?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Xbox no shards?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Anyone else experienced this. Can't login.

    submitted by /u/Vapestien
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    Camp fire equipment for healers

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Hi there, I have noticed that sometimes while running dungeons some healers have this in their belt I reckon. Where after killing a boss they use it to remove revive sickness of players. Was wondering what's it called and where to get it from?

    submitted by /u/Jaguppal786
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    We’ve all had it happen

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Guild for newbie?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    I legit have not played since mod 9 when they increased the level cap to 70. Now I can't remember how to play but I'll already level 30. Any newbie friendly guilds to help give guidance and hopefully play with?

    submitted by /u/Milderf
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    Brand new player looking for guidance.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    So I'm new to neverwinter and have never found a mmo to play due to being on Xbox. I'm interested is getting an mmo to play as a second game and to de-stress after my more stressful gaming sessions (call of duty). I wanted to find a guide to kind of point out the key things to do and focus in the leveling process. I plan on playing casually but I really like gaining knowledge on the games I play. So if anyone can point me to some guidance I would greatly appreciate it. I chose a barbarian in hopes to make a berserker type character. And I play on Xbox. Thanks for anyone willing to teach.

    submitted by /u/TheRealTFreezy
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    I.C. and some general comments

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    As more and more people get this unlocked and running it some things pop out for a successful run. Being at stats is number 1, I've seen way too many dps go in not at Def. cap and get annihilated, and just don't on the negative healing with darks. At first boss, tank the boss in the corner or along the edge, do not stand in the poison field. At second boss, unless you have a dps crew that understands the stay in the middle while tank walks him around, don't do this. Just have the tank hold him in the middle. DPS stand still for christ sakes, if you pull aggro for some reason DONT run away, you're just making the tank work harder, stay still let the tank pull the aggro back, his over head hits all the way across the room, so you moving doesn't help. The tank holding him in the middle requires the tank using damage mitigating encounters as well as needing a good dc, for dps if you're behind the boss and he can't see you he won't hit you with the small aoe's. Boss 2 is multi cooperative, you need good dps, good healer, and good tank, if you're shy on any of these you're in for lots of scrolls. Last boss is the easiest but for some reason I've run into many that just don't understand the mechanics. This is a dps check and heal check, tank is there only to take the chains and taunt him to the middle. As with boss 2 STAY STILL, healers can't heal you running all over the place. I've lost count on tanks as well, as I drop the OP sigil to aid in the heal check they'll try and avoid the chains...dont, the healers job is to heal you through the chains. Lastly in my opinion its best to start tiles top right work left, then across again, but this is a personal preference. I like it because it leaves you more real estate to work with below when the boss does the flame throwers. A good youtube video showing things, this is ideally how you want to tank 2nd boss.

    submitted by /u/rdpoint
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    I fear NW's Patch Notes.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    I've been expecting some fixes for TIC since forever, and looks like finally they're happening, some minor changes here and there, the usual stuff, maybe they've also fixed Cradle for good on PC! This is actually a good patch, they're even giving Whisperknife some love, well, finally some really needed fixe... What?

    The maximum Field of View in Neverwinter has been reduced.

    • Note: This was intended to go out with the introduction of the FoV option. The goal of this change is to reduce the pressure on players to make the game look less readable, for the benefit of being able to see more at once. We'll keep an extra eye on feedback in case there are mechanics that become significantly more difficult with a lower maximum.

    Wait what? Reduced? Well, I usually play with 90-100 and I love it, I know 150 may be too much so even if they cut it down to 120 or so it would be understandable, even tho there's no real need for a change such as this, so I decided to log on to preview to test the new FoV.

    The new maximum is 70, after playing with 90-100 as my usual FoV for god knows how long I find it really hard to get used to 70, it just feels wrong, I can't see around me, I changed it for a reason and I found the game to only improve once I did, are you guys serious? Now you're also forcing FoV changes, limiting the way we can see, experience and play the game?

    submitted by /u/Canyo501
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    Rogue quests final quest

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    anyone have any idea where the cloaked man is? I can't find him
    Edit: Never mind I found him

    submitted by /u/WildForestFerret
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    Demogorgon Queue Problem

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I have been playing winter for a very long time however I've never actually bothered with understanding the mechanics until recently when I've started grinding again. However I can't seem to complete the "to slay a demon lord" quest as whenever I look for a Que for normal demogorgon I can never find one. Even on the 1 hour 30 minuite mark, I've been all over it. I can just never see the title to start a queue. I am a DPS so it may explain the problem, but can anyone help with a way around this?

    submitted by /u/KiraNyash
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    "Tales of Old" event

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys and gals, i wanted to ask if "Tales of Old" event will be again.

    submitted by /u/NoMorePain18
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    Stopped playing just before m16 dropped (ps4)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Hey all, I stopped playing just before m16 dropped due to the changes and the p2w aspect of it all. I was wondering how the changes have been received and if this game is actually worth getting back in to.

    Thanks for any replies, have a good day.

    submitted by /u/Sandman_iron
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    Have you experienced an issue with near death status?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Today I was waiting for a dungeon queue while I was fighting mobs in the siege event map. I was teleported into dungeon while I was taking damage, but it was nothing fatal. When the dungeon instance loaded up, I got into near death position immediately. A group member revived me but again I ended up falling again instantly. I tried to release soul but still I kept falling again and again. I had to log out for a few minutes and it was turned back to normal when I logged in again. But I lost my dungeon queue...

    Have you experienced something like this? How did it occur?

    submitted by /u/RaLaughs
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    As of today, what platforms have the highest population/ activity?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Lair Of The Mad Mage: Acturia Overpowered?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Does anyone else think this boss fight is way too hard? I have been playing for over five years. I have a tank which is almost 27K IL and I have yet to ever be able to get past this first boss. I have tried it over a dozen times and never once gotten past this fight. The same thing happened with Castle Ravenloft. I could make it to the end but never killed the final boss there. Is there something I am missing or is it just stupidly difficult?

    submitted by /u/CptSt3rnn
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    Sorting small bags in inventory

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    How can I sort something like Juma bags into one slot of inventory instead of taking up a bunch at a time?

    submitted by /u/neytirijaded
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    FOV Change, no thanks, I hate it.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Literally all I have to say, I noticed feedback will be monitored so throwing it out here.

    Actually I lied, I need to rant more.

    What an absolutely ridiculous change. I literally logged in and my first thought is, " I'm not sure I can play this". There's no need to explain my personal reasons as to why, this is Trump level change.

    submitted by /u/Selenathar
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    Any xbox players who are fine with playing with a level 20?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Username: Top Dog 256

    submitted by /u/Dairbarely
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