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    Neverwinter New Player High Level

    Neverwinter New Player High Level

    New Player High Level

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Hey all with the influx of new players due to CoronaRama giving us free time, I figured I would post a high level overview of leveling. The first point I want to make is your Comps are the key to life. Pay them the most mind. I will expand later. Also read Guides for your class on where to put points, power/feats, etc.

    *New toons should try to focus on putting Azures into your Utility slots. This, Guild Boon for XP, and others will help you level faster.

    *Get an Aug Companion as soon as you can. Some cheap ones like the Cat, Goat, etc can be obtained while you are leveling.

    *Bonding Runestones are the most important thing you can do for yourself. Vital and should be your first focus above all else. The gift pack currently gives you 3 Rank 9s which is a nice starting place. Upgrade those as soon as you can.

    *At 70 go straight to Undermountain. Upon starting that campaign you get a full set of 70 gear that is better than alot of the stuff you will find. Completing UM will take you to 80 and will open up Stardock and Master Expeditions. These give you the best companion gear which will greatly increase your companion which in turn helps out your stats.

    *Do your dailies for AD. Skirmishes take like 10 minutes. This will give you currency to buy things you need like better Enchantments, comps etc.

    *DPS. You can get the Demon Lord set fairly cheap right now. While there is debate on whether it is BiS or not, it will at least give you a good starting point for damage increase. I would recommend a Deepcrow for the ability of 6k/8k power. Your main comp should be a Bulette Pup.

    *Healers. You are looking for the Polar Bear Cub as your main Comp. There are a series of other comps that give you bonus Outgoing Healing. Polar Bear Cub, Neverember Guard (you can get an epic version through the Incentives right now), Ioun Stone of Radiance, Rebel Mercanary, and the Quickling. You can have all 5 for Cleric, 4 for Paladin and no idea for Warlock. Check to see what kind of stats their power is: Offense, Defense, and Utility. Then check that with your available slots.

    *Tanks. Sorry I don't really tank. I know alot use the Reflective Set and an Energon. The Triceratops mount is wanted alot for the HP boost. I am sure someone here has better tips on Tanking.

    submitted by /u/drakejcl
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    has this ever been discussed

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    i been praying on my other toons and collecting vip rerolls n potions and the rerolls are starting to pile up has there ever been thoughts given to make them account wide so i can transfer them to my main

    submitted by /u/NVRPeace666
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    Neverwinter: Vestments of the Wind Pack

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    How to share currency between characters?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I've just started my second and he's already built up some AD I wanna send to my main toon.

    Side question: is it smart for me to send all my second toons earning to the main toon? Anything else I'm meant to be doing with them that's smarter (apart from the basic spend to build him up?)

    submitted by /u/steffimay
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    New Player Looking For Advice On What Class To Pick

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hey there /r/Neverwinter. I've never played this game, just a lot of D&D along with other MMOs and have a friend telling me to give this game a shot. Even if my own DMing style tells me not to worry, I know party comp is important in video games

    My friends currently have a Wizard, a Rogue, and a Fighter. Instinctually, it sounds like I should be looking to roll a tank/healer. In a tabletop, that would lead me into either a Cleric or Paladin, but I dont know if that's the case here. Just looking for suggestions on what I could do to fill those roles, or if theres something I dont know about this game that means I should pick something else

    Tl;dr friends have a wizard, rogue, and fighter. What should I roll?

    submitted by /u/FelixVenUmbra
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    Best powers,companions,feats,class features for warlock hellbringer

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    What's the cheapest way to upgrade the Workshop to Level 4?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    5,000,000 South Sea Trading Company Credit are needed, what would be the cheapest items to craft and sell?

    submitted by /u/Mikasaz
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    How do I end this workshop nightmare

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    So I pulled a noob move and sent one of my people to go mine as much copper or as possible. I thought nothing of it since i could just cancel it once i thought i had enough. However my lacky glitched i guess and doesn't show up in the current orders menu. If I go into the manage artisans at my desk I can see that she is doing something and is using up the tools but how do I end this now? I cant find a way no matter how long I search

    submitted by /u/Nitrozeusbitches
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    Fashion item disappeared?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    So I've started the game after playing it on and off for a couple years (never getting very far) but anyway I opened a fashion chest, went to "Fashion" tab in character menu, and its not there. Same with my ps plus clothes i already claimed. Am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/JimmyJedi
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    How do you get better gear at level 80?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm currently running through the undermountain campaign. Almost done with that but all the gear I'm getting is worse than what I was able to buy off of the AH (Red Feather).

    I'm not really sure where to go from here.

    submitted by /u/x-Justice
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    Need Sweaty Healadin to tell me what to increase

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    GT is GlexoSlim. Join my party and inspect me and tell me what to improve to get my crit strike up plz. At 20k IL and need a lot of help

    submitted by /u/BarmeloAnthony
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    Can’t use AD Exchange?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    I have an alliance member who cannot use the AD Exchange. They can buy zen, but they cannot sell it. The X button is grayed out. They have the zen to post!! It is working right correctly for me. They are a level 50 of that changes anything?

    submitted by /u/Eli_985
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    Help an idiot.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Hello all. Recently new to the game and I'm making my way through the intro campaign: The Staff of Savras. I finished the first three parts and assembled the orb but cannot for the life of me find it... it's not in my inventory. I think my fuck up was assembling it BEFORE talking to Sybella (I realise now I shouldn't have) and she hasn't given me that prompt and I cannot progress. What do I do? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Jeeves
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    I am very unlucky and need advice.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    So I just started playing neverwinter a few days ago, have a barbarian at level 29 and have been enjoying it. I had heard about the neverember event and how it boosted xp for characters made during and since I had started so soon I just kind of assumed I had made my barbarian during the event. Well turns out the event started on the 26th or March and I made my character on the 24th so no event rewards for me.

    So here is my dilemma, do I start over? I know 29 is barely half way and there are still 22 days left in the event. I used some items I had in my inventory that I think I would lose if I switched like the gilded giant spider and maybe others? I'm not totally sure how that works.

    I would love some help from people who understand the game far better than I. Are the event rewards worth it? Is it really just xp that is boosted? I saw a mount and some ad increase but honestly I'm so new that I'm not sure what's important. Please help me?

    submitted by /u/TheRealTFreezy
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    Armando duelling boots

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Hello, I dismissed those boots for its average looking bonus but I've seen more and more good tanks sporting those boots so I was wondering if they were worth having as a tank. Does the 5% damage applies on the base damage or the deflected damage for example? And does it even proc a sufficient amount of times with all those conditions? (on deflection, 30% chance, 10 seconds cooldown that's 3!)

    submitted by /u/GastNDorf
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    I’m feeling weak

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm a level 80 hunter and 17.8k item level. Every time I go into a skirmish/dungeon/trial everyone else just seems to be a lot more powerful than me and i always place last in everything but healing dealt. I'm also not hitting as hard as I would've hoped by level 80. Anyone know why this is?

    submitted by /u/ldeacon10
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    Is the game worth getting into?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I'm been playing wow and I want to take a break. I love MMOs with some good lore. And since Neverwinter is in the DnD universe I thought hey. That shit should be popping. Also how's the PS4 version of the game?

    submitted by /u/Bannidm
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    Companion limit?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Just getting back into neverwinter. Are there no limits on active companions now?

    submitted by /u/davidthegreat915
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    Current Stat Cap Mod 18?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    New player: does the game always remain so easy?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Hello there!

    We started playing this game a few days ago with my friend. After trying several classes we are now level 20.

    The game is enjoyable and we have a good feeling about the gameplay. But we are surprised about how easy to beat the mobs are.

    We currently are not meeting any difficulty - even during boss fights - and some classes can even one shot a pack of monsters quite easily (rogue and barbarian just press the Q button).

    Soooo... yeah. It feels a bit boring for now because of the lack of challenge.

    Is it just an early game thing? Why is the game done like this? Will the game become more challenging later?

    We currently are wondering if the game is worth investing more of our time in it. Maybe it is just not for us.

    Thank you for your answers. :)

    submitted by /u/PapaKlin
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    Cant use higher level profession tools?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I am level 27 blacksmithing and have every tool for every profession from level 1-70. When I go to smith items, it is only letting me choose my worn tools, not any of the other levels like my bronze or iron hammer. I can't find a solution anywhere, could it possibly be because my workshop is level 1? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Lmorphzy
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    Drove costume

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    So just started playing a while ago and found out about fashion is there any fashion costumes or whatever they're called that look good on a drow

    submitted by /u/EntitledExtirminator
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