• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    Neverwinter Progress update...

    Neverwinter Progress update...

    Progress update...

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Sure glad I used my key today!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    What outfit is this?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    What outfit is this?

    Chest and arms is gambler's outfit, but legs are something else.... couldn't find on AH. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/howfie
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    Tales event

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Will the tales event return or have they removed it?

    submitted by /u/mfkeane23
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    Anybody who got a good wizard pls help Me get my build better?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Price of the Legendary Mount Pack?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Can someone remind me what the price was for the Legendary Mount Pack back in April? thanks.

    submitted by /u/A_Gamer2020
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    Lion gear for alts

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Is there a way to get lion gear for a different class like you can for all the other gear or is it character bound?

    submitted by /u/bramto11
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    Juma Bag loot table?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Hi all, my husband and I just hit Avernus for the first time and I was wondering if anyone has put together an idea of what all can be dropped from the Juma Bags? Other than the level 80 gear of course. Mostly talking mounts, companions, and vanity pets.

    submitted by /u/panickingpup
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    New Aasimar race concern

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    New Aasimar race concern

    Greetings! I would like to ask something that bothers me for quite some time since you first guys first announced the release of the Aasimar race. I was looking forword to use a more human appearance for my race that have similar bonuses as dragonborn. I am currently playing on a Metalic Dragonborn Barbarian Blademaster and there were two reasons I have choosed this race above the others. The fact that it was the only race that had a proper placed sward position on the back of the character and the 3% damage bonus. I was pretty dissapointed about the fact after many reports and feedback about how other races (male genders especially) have their sword interacting with the body in a way that gives a visual discomfort for people that likes fashion in game and want to have an estetical appeararance. Since I have waited too long for a human type of looking race and I paid for the Aasimar race I would expect an improvement regarding how gears fits his body. And by that I mean to have the sword/axe/hammer placed parallel with his body. I will put a link bellow with a picture where you can see what I am talking about regarding the problem I encountered using any other male gender races with a barbarian class.


    submitted by /u/Platinumnw
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    Best professions for Cleric?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Hey guys! Im back after not playing for about 3 years and I want to main a Cleric healer. I never really did Professions when I played before but I want to this time around. Which professions are best recommended for Cleric?

    submitted by /u/Doobant
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    VIP bugged?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    So I'm VIP rank 3 and I've bought VIP again for another month and it hasn't increased at all. I've waited almost a week in hopes it'd update but no hope. I was wondering if this was a glitch or just some scummy small text bs of having to have active VIP beforehand. It's not the first time it's done this but it's really starting to become a problem as Im basically getting a few of my benefits cut off.

    submitted by /u/Kage_UwU
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    Can't Post on AH

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Whenever I try to post anything on the aution house it displays the same message: "Cannot post item. Finish the Tutorial to remove this restriction"

    I have finished the required 5 quests needed to unlock the auction house, and I am able to place bids/buyout but it won't let me atually post anything.

    Anyone else have this issue?

    TLDR : Can't post on aution house, but am able to buy/bid. I have finished the 5 needed quests thouhgh

    submitted by /u/RznUnicorn
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    Returning to neverwinter

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    So im a returning player from ps4, I cant remember the exact mods i played through but the most recent expansion at the time was the jungles of chult, and also a little of ravenloft..

    I've got some questions, first being is it still active? on pc? this is where i will be playing this time around.

    Also, how is the pay to win factor? is it any better than before? i remember it being extremely "pay for convenience" back when i played.

    How is the meta looking? I'm really considering a great fighter, because they have both tank and dps, and i remember them being insanely good at both if played well, but most posts online seem to say the opposite and that it can be quite mediocre. The reason i'm inquiring about meta is because I remember this game being quite heavy on meta, I was a CW and trying to get a t9g group was hell because i didnt have a support build, only dps, and at the time CW was leagues below in dps, especially single target. I'm also looking at pally, just because I love the classes trope and look, along with the fact I know pally will always be in demand.

    Last question will be is there any sites that are dedicated to builds? or yt channels and such? something for a new player, as thats what i would class myself since i barely remember anything.

    submitted by /u/Irxsh
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    Help some noobies start to rock

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hello boys, I want to start to play neverwinter with some friends, so I looked up on how we could build our team (nothing too specific, more like a general idea). Mostly I saw 2 clerics for buffs/debuffs, 1 tank, 1 melee dps and 1 ranged dps (AoE mage). Is this a good start? If you have any suggestion it would be awesome, as I said before I don't need anything too specific, we just want to have a good experience later on and don't have to restart everything because we picked a very bad comp. Thanks a lot in advance fellas!

    submitted by /u/Marajoeo
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    Making Heroic Encounters mandatory to finish a quest??

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Ok this is frustrating for me. I am a solo player.

    I die in Heroic Encounters because they are for 3 to 10 people, like a dungeon or skirmish.

    This was not a thing back when I last played, so I"m confused on why they would want you to do this when you can't win unless you have 3 or more people.

    I must assume that some people like struggling to beat mobs that are more powerful than you.

    Discussion appreciated...please no bashing...I'm not really a great fighter but I have enjoyed Neverwinter up to now but would not have made it without my flower. lol

    Who likes Heroic Encounters?

    submitted by /u/hayley3
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    If you had the choice, which main NPC would you kill?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    So, just for fun 😀 If you had the opportunity to fight and kill one of the main NPC story line characters, who would it be and why?

    When I first started this game and watched the intro video, which I still watch from time to time, all those involved looked and acted so cool. Now, five years later my opinion has adjusted 😂

    I would choose one for definite and another just to teach them a lesson.

    Teach a lesson to Sergeant Knox, he has become so lazy since the defence against Valindra in the cut scene, that he needs to go back to boot camp and relearn what he should actually be doing.

    Kill is an easy one, Makos, no doubt. In the cut scene he looks pretty kewl, but then through storylines, not spoiling for any new players, he just irks me to the point where every time I have to interact with him, regardless of which of my list of characters, everyone of them would love to knife, blast, melt, shield slam, well you get the idea 😂.

    So Neverwinterns, what say you?

    submitted by /u/Malgiliath
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    Advice for noob

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I just started playing Neverwinter and I don't have any MMORPG games played to use as a comparison, any major advice for me to start as better as possible? I am currently at lvl 35 as a Barbarian

    submitted by /u/guiacre
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    Frostborn equipment - SKT farm

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Since the tradebar store no longer sells frostborn equipment, i ask: is there anywhere else to get it other than ah?

    asking merely for information gathering, i already have mine

    submitted by /u/Sheep_hunter18
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    The Firesmiths Hammer

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    i need some more firesmiths Hammer to upgrade my weapens in the path of the fallen but dont seem to be able to find anymore, where do you get them from

    submitted by /u/stuntmanjack159
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    Help with creating a new loadout xb1

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I am currently running a Hellbringer warlock lvl 80 and wanted to try a Soulweaver for when my group needed a healer. Created a second loadout and when I went to choose my powers I seem to be missing some that the healing guides say I should be using. Any help figuring out what I did wrong would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thanto13
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    So I've had my same green augment companion since the begging of the game but recently I've been taking major damage and bought and angel of protection.But me taking off my augment my stats drop drastically and I have no idea on what I should do about this.

    submitted by /u/TheMan12331
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    How long is the grind?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I am looking to get some perspective on the end-game grind in Neverwinter. I am about to hit 80 on a Barbarian on Xbox and have a Mage and Warlock on PC that are in the 50s. I do plan on VIPing either PC or Xbox, but I need to know what I am gettign myself into.

    I am really looking to understand just how long (and monotonous) the end game grind is both with and without VIP. Here's what I am trying to fully understand:

    1. How much AD am I limited to daily (i think its 100k)?
    2. How many hours per day can I reasonably expect to play to hit the daily AD cap?
    3. How much AD do I need on my Barbarian to fully outfit one companion or mount slot, BiS everything for just one of these slots?

    If an average player can expect to play 4-5 hours a day to hit AD cap and 2-3 weeks of grinding to BiS one slot of like 25 total slots between equipment and mounts/companions then I dont think this is the game for me. I cant play that long per day, and if theres no upgrade after weeks and weeks of playing at 80 then maybe I need to move on sooner rather than later.

    If there's a different perspective that I am missing please let me know. Its a fun game and I am enjoying getting my DnD fix. I just dont want to sign up for something that I wont get any enjoyment out of if its a grindy grind

    submitted by /u/RonnieDoitch
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    Harvesters of Sorrow Alliance is looking for Guilds

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    The Harvesters of Sorrow Alliance are looking to fill 2 Gauntlet spots. We are an active, adult alliance looking for like-minded guilds to come join us. We cater for a variety of timezones and run all content (although we don't do as much Marauders and DF at the moment).

    What we are looking for:
    Guild 17 or higher.
    18+ years old.

    What we can offer:
    Alliance Discord.
    Weekly Giveaways.
    Quality Trolling.
    Friendly People.
    Game and Build knowledge.

    Guild list:
    Harvesters of Sorrow GH20.
    Burning Throne GH20.
    The Defiant Few GH18.
    The Deadpool GH20.
    Rezolute GH20.
    Wyld Mutiny GH20.
    Invictus Brotherhood GH20.
    Illuminaughty GH20.
    Don't be Rama Rama GH20.
    Slaughterhouse GH20.
    Tranquillty.FR GH 20

    For more information message BeaSTy_HoBo_ on PSN

    submitted by /u/SamgoFandango
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    Another question about Redeemed temp Campaign

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Someone asked this on the forums already, but I found it to be a good question. If you buy out the campaign and you do not get around to finishing all 4 tiers by the time it ends in December does that disappear as well or will that stay forever until you can personally finish it on your character to unlock all the items at your own pace. Example you would not be able to finish campaign till Feb 2021. Will that stay around as a progress bar since you started it or will it go away with everything else? If it goes away, where do the items go?

    submitted by /u/Winteranesti
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