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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Neverwinter Rings of Fallen Power/Brutal Fiend vs +3% melee rings

    Neverwinter Rings of Fallen Power/Brutal Fiend vs +3% melee rings

    Rings of Fallen Power/Brutal Fiend vs +3% melee rings

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    Which one would be better for a melee DPS, 7500 power for 10 seconds, or +3% damage to my melee powers all the time? I have one ring set as the +3% melee and the other as +3% at will currently.

    submitted by /u/OkPizza8243
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    Appearance item

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Are we just going to forget that everyone wants the wings to do the flappy flap?

    submitted by /u/not_soinvisible
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    What is your preferred tank to have in your squad.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Feral Velociraptor AH Cost?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what these sell for on the AH? On PS4 there are only 2 and they are auction only starting at 900,000AD.

    submitted by /u/cosmic_killa
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    Morlanth's shroud

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    I completed this quest line looong ago when Mod11 was out. Is there an actual way to still get in there and reacquire this drop?

    I've seen the ancient messages of people saying kill the shrouds around the area to get the quest item again to open it up but has anyone actually done this or is it just Neverwinter legend ;)

    Edit: So the quest item does drop. Doesn't seem like there is a limit as I ran about 18 of them today. No sign of the chest though. I did put in a ticket asking if the item does indeed drop from redoing the quest line or was it just a one off. I'll update with a response if I get one. Though knowing how cryptic does stuff I'm going to bet it was a one and done.

    Edit2: The reply I received:

    "Hello, Adventurer.

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I understand that you would like to get another Morlanth's Shroud. Please note that it can only be obtained once from completing the quest, Shard of Night. Do not worry as there are better types of equipment that you'll get as you progress in the game. Though i know you'd like to receive it for collection purposes, i'm afraid there's nothing we can do to obtain it again.

    Your understanding is highly appreciated. Let us know if you have further concerns by submitting a new ticket. Thank you, and have a good day."

    So there you have it future players who might search for this topic. The armor drops the first time the quest is completed and never again so don't waste your time :)

    Maybe someday they will add in a way to get all the old armors with cosmetics.

    submitted by /u/__Eion__
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    Warlock armour

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    So, I have a warlock and in the options when you choose a warlock the character wears that beautiful suit with the fluffy hood and it's got a red theme. I was wondering if that's actually armour in the game that I can get and use as my appearance. If so could someone send me a link to a guide on how to get it or tell me how? Does anyone also know any good builds for a cleric and for a warlock. Thank you. <3

    submitted by /u/AvGDz
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    Healing - General Questions to help me understand

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    OK. So I'm wondering a few things because I see responses and can't find data to back them up - or maybe I'm missing the data:

    1 - Does each heal crit separately per person like it used to (for example does healing word crit separately for each person affected)? If so, then

    1a - What about simultaneous critical heals? Isn't this a problem with the crit to power ratio at all costs argument? To crit simultaneously 5 people if each person rolls separately would be 50%^5 (3.13%) wouldn't it? I'd still have to throw down 2 heals to catch those who didn't crit. Now if it crits for all, it's a different story. from a gameplay perspective, I would think simultaneous crit heals would be a major consideration in whether to invest in the crit to power ratio 100% at higher power levels at all costs. I only ever see single target heal analysis done.

    2 - At what point does Outgoing healing of 3% actually beat power? I've done a graph for myself that shows my heal strength is better with my deep crow at 164k power than another 3% OH companion (by about 0.02 magnitude, but still why waste the diamonds when my deep crow is better). I charted it out as well to verify and then verified it with Janne's site to ensure my chart was accurate. the only thing I lose is crit ratio - goes from 46% to 44%, which my question 1b gets into.

    3 - Why are people finding healing boring? I run with a group that aggros large mobs and find that it's anything but boring in IC. I have to really pay attention to the tank and healing word is not enough and too much of a drain to keep up (magnitude is too low on repeat and takes too long to repeat). Perhaps I'm lucky (or just that bad)

    Of all of these simultaneous crit heals is my biggest question because it really gets to the heart of whether I would invest in critical strike at the expense of power (e.g. it has playstyle implications)

    Again, maybe I'm missing the data on all of this, so please point me in the right direction (I've analyzed Janne's site significantly, which is why I have these questions)

    BTW - I am a cleric healer

    submitted by /u/arche289
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    Panther companion

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Hello, I have question for companion "panther".

    It is written in the descripton: Increases the power of you At-Will attacks against Rooted targets by 4%.

    I don't know how to understand it. Whether it's about monsters and bosses that stand in one place?

    My second question concerns "Witch" (2.000 CA and 1.000 Power) and "Minstrel" (1.000 Power and Awaneress). It is worth developing these companions to the maximum level or are they different, better (hitting the same slots).

    submitted by /u/Vetirity
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    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Anyone know what Orbarazzi is? It's in my title list but I don't know where it came from or what it means. :)

    submitted by /u/DOC_NW
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    A link from hell

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    So I'm thinking of making a new toon and desiging it to flavorfully be essentially Link but as a tiefling and hes from avernus just for fun. My only question would be class. Do I make him a guardian fighter or a hunter ranger? I'm leaning toward hunter ranger more but I'm struggling with which of links equipment I feel is more iconic, his shield or his bow? Lmk your thoughts please :D

    submitted by /u/Pulsatingmaggot666
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    2020 - Worth Returning

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    I played from the open beta until module 12 and played a bit during uprising.

    And now my fingers are itching to play Neverwinter again. But is it worth playing?

    Most important from me is the server performance. During my last dive into the game i noticed a degradation from the server side.

    Ping goes crazy. Trials like Tiamat limited to 2 groups instead of 5 and the protectors enclave could hold 160 player at once, the last time i checked it was limited to 20 or 40 players.

    So it is important to me how this game with its action combat now performs.

    submitted by /u/Karakla
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    I heard you can farm WEs endlessly. How does it work?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I asked this on a discord server and someone told me about everyone needing to have the quest but then someone needs to leave and then the rest of the group finishes the WE or something and it was really confusing... Can anyone just explain to me in detail what needs to be done?

    submitted by /u/Ronisoni14
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    What are the mounts/insignia bonuses and companions in the current mod for max dps ?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    My character is a barb

    submitted by /u/erkinus
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    Most effective way to buy zen

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Gunna be renewing my VIP for the first time in a while, to get most for my money is it better to buy a bundle off the Microsoft store that includes zen? Or just get it through game?

    Play on Xbox. Only wanting a month to get back into the game so £10 or less ha!

    submitted by /u/Equivalent_Capital_7
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    I don’t know if this is allowed but is any high level players willing to give me good items they don’t need? Companions, runes. Anything really, I don’t really ask for birthday presents like at all but it’s my 21st and i do know inventory becomes tight lol

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I'm done... I enjoy the game when it works. I have never had such a buggy rage inducing time on an mmo.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    2 weeks of several hours at a time trying to learn the game after not playing since launch and I just can't do it. My wife and I and my Cousin all play together in GW2, ESO, Vermintide...and while all games have bugs this thing at least at starting level is unplayable. Quests fail constantly and have to be redone by some party members sometime 2, 3 times. Doors close in an instanced dungeon trapping the other party members from going to the battle and then their quest fails. What in the hell? I enjoy the world Love D&D and the character creations and options but the ENDLESS bugs are killing this game. Why in the hell would I spend money on something this unplayable? And if its just the early levels then WTF am I supposed to do?

    submitted by /u/apothekari
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