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    Neverwinter Mod 19 - the good, the bad and the so-and-so

    Neverwinter Mod 19 - the good, the bad and the so-and-so

    Mod 19 - the good, the bad and the so-and-so

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    The time has come for my take on the new mod - the good, the bad and the rest. To be fair, however, I have to state right at the start that the biggest part of the new mod is the new trial and I have not completed that yet, so I am not qualified or able to comment on that. The list below only covers some of the other changes....look elsewhere for now for a review of the trial.

    The Good

    • Mythic mounts. This was expected - I think I have a post somewhere saying that the 3xLeg pack was pretty much a certain sign that Mythic mounts would be coming in the next mod. However, what was unexpected was that there is no speed increase - they are still only 140% - I had really expected 150%, and this makes the legendary mounts less desirable than otherwise. Another surprise is that the mythic mount is account-wide - I really expected lockboxes to only drop "single character" mounts. Still, the stat boost from +10.000 to +15.000 makes mythic mounts worth using - assuming, of course that the stats boosted are the stats you need.
    • Avernus Treasure maps. The treasure maps seem to be the way to get the "second best" weapon set, the IL 1150 Legion guard set. Seems fair enough to me, and a viable way for people looking to get an upgrade from the Alabaster or Burnished sets
    • Insignia upgrades. The upgrades are not cheap. Basically you need to convert the equivalence of 10 insignia of green/blue/purple quality to upgrade one insignia of that same quality - however, (and that is what I like) this gives you something to do with all the character-bound insignia that drop here and there
    • Jubilee updates. We are getting one new companion (and of course it is a chicken), a vanity pet, a throne and 9 fashion items. Looks like a busy time

    The So-and-so

    • Trade bar store. You can now buy enchantments and bonding runestones up to rank 15 in the Trade bar store. That's fine, except there is one very curoius and annoying omission - you cannot buy other runestones (Empowered etc). I see no sensible reason for that limitation. Also, one problem with this is that it makes the game look slightly more "pay-to-win" than before.
    • New companions. We get 3 new companions, Skyblaze, Spined Devil and Flaming Skull - fine for collectors, ut none of them seem "must-have".
    • Sword of Zariel Artifact set. It is just...meh. Not the best stats, not the best set bonus, but not horribly bad either.

    The Bad

    • Celestial Set. The Celestial set will be the highest IL set in the game, so why do I list it at the top of the "bad" changes? The reason is not that the stats are bad (they are great), or that it is too hard to obtain (it is probably fine). The reason is that the set bonus is so blatantly unfair. If the set bonus was just plain bad, that would be OK - we have seen that before, and that's fine. The issue is that the set bonus is blatantly unfair.....it is OK for some classes, but utterly useless for others. As this is the only weapon set of this IL, players don't really have a choice - they cannot go after a different equally-high IL set, with a different bonus that suits their class better. The Celestial set favours classes that can spam encounters, while some other classes will not benefit from the bonus at all. To make it clear - I am very unhappy with this bonus - it looks like it was designed by someone who doesn't know the game, and certainly does not play all classes - and a fiasco like this is why it would have neen good to get some player input at an earlier stage and actually LISTEN to that input.
    • Healing changes. There are significant changes to healing, and healing-related items. Tactical enchants and companions giving healing bonuses are getting a huge nerf. On the other hand, healing seems to be made simpler, and it feels like the intention is to reduce the difference between "good" and "bad" healers. Some people are going to love those changes (it may be easier to find healers who can do the job) - others will absolutely hate them (as their investment in healing companions and other this is, well...wasted). Me, I don't care - my cleric stays DPS 99% of the time, and the only effect on me is that my Rusted Iron Leggings may not be viable any more, as I can no longer compensate for the -25% healing penalty with a set of Tactical Enchants. The reason I list those changes as bad is that they feel rushed - designed qith a questionable goal in mind, and while players that need healers may be fine with them, I seriously question how popular they will be with the actual healers.
    • New armor pieces. There is a number of IL 1230/1240 armor pieces, but in general their bonuses are not really interesting. They do seem somewhat "unfinished", however - for example, almost all the items show up as category "Feet" armor, and there seems to be a bit too much cut-n-paste - in particular, there are 4 pieces of every type (Head/Armor/Arms/Feet) and in some cases, 3 of the 4 items have the same equip bonus - they really should have different bonuses to give players more of a choice and make them more interesting, or at the very least, no more than 2 of the 4 items should have the same equip bonus.
    submitted by /u/Adinos
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    ESO player, found this game on Xbox. Is it good to play at the moment?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    What I mean is if the enjoyment factor with questing there? How is the PvE content? Is the character customization great? Is it good for a new player to start or is it just full of veterans? How p2w is it?

    submitted by /u/MrDankForest11
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    The Battle Born alliance had another PE party/Giveaway tonight! Thanks to everyone that came and made it happen! We are currently looking for guilds to come and join us in these fun events and MUCH more! PSN: Eli_985

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Upgrade companion or Bonding Runestone?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I'm currently sitting on 700K AD right now. And I'm a bit undecided if I wanna spend my AD on upgrading my bulette pup to 35, or if I wanna buy the stones to upgrade my bonding runestones?

    Some people have told me I should upgrade my bulette to 40 ASAP, and some others tell me to upgrade my Bonding Runestones. What should I choose and why should I?

    submitted by /u/Intern3tHer0
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    Too dumb to figure out group chat

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    How do i send out looking for party messages. I want to do ME with runes, but i cant figure out how to run or join some. Thanks ez

    submitted by /u/egeezy44
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    Fighter Tank Build

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Hey there I just started playing Neverwinter again and im working on the undermountain. I was wondering if anybody has a good tank build that I can use. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kaoticgoblin27
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    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    What is important when PvPing, I have a friend who does PvP and he recently came back I was killing him easy and now he kills me so quik after he changed gear and stats what do I look for as in items and all, I have a CW and DC which 1 will be better thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/moorder12370
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    Tank help

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    What companion is best for a tank? Also what rings do you use? Is there any certain artifacts that work best? I'm a dragonborn fighter tank lvl 80 and am at 22,180 item level and seem to be struggling to get to 24k to get lion gear...

    submitted by /u/reesespieces509
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    Bel "Hardmode"

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Hey, so today most of my friends i got to marshal rank in the new avernus content.

    And so we unlocked the new "i want a real challenge" mode for the Bel encounter.

    I was expecting a challenge and that we would get our asses kicked. But at some point you have an idea of what the mechanics are and what you can do to not die immediatly etc.

    However for this fight i feel like we are missing a crucial tool. Bel itself is not a problem (yet) but once you trigger the first phase where you have to carry ammunition to a catapult. There is a group of Imps spawning (roughly 8) and boi oh boi they are tough and they eat you alive. Like they kill you almonst instantly thats how much dmg they do. And so far we tried many things from chain stunning with envenomed artifacts combined with aoe spikes.. which in fact kills them.. but they just respawn right away and come at you again.

    At this point we are a bit clueless as to what mechanic/tool we are missing.. we have one last theory tho. And thats the "Diluted Holy Water" you can buy in the Avernus shop. Which you can refine into "Volatile Holy Water". The interesting part about Volatile Holy Water is the description "Splashing the ground in front of you with holy water, killing all minions and stunning enemies for 5 seconds. Boss dmg is decresed by 10% for 10 seconds" So it kills a minions which sounds amazing..

    And we would have tried it.. but we cant craft it yet because we dont have all the items required. We couldnt figure out where you get Fallen paladin's holy water (if anyone knows where this drops please share that information). And so this desperate theory couldnt be proofed.. we considered buying the current key package in the zen store which includes 5 of those potions.. but we figured its not worth 1500 zen to proof a theory we came up with in desperation.

    So i'd like to hear from other players what they expierenced in the fight, if some people actually beat it, if so how. If people have other theories on how to beat him and so on. Also i know that our theory is far fetched and might be lightyears away from the truth. But before we figured out that we cant make the potion it sounded like a great idea, which we thought we could proof right or wrong in a minute... but we couldnt.. so its still the best we could come up with yet.

    submitted by /u/Caldess
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    Triple Legendary Mount Pack - best time to sell?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I bought a few of these when they came out, planned on holding on to them and sell em off when the prices went back up. I don't really play much anymore but when I looked last week Swarms were around 6.5 mil which was one of the higher priced ones, now they're 4.7 mil. I'm guessing they dipped cause of the Mythic mount coming in Mod 19, but that likely won't be out for a few months on console.

    We think they'll bounce back? Maybe during anniversary?

    submitted by /u/justsupersaiyan-
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    lightning enchant for rogues vs....

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    20K rogue here. I find with single targets, I am fine as long I concentrate, but with 'beefy' crowds, I can struggle, so I bought a rank 8 lightning to help with AOE.

    The 'arc' does most of the damage, bringing in reliably 0% for single target (duh) and scaling up with the number of mobs to about 5% by the end of the fight. I presume during the initial stages it is providing more %dps and then tails off as mob numbers dwindle.

    They say bilethorn is better for single target. What type of % are people seeing for bilethorn rank 7 or 8, for instance?

    submitted by /u/toejaz
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    New toon��‍♂️

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    So i have one last character slot. I have a pally, a fighter, a cleric, and a wiz. Between ranger, warlock, and rouge. What do you recommend

    submitted by /u/abiggs1023
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    Malabogs Castle bug?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    So I was in the middle of Malabogs Castle and we were fighting King Malabog, right after we killed King Malabog I died to the point where I couldnt be rez'd. So I alone spawn in the campfire right behind the gate you have to pass through to fight King Malabog..walk up to the gate and press F to interact and I get the queue circle around me, waited for like 1-2mins and I press F to interact again and I get back into the area where we all fought King Malabog. All my party members were there expect for one who somehow managed to progress alone towards the dragon. So we're standing there the 4 of us in the queue circle to join our 1 party members whos already fighting dragon but the timer doesnt start. We tried suiciding but end up spawning in the campfire before King Malabogs fight. One party member ends up leaving which doesnt change anything, then someone else joins and spawns in the campfire with the guy whos progressed ahead. I gave up and ended up leaving the party, I noticed I got the 30min penalty thing but left the party either way. Two questions, what the hell happened in there? and second am I supposed to be getting the 30min cooldown? I thought if someone else left the party you wouldnt get the penalty queue cooldown.

    submitted by /u/Syneorr
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    New to Cleric

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    What should i spec for?

    submitted by /u/Rockamashi
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    Legendary insignias

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I need to upgrade to legendary insignias from epic, i know that they'll get some changes in the next update so i don't know if i should wait the update or buy them now.

    (sorry for my english)

    submitted by /u/SilvioMX
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    Seal of Mountain

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I need seal of mountain because Spy Guild Helm looks so good on paladin. But the thing is there is no Seal of Mountain dropping and there is nothing on the Seal Vendor selling stuff for Seal Of The Mountain. Where can i obtain this Spy Guild Helm?

    submitted by /u/GokayOz
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    Sell the Alpha Compy Cryptic

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    If Cryptic wants to make money, why would they not just put the damn Alpha Compy in the Zen Market. You know players are going to buy it over and over.....seems a no brainer.

    submitted by /u/hdmi2016
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    What should I spend AD on?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    I'm currently leveling up my rouge wood elf (level 63). And slowly but surely I'm accumulating a comfortable amount of AD as I have VIP and I'm opening glorious resurgence lockboxes and selling the packs in getting. This amounts to around 30k plus the 7k AD from the daily queue. I've got around 46 VIP days left by witch point at this rate I should be at around 1.3M+ AD.

    I bought the charity $10 pack so I have the dragon borne stuff, meaning I've got my hands on an epic mount and a decent companion. However as I'm nearing the end of the leveling process the base companion I have is starting to become underwhelming which leads me to this post.

    I don't know how important companions are so I'm not sure if I should save up for one and if so which one for my class I'm and assassin rouge. I understand this is a broad and boring question I just rather be financially wise now so I don't live to regret it later on. Any advice on companions or other things I should consider buying is highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/lespadam
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    Mod 19 - Changes to Insignias and Enhancements

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Just watched Northside's video and you can upgrade Insignias and buy Enhancements from the Tarmalune Trade House. Upgrading Insignias requires refining Insignias to get Insignia Powder while it costs 100 Insignia Powder to upgrade a rare to an epic and 500 Insignia Powder to upgrade an epic to a legendary. Refining a rare Insignia only gives 10 Insignia Powder while refining a legendary Insignia gives 250 Insignia Powder. Enhancements cost up to 1000 Tarmalune Trade Bars to buy Rank 15 Enhancements.

    Values are subject to change since these changes are on Preview.

    submitted by /u/ForwardState
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    Hellpit - Ralbog the Ruinous

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Hi all. I know there are a lot of hellpit posts on here, but I have completed every single hellpit challenge up until today's one vs Ralbog the Runious without too many issues. For some reason in round 2, by the time Ralbog spawns, I still have way too many adds still up, and at this point, I get absolutely melted. I attempted round 2 about 15 times without success. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this round? I am a warden ranger for reference.

    Edit: Would like to note I'm aware of the scaling issues, so I adjust my gear accordingly that maxes out my stats.

    submitted by /u/Pcakes21
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    PATCHING in between every screen

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Back to the game for the first time in 3 years. Just upgraded my PC to pretty high end specs.

    I've turned off the auto patching in launcher window, but my game literally patches files in between every single loading screen for several minutes as well as freezes in zone sometimes.

    Will this stop? Can I get it to stop? My internet is quite good, FIOS 200/200 hardwired obviously.

    submitted by /u/Cknox0731
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    Want to play Barovia!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Hi! I have limited experience with the game, got a level 25 character and liked it somewhat so far.
    But the main reason I started playing is I want to play through Barovia and fight Strahd.
    I am about to Run Curse of Strahd for D&D and Id love to play through this video game version to get some ideas.
    Can I pay for a character boost like in WoW?
    Whats the fastest way I can get to play Barovia?

    submitted by /u/Urwinc
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    Healing Needs More Healing

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I started back into Neverwinter a couple months ago; my previous experience was as a hunter and quite because I was told TR Hunter was the only viable route. (Didn't make it past 12k with him until recently where he's now sitting happy at 16k)

    Enough about that. My new main tends to be my Cleric; Item level 20,204. The healing is pretty good when I'm running with buddies and the damage is wonderful for solo stuff.

    My issue is that in a LOMM run (my first and only time in there so far) I was told that with my stats, specifically an outgoing healing bonus, I wouldn't be able to heal enough for the Bore Worm fight and everyone disbanded. Is there anything I should know, or try to get? To this point I've done well to keep groups alive in trials, with some struggle in certain parts due to mechanics and overall bullshittery.

    Edit: Typo in my item level.

    I appreciate all of the replies.

    I've been trying to boost crit and power, they are both 90k right now. Been upgrading (trying atleast) enchantments and grinding Juma gear.

    I am now also looking out for OH companions, I have two so far, the polar bear cub and the healer from the zen market. (Had a coupon so why not.)

    submitted by /u/Natas_Grim
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    Doing quest and dungeons in groups(begginer question)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    So me ans bunch of my friends was looking for some good mmorpg to play and we thought "Hey neverwinter was pretty cool i think".So Player for like an hour and i have a question : How does this game supports activities like that ? The only person in quest dungeons was me but i remember that u can somehow play with friends,farm,kill bosses etc.Essentially i wannna know what do i have to do to play with friends

    submitted by /u/Misiek0816
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