Neverwinter When you're just starting to get a hang of ToMM and Zariel shows up |
- When you're just starting to get a hang of ToMM and Zariel shows up
- Let's call this Risk Transfer
- Finally us Rangers can use our bows again!
- A moment of silence for our healers ��������
- Console Neverwinter has pretty bad stability problems
- Weapon Damage vs Power Percentage Bonus
- Day 1Thoughts on Healing
- [MOD 19] Treasure maps drop is inexistent
- Legendary Primal Weapons Bug?
- Mod19 Zariel DC DPS build?
- When Mod 19 NPCs Forget Their Lines...
- TONG M19
- Neverwinter Mod19 Zariel's Challenge Completion final patch
- PVP on PS4 Neverwinter
- How to get more HP as Tank?
- Barbarian Dps
- Wait, This Isn't Borderlands?!
- New guild need help !!!
- Did not play for 6 years
- Some questions on progression
- Returning player, have some questions
- Carlos' terrible tips to healing ToMM as DC after the apocalypse
When you're just starting to get a hang of ToMM and Zariel shows up Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:54 PM PDT
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Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:48 PM PDT
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Finally us Rangers can use our bows again! Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:50 AM PDT
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A moment of silence for our healers �������� Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT Healers, i stand with you in solidarity. Comment down below on how the changes has affected your life so far. [link] [comments] | ||
Console Neverwinter has pretty bad stability problems Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:59 PM PDT It's been like this for a long time but lately it's been even worse. I'm talking about the Auction House not opening, even talking to the Auctioneer doesn't work, he isn't even approachable. My character skipping through time, the game music stuttering or cutting off completely for example. And earlier, much earlier than this... there's always a second or two of delay. It's plain as day and pretty frustrating. Dodging aoe cone attacks from enemies can be a maddening experience, since on my screen I'll frequently just make it outside the aoe cone range and be fully outside of it, but still get hit with the damaging knockdown or whatever it is. It's at it's most noticeable and annoying when fighting those hunters who can cast the nets with the aoe cone and knock me forward toward them. Those are almost impossible to avoid. This problem is everywhere in Neverwinter, from talking to NPC's, to watching the campaign reward timer count down from 10 to 0, enemy attacks are always a second or two ahead of what's on my screen, and other areas. I have a TV with 11 ms input lag in Game Mode, and a BenQ monitor with 1 ms input lag, my internet ping is a respectable 31, this 1-2 sec delay only occurs with Neverwinter, doesnt happen in other games, any game i play on my Xbox. And then there's the framerate issue. The game has always dropped frames every few seconds or continuously drops frames and I can't remember a time when Neverwinter actually ran at a stable 30 frames a second. This happens everywhere in any area. This is inexcusable for a console with predefined hardware capability, the specs are well-known to all developers and games are expected to run smoothly and the Neverwinter developers have utterly failed in this regard. We don't get graphic options like any PC game gets because the hardware is predefined, which means the game must run smoothly with the design the developers are using. It does not run smoothly at all. Ever. TLDR Please fix the unstable frame rate issue on console. I'm on Xbox, unsure if this is the case on PS4 as well. Please do something to make my TV screen much more accurately represent what is actually happening in the game, instead of being a full second or 2 behind. Remove the delay. Also please make a big patch about general game stability, this is getting completely out of hand. [link] [comments] | ||
Weapon Damage vs Power Percentage Bonus Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:53 PM PDT DISCLAIMER: I'm an OP Tank not a DPS I was wondering whether to switch to the new Legion Guard Set from my old Alabaster Set. My Alabaster has all the right Artifact Modifications and also gives me a helpful 5% increase in Crit and Power which helps me cap the former Stat and gives me more room to increase HP. However, is the +680 Weapon Damage worth switching over to this new set and spending a good 300k or so on Augmentation Cubes, to get right rolls as well as upgrading it to Legendary? The reason I am saying this is because the Set Bonus is kind of lackluster in my opinion compared to the percentage based buffs of the Alabaster Set but it does have higher Stats at Base as well as the aforementioned higher Weapon Damage. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:29 PM PDT Healing in its previous form allowed the game to be ridiculously easy, you did not need to memorize mechanics/move sets you just needed to pass stat checks and not get one shot. I play a weak DC, and found to like soothe and blessing as the at wills, same encounters from before. In 5 man dungeons it is so ridiculously fun to play new DC. You actually have to manage divinity, you actually HAVE to use at wills to be cost efficient, you actually have to aim your spells. All the dps/tanks are now forced to respect raid mechanics due to limited healing, which is fun as f man like thats how raids should be. For the over all vibe of the game, i think the healing reductions will force players to play well, not take excess damage not just "tank through" mechanics as a dps. I also think that for DC the changes are awsome feeling. Put tab on tank, blessing at will, soothe for the small damage keep everyone at full, use bastion for moderate damage but use blessing at will before, channel tab before tank takes a big hit. Old DC was "spam bastion panic hit intercession or a daily". So, my opinion is the changes feel great. They make the game closer to what a dungeon based MMO should be. Also the DC changes make it less heal bot. I very much hope everyone will end up enjoying it in the end :) ps, gotta dodge that aoe now bruhv [link] [comments] | ||
[MOD 19] Treasure maps drop is inexistent Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:07 PM PDT 2 hours of farming mobs, not even 1 map..this is nosense low drop [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:23 PM PDT Evening, All! I was in SH with a sub-main Alt Cleric and tended the plots, then did Spider Attack! as it popped up, and it was fine. He did not have any Mount Insignia as I have pooled all unbound on my Main for upgrading. But he had his blue Undermountain Invoking gear on, but Legendary Neck and Belt, Epic Shirt and Pants, Green Vistani weapons with no enchants in them. So I went to Beast Attack! and took BtA Primal Weapons, with rank 12 Radiants and rank 13 Vorpal, but I did ZERO DAMAGE to the Beasts! So I checked him and he was scaled up to 18,000 TIL. Undermountin, Vistani and Teak worked fine, but Legendary Primal just does not work at all. So I went to PE Trade of Blades. Primal Teotlanextli & Primal Ilhuilli, Legendary, TIL 12,945 and they work in PE, but iI do Zero Damage at SH. Teak Suljan & Teak Ramz, Legendary, no enchants, TIL 12,392 and I am fine. Undermountain Holy Symbol, Undermountain Icon, Unrefined, green with no enchants, TIL 12,088 and I am fine. So are they trying to stop us using BtA weapons and use newer ones, or is it a bug? They used to scale low levels to 80, so they could come on Influence runs, then very sadly abolished it. Now it seems they scale us up to 18,000 TIL, but I do not know if that works is for characters under level 80. Imagine if I had geared his BtA Infernal and Insignia, got 22k TIL and done a RED with Primal and they didn't work! OUCH! Does anyone know what is happening? I checked both patch notes for Mod 19, but they do not menton this. Many Thanks! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:17 PM PDT Does anyone have a good build with companions companion gear to use on M19 and hit 500K HP? Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] | ||
When Mod 19 NPCs Forget Their Lines... Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:38 PM PDT Is tong broken or what Ras Nsi seems unbeatable since the mod launch? [link] [comments] | ||
Neverwinter Mod19 Zariel's Challenge Completion final patch Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT
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Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:57 PM PDT Hello everyone. This is coming from a person who has realized that although PvP is going to be giving rewards that everyone usually sells their souls for, nobody is playing PVP on PS4. Let's change that, lets start playing pvp so we can get those rewards and get the queues up and running again. When I started out a few years back pvp was an actual thing where people would participate for fun but it is no longer an viable option for either the casual nor tryhard player. You cant play it for fun nor to get rewards as there are 0 queues. Once again lets change that. Let's show them PC players that PS4 can get a PVP scene going. GO GO PS4 PVP PLAYERS! TLDR: Lets get pvp queues up and running again on PS4 so we can reap some free benefits. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:35 PM PDT I'm 23k iL rn and have 481k HP without guild boon and with energon (epic) which gives 24k HP If i had 4 more comps which give like 16k each on Legendary that would be 64k HP So with guild boon(32k HP) that would be 96k (+16k when i have all my 4x def slots r15 radiants) 112k w all them 4 × 3520Hp with 4 Major HP Armor Kits 126k HP
126k + 117k = 243k HP + My current HP (481k) that would be 724k but is this really what a good Tank need besides other def stats capped for hardest dungeons? Or what would be a good amount HP for top tier dungeons? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT Ebony Shirt or Infernal Forged Shirt? Whats is bis for barb? [link] [comments] | ||
Wait, This Isn't Borderlands?! Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:43 AM PDT
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Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:16 PM PDT So today I started a brand new guild (I know very late to the party) but the first thing u need to make is a lumber mill and u need building materials but I can't work out how to get this [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:06 PM PDT Hello, I logged back in after 6 years puase, finished at level 60. I am basically running around and not sure what to do, any suggestions? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:53 AM PDT I am looking to start a new GWF, anyone have a good build to work towards? Keep in mind I am currently playing on xbox and still only on mod 18 but if anyone has a build for mod 19 I'm happy to take a look....thanks in advance. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT So right now I'm a dreadnought dps with 27k ilvl, 160k power, 85k all offensives, 135k CA, 85k Defense, 350k hp. I have about 47 boons, R14 vorpal and R14 barkskin (courtesy of farming refinement coupons and dumping some zen in jubilee). For weapons I have Alabaster and Burnished maxed out. I'd like to look into moving my stats up to Tomm levels and competing there. However I haven't done IC yet and definitely want to get that down on a regular basis. Any tips on what my progression should be, goal-wise? [link] [comments] | ||
Returning player, have some questions Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:04 AM PDT So, last time I played was around the time crafting system got reworkd(when we got this workshop thng). How is game nowdays? Any sygnificant changes to game mechancs? I used to play Rogue/Ranger/GF how do they fare nowdays? [link] [comments] | ||
Carlos' terrible tips to healing ToMM as DC after the apocalypse Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT I've seen some DC friends kinda lost with the changes, so here are some tips for healing as DC in ToMM after M19: - Use Healing Word, Divine Glow and Astral Shield. - Position yourself in a way that it's easy to target the tank. Even if you prefer to use Tab instead of Soothe, you'll see that the Mark of Divinity likes to disappear for no reason, so you need to be ready to recast it. I haven't reached a conclusion if Tab or Soothe is better to heal the tank yet, so please comment on that. - Try to keep Healing Word up most of the time. - Swap Astral Shield for Bastion of Health before Heatwave and Sunfall (last DPS check) and spam it, also make sure to have healing word on everybody beforehand, it's slow to cast so you don't want to cast it during the heatwaves, but slightly before. Note: if you don't have VIP, there will be a 10 second cooldown imposed when you swap powers, so this may not be viable. In that case, maybe ditch Divine Glow and always use Healing Word, Bastion and Astral Shield. Keeping divinity will be harder but probably doable. - ToMM is very easy damage-wise now due to the Lionheart buff. Consider saving one Wyvern artifact for the heatwaves/sunfall instead of the artifact call. - Use Hallowed Ground on Heatwave/Sunfall (you probably already did that before M19 but now it's more important). - If somebody has griffon, use it for the Superstorms. If there are 2 griffons, coordinate one for Superstorms and other for Heatwaves/Sunfall. - Sunfall damage starts low and gets heavier and heavier as time goes on. As the artifact call happens early, consider saving one or two mitigations, like Hallowed Ground, for after a few seconds. Needless to say, everyone plays in a different way and maybe these tips don't work for you. Test them to see what works and give feedback in the comments. [link] [comments] |
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