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    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Neverwinter New to this game, some questions

    Neverwinter New to this game, some questions

    New to this game, some questions

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Should I become VIP? Is it worth it? How do expansions work? Do I have to pay for them? Getting access to other races I assume requires those expansions. Stuff a new player should know. :)

    submitted by /u/Atomicrose20
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    Is there a list of which t2 lures drop from t1 hunts?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Obikin89's Guide for Neverwinter

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Starting with my Guide for Clerics, after 3 long months reworking everything, I think it's ready enough for me the share it :


    This is my full guide for you, adventurers !

    There's still lots to do. And I hope we'll have lots of fun together on Neverwinter !

    Feel free to share your feedback. I'm sure there are mistakes, things I forgot, stuff I overlooked, and things you want added (like powers for every class, yes, they will come, eventually !).

    I hope you will enjoy it ! At the very least, thank you for reading it !

    submitted by /u/Obikin89
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    Some troubling things recently in NW

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    First, please let me say I am not a "doom & gloom" player. I have been playing for years and still play each week many hours. That being said, there has been some anecdotal things I have seen these past few weeks that has me a bit nervous.

    Lack of players in the legacy zones.

    For the record I am seeing this between 4pm and 10pm California time while playing in California. This should be prime playing time.

    Each time I have gone to Sharandar there has been one instance only.

    Each time I have gone to Dreadring, five or less instances.

    Each time I have gone to Barovia there has been two or less instances. Once, no kidding, I was the only person in Barovia period. Just one instance with me.

    Today I was in a few zones in Undermountain with only one instance.

    I understand that mid to long term players don't have much reason too visit these zones but these numbers are still scary.

    Prices on the AH on stuff that has been selling for 1000s for the last year are selling in the low hundreds now. This includes level 9 enchants and runes, less a few ones that are still holding there heads above 1000, barely.

    For a test I put some level nine enchants on for 299 and it took them all a few days to sell. If you are familiar with these things, that is shocking.

    Other higher end items I have seen always over 400 items listed are now less than a 100. Recently, I have had a few of the newer companion/mount packs in the AH and it was the only one.

    Waits on random queues (less skirmishes) are stoopid long. In fact, I haven't been able to use a DPS toon now for months actually since last year. Today I even tried using my cleric healer and gave up after 30 mins. I don't know what's happening but I can't imagine how discouraging this must be for new players who need to complete some of the lower dungeons.

    And lastly, I know so many people who hung in there after the companion do over but this things with the mounts? It was the last straw. People who own level 20 guilds, people have been playing for yeas and years, people who just can't do it any more. It's one thing for changes to give access to a path moving forward but both the new companion and mount system pushed people who had spent 100s of real dollars backwards. It's fool me once, that's your bad, fool me twice? That's my bad. It's too much.

    I know we hear this things after all the big changes, but this feels different to me.

    submitted by /u/Autumn_Witch
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    What happened with colors of Ceremonial Protector's Tunic?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    When I bought it at Jubilee and yet few days ago it had colours like red, gold, green. Now them gone and appearance has diffrent color (I did not edit them), not so life, something like bright brown and yellow only.

    Others parts of this stuff have same problems? Is it a bug or devs made this intentionally in one of patch?

    submitted by /u/Urwijajka
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    Dom Solo PvP griefing

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Domination solo PvP is so toxic on PS4. Any new player tries to give it a go and the toxic moles from certain guilds immediately spam "kick kick kick kick". These guys have gotten so scumy about it and I'm so tired of hearing it that I think they should take PvP kicks out of the game. It's not fair to any new player to get griefed, tell spammed and dumped on because they want to try a part of the game.

    If you only want to play PvP with certain people, run the premade queue. Otherwise it should be for everyone.

    submitted by /u/belaalnwo
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    Trade bar merchant, bound or not?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    I want to buy some marks of potency from the trade bar merchant to flip them on the AH. I was wondering if they will be bound to my character, the tooltip does not say if they will be.

    submitted by /u/st1441
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    Returning to Neverwinter, What Class To Make my Tiefling?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    For a minute I was thinking "I could go with irony and play a Tiefling Cleric" but I dunno how well that would go. lol

    I played Warlock for a while on Neverwinter and had fun with it but I want to try some other classes and I am too indecisive on what to pick. lol

    submitted by /u/ArchiboldRavencroft
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    Abyssal Chicken

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    People keep telling me Abyssal Chicken is the best companion right now. Is that true or am i being trolled?

    submitted by /u/MoraBlj
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    Account banned before ever logging in?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Just downloaded the game from steam went to log in for the first time and it said my account has been banned. This a bug or something?

    EDIT: Tried making a new account and it says my birthday is invalid lol

    EDIT: Remembered 3 years ago played on xbox so that account must of been hacked. Went to make new account said i didnt fill out all fields, but i did.

    Refreshed page says the new email i tried to use was in use, so i tried to recover pw for that email got error no account with that email.

    submitted by /u/Izletz
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    Older player, new to console, seeking opinions

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Long story short, played on release for PC, took a long break and came back to level cleric and rogue. Both immensely fun, but never really had people to play with.

    Pc died and I just found out its not cross platform, so I'm starting new. I don't know exactly what era i stopped playing, but I was queuing up for tiamat and I ran with Bruenor and drizzt in the underdark and gauntlgrym. There may have been paladins and warlocks? But definitely no barbarians.

    I don't mind playing alone, but I don't know if I want to level a cleric again. Looking for something useful in group, but also fun and solo friendly. Playing the rogue to figure out xbox controls.
    I intend on dropping $10-20 just cause I enjoy throwing game, but I'm not sure where to put it, if anyone has any suggestions

    Tldr: your favorite solo\group class, what's the best bang for buck for $20

    submitted by /u/RogalDornsDick
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    Problem with journal not showing quests

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    For some reason, my journal will not show me any quests in Barovia. Even if I drop them all and pick them up again, new, the do not appear. They will appear on the right side of my screen, but if I open my journal Barovia isn't even listed as an option. I have tried the different options in the journal and arranging quests each way I can, but still no luck. Any ideas? TIA

    submitted by /u/van_clouden
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    Juma bags vs maps?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Loot looks to be the same lvl/stat wise when comparing treasure maps and Juma bags. Where is time best spent, running over gimps for maps or farming Ape?

    submitted by /u/thelizardking81
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    I think I should stop being a fighter and pick up... whatever healers use.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Equipping +4 and +5 Rings of Fallen Power

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Why can't I do this?

    Edit: Why can't I equip both at the same time?

    submitted by /u/ErnieHophkins
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    Bank, Mailbox

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    can i call up the bank or mailbox for someone else to use?

    i know i can with the signpost

    and... are the prevented from seeing my bank and mail

    submitted by /u/limmo
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    Hello, I have a question about companions and bonding stones.

    When it say % of companions stats, is that all your equip ones or everyone that you have?

    Maybe I missed the game explaining it, but I'm just not sure whether to improve all my companions or just a selective few.

    submitted by /u/RevanDarkside
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