• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Neverwinter The Phoenix Knights is recruiting all players 18+

    Neverwinter The Phoenix Knights is recruiting all players 18+

    The Phoenix Knights is recruiting all players 18+

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Mount Changes and Upgrades

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT



    Quick summary

    • Mount speeds changed to 2 options, leg fast and green speed (interchangeable)
    • All mounts upgradeable to Mythic
    • All mounts have passive and combat power which scales
    • Mount bolster added, contributes to passive and combat power
    • Mounts get collars (equip)
    • Zen mount cost lowered
    • Zen comps (lowered) and now account wide claimable, includes previous purchases.
    • Lockbox top tier prize drop rate increased x3

    Free pack when all goes live

    75 Mount Upgrade Tokens Free Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack 150 Stones of Empowerment – upgrade material for collars 50 Greater Stones of Empowerment – upgrade material for collars 100% off companion coupon

    submitted by /u/Selenathar
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    New player trying to decide a class.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    So as the title says I am a new player trying to pick a class. I'm between Warlock and Wizard as I have loved those the most in D&D through my years of playing. I was wondering which one is either more looked for or if one is just better than the other. Thank you all for the help!

    submitted by /u/Khaitaal
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    Dara Moonshadow - One Year On

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Dara Moonshadow - One Year On submitted by /u/reclusiveandtired
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    Streamling Non-Rating Stats

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    The goal of this proposal is to streamline the stats system for less important stats and give them a proper identity and set of sources from which they can be gained. This will make these stats easier to understand and easier to figure out where to invest in to raise their values.

    Primary Ratings


    Same as before


    · Gear

    · Companions (Bonding Runestones and Player Bonuses from Non-Summoned Companions)

    · Mounts (Insignias)

    Secondary Ratings


    1. Stamina Regen - Same as before

    2. Recovery - A combination of AP Gain and Recharge Speed, as both affect cooldown on Powers, although the former depends on certain actions (such as attacking and blocking) while the latter is regular cooldown. Perhaps AP Gain could be 75% of Recovery and Recharge Speed could be 100% of Recovery in terms of actual mechanics- but they are both represented by one stat. This increases the value of the stat and is far more intuitive than having 2 stats for what is essentially cooldown and regain of the ability to use specific Powers.

    3. Movement Speed - Same as before

    4. Healing - A combination of Outgoing and Incoming Healing where in it basically gives buffs to both of the two stats mechanics-wise. The reason is that a character that invests in Incoming Healing now is a Tank and so does not need the Outgoing and the Healer who invests in the latter does not need the Incoming Healing.

    5. Critical Severity - Same as before

    Control Resist and Bonus should be removed as they are not useful stats (more so as Bosses completely ignore them) and merely clutter the game which already has so many stats.


    · Insignias-

    o Control Bonus ~ Stamina Regen

    o Control Resist ~ Recovery

    o Gold & Glory Gain ~ Healing (Making Prosperity Insignias a viable alternative to Fortitude for Tanks and Healers alike)

    o Companion Influence ~ Critical Severity (Making Dominance Insignias even more BiS for DPS than before, more so as Companion Influence from Insignias is rather paltry as it is right now unless they are stacked in large numbers)

    o Movement Speed could also be incorporated into some Insignias as well, perhaps by bringing back Vigour Insignias.

    · Mount Collars - As has been suggested in the recent Dev Blog, the 5 slots could add to each of the 5 Secondary Ratings mentioned above.

    · Artifact Modifications - As it was before, but with the removal/combination of aforementioned stats such that there are only 5 possible modifications to choose from as opposed to around 8-10 as it was before.

    Tertiary Ratings


    1. Refinement Gain

    2. Gold Gain

    3. Glory Gain

    4. XP Gain

    5. Vitality – Affects duration of injuries in dungeons and duration of Revive Sickness

    All of these stats will be multipliers and not percentages like Secondary Ratings as they will have fewer sources and this will also make them stand out. Examples- 1.25x, 1.5x instead of 15%, 9.1% as it is for Stamina Regen and other Secondary Ratings.


    Mount Insignia Bonuses as they currently stand are not very impactful, with the exception of healing ones, but even those are not very significant. Now, these bonuses can have their own identity in the sense that they impact Tertiary Ratings. Example: Wanderer's Fortune gives 1.5x Refinement Gain and each subsequent duplicate bonus gives +0.25 to the multiplier, giving a max total of 2.5x. Other bonuses could be reworked to give some combination of Tertiary Ratings.

    submitted by /u/Gweddeoran
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    Stat caps

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    I've been hearing alot about stat caps and wish to have confirmation with the community. Are stat caps generalized to a certain number? If so, at what value should I tailor my stats to?

    submitted by /u/lordloxi
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    Weird Quest

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Lamuel the Devout or something like that... I go to see the lady and she has nothing but a "Farewell!" for me! Any help appreciated! There was also no path marker to go see her from where I picked up the quest (in the Citadel).


    EDIT: I also dropped the quest, picked it up again, and same thing.

    submitted by /u/howfie
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    Looking for a new PS4 controller

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Anyone using Astro C40 for Neverwinter? Worth it or nah


    submitted by /u/Daedalusi21
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    I can't even be witty with my healer question. It feels that bad.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I am a returning healer from around mod 15-16. I have read quite a few of the healer posts. I have a Cleric main and a Paladin alt that I enjoyed playing. Healing and tanking are my jams in MMOs. Healing feels very broken now, after having run a few random queues. Stand there, try NOT to heal for fear of running down my divinity. It tends to feel very useless to me.

    I have tentatively put down my main for a warlock alt. I am not super far into end game with my Cleric, but I feel like it is a lot of work that I'm laying down, and a lot more that I would not be able to accomplish if I switch now.

    Is it worth it to work on the Warlock or should I just suffer through not having fun or feeling challenged like I used to in hopes of a change for the better in the future?

    Or am I being a little Biatch who needs to suck it up and L2Heal?

    All opinions are valid. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Gregtronic
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    refer a friend

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    my friend wants to refer a friend but it doesnt allow it, itll always say the "oops" message even tho his characters are above lvl 10, any fixes? asking for him since he's lazy

    submitted by /u/IllegalCherry
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    New player with a generic question

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Hi everybody! I only recently got back to Neverwinter after a 6 year absence. While perusing the sub and the wiki I found the guilds list (very helpful, kudos to the maintainers) and it strikes me as very odd that there's a recurring statement to avoid exploits & exploiters.

    My question is simple: are exploitable bugs so common in the game to warrant these? What kind of consequence(s) should I expect e.g. prices for high-tier items are too high, or too low, or is PvP inapproachable, etc?

    submitted by /u/mfukar
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    Avernus - Indebted

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    so on this quest in averbus where do you find the debtors to kill and also where and what is Duergar Theurge as i cant seem to find them

    submitted by /u/stuntmanjack159
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    Horseless Hellrider Narzuggons?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Did the Raging Bel got very hungry and ate all those Horses?

    What happened to those Steeds that made those Hellriders quite special to look at and fight with during the Order of the Rift Wardens quests?

    submitted by /u/Zenith8x8
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    Looking For A Guild - I was a top DPS when Cloaked Ascendancy came out... help!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Looking to get back into the game. TechN9ne@CollieManCan

    submitted by /u/KennyFuckingPowers
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    Siege of Neverwinter Questions

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    1. What should I buy with my writ of commendation? I'm gonna buy the Siegebreaker Griffon but I don't know what other items are good.
    2. Why are players always searching for the dragons? Do they drop specific stuff that isn't in the Event store?
    3. Do the stronghold vouchers I get from the event expire?
    submitted by /u/Nico_arki
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    20k Zariel,s favours

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Why am i stuck at 20k zariel,s favours, yet ppl in the top 100, have over 100k favours?

    submitted by /u/goldorchide
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