• Breaking News

    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Neverwinter Unlocking Demogorgan..

    Neverwinter Unlocking Demogorgan..

    Unlocking Demogorgan..

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Why is it taking forever to unlock the Demogorgan raid? It's like, collect fairness, deposit fairness, then one little notch goes up. Rinse/repeat until I'm an old man. Is it supposed to take this long....? Ugh.

    submitted by /u/MugsyXbox
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    Neck artifact

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:34 PM PST

    I don't know the name but I know that it gives you 1 STR, CON, DEX, etc does anyone know that name of that neck artifact

    submitted by /u/xxiceymemesxx
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    Hunts and farm

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Is there any good method for farm the new hunts? is there any logic behind the spawn of the mob ? atm i've seen that Sir Galahan and pippy spawn every 10-11 min but dunno if there's a method to speed up the spawn.

    submitted by /u/xEvoRaiJiN
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    CW encounters bug?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:00 PM PST

    So most times when I press an encounter it goes on 1 or 2 seconds CD, be4 mod 18 it happened too but Arcane Empowerment was working pefect and now our biggest hitting daily which is 10s doesn't work properly too after mod 18 when I press the encounters it doesn't work so I have to press it more then once everytime anyone else has this problem?

    submitted by /u/moorder12370
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    Neverwinter one time code with steam and new computer

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:27 PM PST

    I want to play on a different Computer, but only play via Steam. The launcher asks for a verification with a one time code sent to the accounts email. The code is neither in my steam email (not in spam either) or somewhere on Steam Guard.

    Where do I find this Code or how do I activate a new Device for my Account?

    submitted by /u/Zockerpflaume
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    Neverwinter Blue Glazed Bundle

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PST

    For some reason I cannot claim my free Neverwinter Blue Glazed Bundle from the claim vendor after tutorial... WTF ARC Games!!! 😡

    Neverwinter Blue Glazed Bundle

    submitted by /u/FestiusRiot
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    Increased ad not working with vip

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:04 PM PST

    i brought vip awhile ago and it was working fine, but then my 10% increase in ad benefit has disappeared and im not sure what i should do about it? anyone has any advice on how to fix this? (haven't tested if any other benefits have stopped working as i only really care for ad, lol.)

    submitted by /u/JohnathanNW
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    Worth starting NW again?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:51 PM PST

    I started playing when the game came out. Been taking breaks off and on. As someone who doesn't play AH systems or spend money on keys and such... is it worth trying to get back into Neverwinter?

    I remember reading that, sadly, the foundry was shut down. It was one of the things I'd keep coming back to play with. So what would that leave me to do? (I doubt I'd be able to find any form of "raid" type group.)

    submitted by /u/Martith
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    Just hit 80, so many campaigns.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:06 PM PST

    Just hit 80, have 3 quests of Tiamat done, 3 of AI, 2 of ToEE.
    Now, all the campaigns are unlocked. What should I focus on? Seems like I would spend all day doing dailies never progress in anything else.

    submitted by /u/Ilsensine
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    Question about currency

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Hey there, new player to the game and I was wondering if there was any way I could have a friend send/gift me Zen, or an item from the zen shop. I've only ever played dragonborns in DnD and not being able to play them in Neverwinter is just... shitty tbh.

    submitted by /u/Kyngios
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    Any CW builds that stand out in mod 18?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Made a new CW when mod 18 came out, since I read that they have pretty good dps in mod 18, but I have not found any builds that stick out as ones that would help me get the most out of my CW. Preferably Arcanist builds since Thaumaturge got nerfed to the grave.

    submitted by /u/frostisgood
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    I have a problem with cloak tower

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PST

    I am stuck in cloak tower because nobody joins me and I can't continue with the story could someone join me please?

    submitted by /u/Enderblaster
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    Tanks and Combat Advantage, what do you all think?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Long time player here and I, like most fighter tanks stay away from stacking combat advantage (because I'm always in front). But someone that knows more than me said its worth it to sacrifice the power for CA instead, group synergy and everyones attacks are stronger thus negating the missing power.

    Sounds like an expensive experiment lol and console combat log sucks lol

    Thoughts, Thanks!

    submitted by /u/durk420stan
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    Playing Catch Up.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Its been a long time since I played. A LONG time. I played quite a bit on Pc when the game first came out. Then I lost my PC, never replaced it. Got into it on the xbox some time later, took months practicing the horrible dodge controls on xbox. After finally getting used to it, I actually started playing legit. Joined abig guild, started wrking on the profession, going through the Guild events with dragons, all that. Then alot of my friends quit, and I wanted to game with them, so I stopped as well.

    This was around the time before Chult and the dinos came out. That was the last time I played.Now before I quit, I managed to complete many of the campaigns and gain their boons. Staff of Savras, Elemental Evil, Maze Engine, Sharandar, etc. I even managed to get most of the work on the Tiamat campaign done, and had even began doing alot of the Icewindale, Storm King and Cloaked Ascendency. I'm not complete on those yet, but I'm working on it. Some of the things I have though, is to gather motes from various places.

    I have to gather Air, Earth and Water motes. But the only thing it tells me to do, is to gather them from Heroics. I have completed many heroics, well over 20(not easy to solo as a healer Cleric) and not a single mote. Not 1. Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/MasterZalm
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    Legendary Mount

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Hello guys, I'm a Barbarian DPS I'm thinking about buying a legendary mount. My question is between the swarm or the Warpainted Tyrannosaur. which has a better combat power? Give me opinions guys! Ty =)

    submitted by /u/xploruy
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    Is Rogue not so good?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Hello, i'm a kinda newbie player who reached lvl80 some weeks ago with my Rogue, and since then i started feeling like i'm playing a really weak class. I don't feel enough tanky, i'm too squishy, which i suppose is pretty normal since i'm a dps class, but I also feel like i'm not doing almost any dmgs. I only have 20k gs so i'm definitetly not end-game still, but with my other lvl80 toons, Archer, at this point i was really feeling being for usefull in terms of dps/hp. It is just my feeling?

    submitted by /u/Sharews
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    At-wills Stacking

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Does the Siege Master's Discipline 4% At-Will increase Stack with any Ring or equipment 3% At-Will increase?

    submitted by /u/Ghostdog2020
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    Stuck in undermountain

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Hey I'm stuck in undermountain. I finished the first few quests to get me the first tab (or whatever it's called). The next tab says I have to complete the quest A Tribute to Lost and Found, but I'm sure that there are other quests leading up to that, but I can't find anything or anyone to give me the quest. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Mmorpgplaye
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    Seals of the Deep

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:31 AM PST

    What's the current fastest/best way to farm seals of the deep?

    submitted by /u/Onespan
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    New Player, Queuing Concerns

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:46 AM PST

    A whole whack of players were crowded around the Cloak Tower last night. I sat in queue for well above the estimated 3 minutes several times. Tried inviting random players in my vicinity before queueing. No luck.

    This is the first time I needed to group up and on a Saturday night it's a bit alarming if this is going to be the norm. How do I get through this content?

    submitted by /u/Maclintok
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    Cleric Nerf?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PST

    So, I'm a bit older for the game. I mostly played back before Chult came out. After some posting, comments, and a few PMs, Ive discovered I need to do the undermountain to catch up. No big deal, I've played catch up before. So I start the quests, fly through them pretty easily, and chug along in the story for the underdark, pushing my way to getting some of the new gear.

    Then I start these fucking Expeditions. I cant even fathom what happened. I got instantly stopped in my tracks. The enemies in these things do way more damage than I can handle solo.

    Now mind you, I'm a cleric, hence my title. I'm not expecting to oneshot my way through content, or CC everything in sight to stop form dying. I know my class well and my normal limitations, but this is beyond me. I cannot heal enough to keep myself alive, and do damage at the same time. In fact, I cant even heal myself enough to live through the first enemy group.

    Now back in the days of the Tiamat campaign, before Chult came out, I was a champ. I could solo content, albiet slowly, without worry. A few close calls with 2-3 groups pulled, but nothing too troublesome. I could not only outheal the enemies, I could also slowly whittle them to death with little to no trouble. It was slow work, but it was steady and consistent.

    But now, something is different. I cant keep myself healed with this whole 'divinty' Bs they changed, and my ability to solo has significantly suffered from it. Now to the point that I have stopped being able to solo at all.

    Did they nerf the cleric so bad that he cant solo anymore? Am I reduced to a healbot 24/7? I didnt mind being primarily a healer in dungeons and groups, but now that I cant even solo, am I stuck requiring a group anytime I log in?

    submitted by /u/MasterZalm
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    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:28 AM PST

    I now have 10 of each fragment. But what are they actually for?

    submitted by /u/-sephiroth_
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    What makes burnished better than alabaster gear?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:19 AM PST

    I just recently got both sets around the same time, and already refined my alabaster weapon quite a bit but they seemed like they were about the same when they started out, so what makes burnished so much better?

    submitted by /u/RaidingMajesty386
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    Does " encounter perk" stack ?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:20 AM PST

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